1994 Montreux Jazz Festival

Stephan Eicher, 01 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Stephan Eicher (voc, g), Chaelaewaeigger (bells), Deney Brigent (voc), Ismael Lo (voc, g), Tommy Vetterli (g), Dominique Regeff (vieille), Sam Broussard (g), Sterling Campbell (dr), Serge Salibur (b), Achim Meier (p), Nicoloiae Neascu (Cello, voc.), Ion Manole (Cello, voc.), Paul Giuclea (Cello, voc.), Constantin Lautary (Cello, voc.), Ghorge Anghel (Cello), Ghorge Falcaru (flute), Marin Manole (acc.), Ionita Manole (acc.), Pirvan Florea (acc., voc.), Ion Tanase (timbals), Marinel Sanoly (timbals), Vlad Viorel (b.)
1 Unknown title 2 Unknown title 3 Unknown title 4 Unknown title 5 Unknown title 6 Unknown title 7 Unknown title 8 Unknown title 9 Unknown title 10 Unknown title 11 Unknown title 12 Unknown title 13 Unknown title 14 Hope 15 Tu me dois rien 16 Pas d'ami comme toi 17 Rien a voir 18 Ni remords ni regrets 19 Tajabone 20 Dibi dibi rek 21 Femme sans haine 22 Manteau de gloire 23 Band Presentation 24 Don't disdain me 25 Baiser orageux 26 Unknown title 27 Riviere 28 Dejeuner en paix 29 Silence 30 Combien de temps 31 Can't help falling in love with you 32 Des hauts et des bas 33 Guggisberglied medley 34 Ciao, ciao 35 Interlude 36 Intro Riviere -
Cruzeiro Del Sul, 02 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Marcos Cortesao (back voc), Benoit Corboz (kb), Toninho Do Carmo (g, cavaquinho), Andy Lafone (b, back voc), Angelo Guevara (dr), Jorge Cortesao (perc), Carlos Petersen (perc), Carla Carvahlo (voc), Osvaldo Francisco (back voc)
1 Agua escura 2 Teu perfume 3 Rola rola 4 Verde amarelo 5 Capa de gibi 6 Ilhabela 7 Glho velho 8 Rapa do Rio 9 Batom Vermelho 10 Saci perere 11 Conversa boa 12 1 de Janeiro 13 Quem gostar -
Daniela Mercury, 02 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Daniela Mercury (voc), Ramon Cruz (dr), Cesario Leony (b), Tony Lemos (g), Cassio David Santiago (kb), Beto Rezende (perc), Stella Campos (back voc), Sueli Ramos (back voc)
1 Canto da cidade 2 1. Pega aqui oh, 2. Ilha de bananas 3 1. Voce nao entende nada, 2. Cotidiano 4 Jangada 5 Bandidos 6 Ha tempos 7 So pra te mostrar 8 Crinça e fé 9 Batuque 10 Rosa negra 11 1. Depois do Ile, 2. Madagascar 12 Swing da cor 13 O mais belo dos belos 14 Vulcao da libertade 15 Canto da Cidade -
Edson Cordeiro, 02 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Edson Cordeiro (voc), Tuco Marcondes (voc, hca, g), Eduardo Contrero (perc), Armando Tiberio (dr), Jorge Oscar de Souza (b, voc), Miguel Neto (p, voc)
1 Habanera 2 Seguedille 3 Cold song 4 Cafe de chinitas 5 Zorango gitano 6 Naturtraene 7 Creole love call 8 Ave Maria 9 Errei Sim 10 Bom dia tristeza 11 E o mundo nao se acabou 12 Todos os nomes 13 Ze o Brasil 14 Mercedez Benz 15 Speak Lord 16 Paranoia 17 Instrumental 18 Joshua fit the battle of Jericho 19 Eles 20 Baiaoque 21 Bloody Mary 22 Kiss -
Jorge Ben Jor, 02 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Jorge Ben Jor (voc, g), Ary Dias (perc), Lorival Costa (kbds), Joao Lucrecio (b), Eduardo Helbourn (dr), Nelson Guimares (perc), Sergio Souza (tb), Jose Carlos Ramos (s), Flavia Kalaf (back voc), Mariana Rocha (dancers), Renato Cunha (dancer), Rebeca Salomao (dancers), Ana Luisa Rosendo (back voc)
1 A Banda Do Ze Pretinho 2 1. Sta Clara Clareou, 2. Ai Ai Caramba, 3. Zarzuera 3 Oe, Oe Faz O Carro De Boi Na Estrada 4 Chove Chuva 5 1. Pais Tropical, 2. Sprio Giro 6 Ive Brussel 7 W-Brasil 8 Cowboy Jorge 9 Mas Que Nada 10 Filho Maravilha 11 Alcool 12 Os Alquimistas Estao Chegando 13 Engenho De Dentro 14 1. Taj Mahal, 2. A Banda Do Ze Pretinho -
Ney Matogrosso Y Aquarela Carioca, 02 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Ney Matogrosso (voc), Paulo Brandao (b), Lui Coimbra (cello), Mario Seve (s), Paulo Muylaert (g), Marcos Suzano (perc, pandeiro)
1 Noticias Do Br 2 Fm Rebeldia 3 A Tua Presencia Moena 4 Cicime 5 Sangere Latino 6 Mal Me Quer 7 Los Muchados De Copacabana 8 El Manicero 9 Joia 10 Cheiro De Saudade 11 Pedra De Rio 12 Ilha De Itamaraca 13 Vendedor De Bananas 14 Trem Das Onze 15 Pavao Misterioso 16 Balada Do Louco 17 Rosa De Hiroshima -
Rafel Lima, 02 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Rafael Lima (voc, g), Stacy Bocato (tb), Paulo Levy (s, fl), Nicola Marinonni (perc), Calibre Baixo (b, voc), Wolf Kershen (kb, marimba)
1 Tapuia 2 Arribada malunga 3 Janataira 4 Modo indio 5 Cacula 6 Fogueira 7 Nao 8 Festanca 9 Ponta dos flexeros -
Araketu, 03 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Tarol Claudio (perc), Tatau (voc), Birro Pacheco (g), Alexandre Cortes (kbds), Jorjao Bafafe (perc), Leleq (perc), Marao (perc), Tinho Oliveira (perc), Gil Resende (dr), Bentes (s)
1 Nago Dance 2 Raça negra 3 Africa 4 Sacode Io io 5 Beleza latina 6 Samba duro 7 A que bom demais 8 Minha historia 9 Tambores Avenida 10 Samba duro 2 11 Sissi aqui e o que e -
Bruno Nunes, 03 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Bruno Nunes (voc), Simone Moreno (voc), Rowney Scott (sax), Alexandre Silvas (g), Yacof (kb), Novais (kb), Erick Firmino (perc), Peu (perc), Marco (perc), Tonho Batera (dr)
1 Milagres do Povo 2 A gente sofre 3 Maluco Belza 4 Marinheiro 5 Samuray 6 Toda Menina Baiana 7 O que e o que -
Chiclette com Banana, 03 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Robert Bell (voc, b), Lilia Rey (dr), Johnny Others (g), Deny Teclado (perc), Valtinho (perc)
1 Cara caramba 2 Diga pra mim 3 Capoeira 4 Vum Bora Amar 5 Cabelo duro 6 Fazer Amor 7 Fe Brasileira 8 Amar Voce Nao Doi 9 Soteropolitano/Leva La 10 Menina me da seu amor 11 Tropico banana 12 Gritos de guerra 13 Samba pra ti 14 Gritos de guerra 15 Meu bem quero te amar 16 Meu cabelo duro e assim -
Diana Miranda, 03 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Diana Miranda (voc.), Paulinho Ditarso (perc), Pierre Luc (p), Dudu Trentin (kb), Mauro Martins (b), Endrigo Bettega (dr), Admir Candido (g), Tamara Lyane (back voc), Elia Jones (Back voc)
1 Filhas d'Africa 2 Essa Menina 3 Filomena e Fedegoso 4 Virgem Deflorada 5 Confiance 6 Oxossi 7 Gol do Brasil 8 Porta 9 Brejo da Cruz 10 As 7 Marias 11 Filhas d'Africa -
Dis Bonjour à La Dame, 03 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Sital (vboc), Christophe Denis (g), Marc Israel (g), Jose Sanches (g), Bao Lao (dr), Olivier Astresse (perc), Nicolas Avril (ts), Claudio Pallaro (ts), Philippe Hulot (tp), Esther Wilson (perc), Patrick Audinau (tb), Alain Villaneau (as), Eric Demon (rapper)
1 Scherazade's Groove 2 Christal 3 Just like before 4 All blues 5 You Want to know 6 Mama had to tell me 7 This funk -
K-Racters, 03 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Cécilia T. (voc), Ian Soul'o Kalondgi (voc), Doumé Houlmann (perc), Raphael Fruttaldo (g), Michelangelo Pin (dr), Christophe Diard (kbds), Tom Colabello (b)
1 Weird place 2 Ride on Time 3 Get Down 4 So special 5 K-talk 2 -
Mad In Paris, 03 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Jean-Luc Ponty (tp), Fred Schneider (g), Patrick Scales (perc), Stefan Wagner (kbds), Cc Rider (voc, perc), Ounsa (voc), Sergio (dr), Yoan (as), Ludwig Gorhan (ts)
1 Good Motion 2 Funky Takini 3 Come To My Soul 4 Gogojam 5 1. Faut Qu'Ca Bouge, 2. Reveillez-Vous 6 Soul Party 7 1. Paris Blues, 2. Funky Horny -
Mellowman, 03 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Patrick Lissee (voc), Dj Cool (dj), James Tenor (b, voc)
1 Intro 2 Pyromellowman 3 Ainsi va la vie 4 Mic mac 5 Happy days 6 Gardez l'ecoute 7 Le temps de vivre 8 Check liste -
Simone Moreno, 03 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Simone Moreno (voc), Rowney Scott (s), Yacof (kb), Novais (kb), Marco (perc), Tonho Batera (dr), Saul Barbarossa (g), Alexandre Silva (g), Eric Firmino (perc), Alba Porto (back voc), Lala (back voc)
1 Capoeira 2 Alegria da cidade 3 E toque de timbaleiro 4 Eh Moça 5 Dinheiro 6 Descobridor dos sete mares 7 Vamos Fugir 8 No woman no cry 9 Beija Flor 10 Requebra 11 Lua dos amantes 12 Samba 13 Emilio 14 Chama Gente 15 Pais Tropical -
Toots Thielemans Brazil Project, 03 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Toots Thielemans (hca, g), Brian Bromberg (b), Eliane Elias (dr), Ivan Lins (kbds, voc), Ricardo Silveira (g), Oscar Castro-Neves (g), Mike Shapiro (dr, voc)
1 Felicia e Blanca 2 Obsession 3 Like a lover 4 Casa Forte 5 Moments 6 Samba de uma nota so 7 Estamos ai 8 Oe 9 Começar denovo 10 Manha de Carnaval 11 Blusette -
Vercoquin, 03 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Cyril Aveque (dr), Seb Martel (g), Thierry Stremler (voc), Hervé Selters (kbds), Christophe Mink (b)
1 Femmes qui groovent 2 La valise d'Elise 3 Mille et Une Nuit 4 Laure adore -
Andreas Vollenweider and Friends, 04 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Andreas Vollenweider (harp), Walter Keiser (dr), Eliza Gilkison (voc, g), Eberhard Hahn (wind instr), Marc Portmann (g), Christoph Wiesendanger (kbds)
1 Song of Isolde 2 Across the iron river 3 Eolian Minstrel 4 Harvest 5 The years in the forest 6 The woman in the stone 7 Pace verde 8 Pearl & Tears 9 Harp solo 10 Desert of rain 11 Interlude 12 Book of Roses 13 Night fire dance 14 Unknown title 15 Five sisters 16 Painters Waltz 17 Jours d'amour -
Noa, 04 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Noa (voc, perc), Gil Dor (g, voc)
1 Michaela 2 Eye Open 3 Wild flower 4 I don't know 5 Nocturnal 6 Yuma 7 It's obvious 8 Seven Five 9 Child of man 10 Freight trane -
Sens Unik, 04 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Carlos Leal (Lead rap), Rade (rap), Osez (rap), Sista D (voc), Bio (dr), Just One (DJ)
1 Chromatic 2 Le repas 3 Laisse toi aller 4 Le 156 5 A gauche, a droite 6 Je veux des vacances 7 Aujourd'hui 8 El Sueno 9 HBRR 10 What I've got 11 J'ai peur des requins 12 L'ile au tresor 13 La feuille blanche 14 Rira bien 15 Les pendules a l'heure 16 Les repas -
Soon E MC, 04 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Soon E MC (voc), Hypolite Doe Bruce (dancer), Eric Bourgeois (fl), Guy Miamona (b), Avelino Quilez (g), Christophe Medgoub (DJ), Pascal Doe Bruce (kb), Guy Harvey (s), Francois Ricard (dr), Olivier St-Just (rapper)
1 Groove free 2 Au nom des miens 3 Chauffeur de taxi 4 Wadchie wadcha 5 Quelque chose qui cloche 6 Combattre c'est etre 7 Abattu a mort 8 Point de vue 9 Sa motivation 10 Sur le boulevard 11 500 One for all 12 Rap Jazz soul -
Stanley Clarke, Al Di Meola and Jean-Luc Ponty, 04 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Stanley Clarke (b), Monty Alexander (guest piano), Jean-Luc Ponty (vln), Al Di Meola (g)
1 Song to John 2 Memory Canyon 3 Cancion Sofia 4 Summer country - solo Di Meola 5 School dazs - solo Clarke 6 Eulogy to Oscar Romero - solo Ponty 7 Renaissance 8 The Chilean pipe song 9 Song to John 10 Indigo -
The Roots, 04 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Black Thought (rapper), Questlove (dr), Leonard Hubbard (b), Malik Abdul Basit Smart (rapper), Nikki Yeah (kbds)
1 Unknown title 2 Intro 3 Mellow my man 4 Tighten ya cipher 5 Romain Calm 6 Dot dot dot 7 Dat Scat 8 Swept Away 9 Essaywhuman 10 Let's dance to the drummer's beat 11 Do You Want More?!!!??! 12 Proceed 13 Don't call me baby -
Comanche Park, 05 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Jason Rebello (kbds), Fionn O'lochlain (b), Marcus Myers (lead g), Kathleen Pearson Thomas (voc), Graham Hennessy (dr), Melanie Lewis (back voc)
1 Comanche Park 2 Shades of blue 3 Never Enough 4 White heart 5 Magic Stars 6 Black girl rock 7 Crucify 8 Shades of blue -
Dwight Yoakam, 05 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Dwight Yoakam (voc, g), Pete Anderson (g), Taras Prodaniuk (voc, b), Jimmy Christie (dr), Skip Edwards (kbds), Scott Joss (fiddle)
1 Turn it on, turn it up, turn me loose 2 Guitars, cadillacs 3 Little sister 4 It only hurts when I cry 5 The heart that you own 6 This time 7 Streets of Bakersfield 8 Little ways 9 You are the one 10 Please, please baby 11 Nothing changes 12 Lonesome road 13 1000 Miles 14 Distance 15 Pocket 16 Wild ride 17 Two doors down 18 King of fools 19 Honky Tonk man 20 Fast as you 21 Long white Cadillac -
Galliano, 05 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Earl Zinger (voc), Auntry Val (voc), Le Pump (dr), Ernie McKone (b), Pepster (g), Ski (kbds), The Baron Snaith (vibe controller), Uncle Big Man (perc), Duncan Spry (perc)
1 Bloodlines 2 From the North 3 Earthboots 4 Believe 5 Rise & Fall 6 What Colour Our Flag 7 I return 8 Masterplan 9 Prince of peace 10 Jazz 11 Just reach 12 Long time gone 13 Storm clouds -
Jim Lauderdale, 05 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Jim Lauderdale (g, voc), Buddy Miller (g, voc), Dusty Wakermann (b), Joe Golmark (g, peddle steel), Donald Lindley (dr), Stephan Barber (kbds)
1 Big time 2 Where the sidewalk ends 3 Divided and conquered 4 Why do I love you 5 I'm on your side 6 I wasn't fooling around 7 Don't trust me 8 Grace's song 9 Wake up screaming 10 Pretty close to the truth 11 What you don't know 12 Half way down 13 Lucky 13 14 King of broken hearts 15 Devil starts crying with M. Alexander -
Johnny Cash, 05 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Johnny Cash (g, hca), June Carter Cash (g), Robert C. Wootton (g), David Roe Rorick (b), W. S. "Fluke" Holland (dr)
1 Folsom prison blues 2 Get rhythm 3 Sunday morning coming down 4 Ring of Fire 5 I walk the line 6 I guess things happen that way 7 Ghost riders in the sky 8 Delia's gone 9 Tennessee Stud 10 Bird on a wire 11 Let the train blow the whistle 12 The beast in me 13 Redemption 14 Big river 15 Jackson 16 Will the circle be broken 17 Orange Blossom Special 18 Interlude 19 San Quentin 20 The next time I'm in town 21 Interlude -
Silent Majority, 05 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Erik Truffaz (tp), Marcello Giuliani (b), Pierre Audétat (kbds), Cyrille Bugnon (s), Nya (voc), R. Test (voc), Dj Goo (DJ), Christophe Di Marci (dr)
1 Intro 2 U Dig 3 Flankly speaking 4 Curfue 5 Plot 51 6 Conscience 7 Kicken politik 8 Steel weather 9 Invention 10 Dread serious 11 Dans une autre langue 12 Trippin 13 Witness -
Geoffrey Oryema, 06 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Geoffrey Oryema (g, voc, lukeme, nang), Jean-Pierre Alarcen (g, back voc), Patrick Buchmann (dr, back voc), Dominique Gastrein (kb, back voc)
1 Jok omako nyako 2 Kel kweyo 3 Acholi blues 4 Nomad 5 Umoja 6 Gang deyo 7 Hard labour 8 Market day 9 Lapwony 10 The river 11 Land of Anaka 12 Gari moshi 13 Payira wind 14 Piri wango iya 15 Ye ye ye -
Luther Allison, 06 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Luther Allison (voc, g), Eddie Kirkland (g), Kenny Neal (g), Andrew Love (s), Wayne Jackson (tp, tb), Yvette Prreyer (dr), Earnest Williamson (org), Dave Smith (b), James Solberg (g), Robert Lucas (g)
1 Bloomington 2 Put your money where your mouth is 3 Middle of the road 4 Bad love 5 I wanna know 6 Soul fixin man 7 Hurts me too 8 Freedom 9 Messin with the kid 10 Things I used to do 11 Meet me in my own town -
N.G La Banda, 06 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Jose Luis Cortes (voc, fl), Elpido Chapottin (tp), José Miguel "El Greco" Crego (tp, flh), Rolando Peres (as), Rafel "Jimmy" Jenks (ts), Tony Cala (voc), Mariano Mena (voc), Miguel A. De Armas (kbds), Rodolfo Argudin (p), Calixto Oviedo (dr, paila), Umberto Sosa (congas), Feliciano Arango (b), Pablo Cortes (bongos), Guillermo Amores (guiro)
1 Congo 2 Que Es Esto 3 El rap de la muerto 4 Santa palabra 5 Espana 6 Merengue Espanol 7 Pelota 8 Picadillo de soya 9 Echale limon -
Paul Rodgers and Friends, 06 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Paul Rodgers (voc, g), Neal Schon (g), Jason Bonham (dr), Ian Hatton (g), John Smithson (b), Steve Lukater (g), Brian May (g), Sherman Robertson (g)
1 Traveling man 2 Wishing well 3 Interlude 4 Louisiana blues 5 Fire and water 6 Muday water blues 7 Good morning little school girl 8 I'm ready 9 Little bit of love 10 Mr Big 11 Feel like making love 12 Let me love you baby 13 Hunter 14 Can't get enough 15 All right now 16 Crossroads 17 I'm Your Hoochie Coochie man 18 Shaker up guest : Eddie Kirkland/ C. Nobs 19 Tell Who's Your Man -
Robert Lucas, 06 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Robert Lucas (g, voc)
1 Lady D 2 Jinx around my bed 3 Teraplaine blues 4 Can't be satisfied 5 My home is a burning 6 Ringing that lonesome bell -
Steve Lukater's Los Lobotomy's, 06 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
David Garfield (kbds), Simon Phillips (dr), Steve Lukater (g, voc), John Pena (b)
1 Hero with a 1,000 Eyes 2 Freedom 3 Dis memberment 4 Never walk along 5 Extinction blues 6 Party in Simon's pants -
Tania Maria, 06 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Eddie Gomez (b), Sammy Figueroa (perc), Tania Maria (voc, kbds)
1 Made in New York 2 It's only love 3 O bom e 4 E carnaval 5 Come with me 6 Bom, bom, bom, tchi, tchi, tchi 7 Sangria minha mae -
Bobby Mc Ferrin and Bang Zoom Trio, 07 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Bobby McFerrin (voc), Eddie Marshall (dr), Paul Nagel (p), Jeff Carney (b)
1 I mean you 2 Love's in need 3 Snake 4 Moondance 5 Heaven's design 6 Bobby's blues 7 Sightless bird 8 Selim 9 Ave Maria 10 Piano on the floor 11 Solo 12 Spain 13 Improviso 14 Kid's Toys 15 Unknown title 16 Chicken -
Cafe Tacuba, 07 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Ruban Albarran (voc), Emmanuel Del Real (kbds), Enrique Rangel (b), Jose Rangel (g)
1 El Aparato 2 La Ingrata 3 El Ciclon 4 Persianas 5 Maria 6 Batallas 7 Rarotonga 8 La Cumbancha 9 El fin de la infancia 10 La chica banda 11 Las flores 12 Interlude 13 El punaz y el corazon 14 La zonala -
Gotthard, 07 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Steve Lee (voc), Hena Habegger (dr), Leo Leoni (g), Igor Gianola (g), Marc Probst (b)
1 Higher 2 Standin' the light 3 Love 4 money 4 Fire dance 5 Down town 6 Get it 7 Hush 8 Angel 9 Interlude 10 Mountain 11 She Goes Down 12 Rock'n roll 13 I'm on my way 14 1. Why don't we do it in the road, 2. Come together -
Patent Ochsner, 07 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Buene Hueber (voc), Philippe Stadler (g), Stefan Ehrenyeller (b), Martin Frutiger (dr), Carlo Brenni (s), Pascal Steiner (s), Martin Neuhaus (tb), Resli Burri (perc)
1 Hotel 2 Eberhart 3 Grossband 4 Maria Magyar 5 Saebutanz 6 Naebe de Gleis 7 Balkon 8 Unknown title 9 Unknown title 10 Kohl you Rolf 11 Ochsetuur 12 Zucker 13 Fischer 14 Mitt Schiffs 15 Voruss 16 Balpwoos 17 Schlafflied 18 Guet & Gaerrn 19 Shuumbad 20 Patent Ochsner 21 Aimmilth -
Pow Wow, 07 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Bertrand Pierre (voc), Pascal Periz (voc), Alain Chenneviere (voc), Ahmed Mouci (voc), Yvo Abadi (perc)
1 Mama 2 Jesus 3 Vaudou 4 Chain Gang 5 Allongé sur mon sampan 6 Run on 7 Le lion est mort ce soir 8 Devenir Cheyenne 9 Le chat 10 Iko iko 11 We will rock you 12 Louie Louie 13 Sixteen tons -
Seguridad Social, 07 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Jose Manuel Casan (voc), Alberto Tarin (g), Jesus Gabaldon (b), Rafael Villalva (dr)
1 Mi rumba tarumba 2 Me siento bien 3 Oye como va 4 Que no se extinga la llama 5 El viajero 6 Aceituna 7 Ayitenochtitlan 8 Quiero tener tu presencia 9 Wish you where here 10 Chiquilla 11 1,2,3, mueve los pies 12 Que te voy a dar -
Wynton Marsalis Septet, 07 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Herlin Riley (dr), Wycliffe Gordon (tb), Wynton Marsalis (tp), Wes Anderson (as), Victor Goines (ts), Eric Reed (perc), Ben Wolfe (b)
1 In this house, on this morning 2 Local announcements 3 Buggy Ride 4 Spring Yaounde 5 Holy Ghost 6 Blues for Charlie Brown 7 Play the blues and go 8 Jig's jig 9 Cherokee 10 Solo -
Angélique Kidjo, 08 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Angélique Kidjo (voc), Joao Mota (g), Jean Hebrail (b), Alain Bonnin (kbds), David Fall (dr), Jacques Largent (perc), Myriam Betty (voc, b), Sylvia Laube (b, voc)
1 Ekoleya 2 Kpeti 3 Logozo 4 Lonlon waojro 5 Adouma 6 Tanyin 7 Blewu 8 Houngbati 9 Idjeidje 10 Yemanja 11 We-we 12 Agolo 13 Malaika 14 Batonga 15 Aouma 16 Senie 17 Houngbati -
Fito Paez, 08 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Rodolfo Paez (kbds, voc, g), Claudia Puyo (b, voc), Daniel Colombres (dr), Augusto Herrera (g, voc, g), Fabian Gonzalez (kbds, voc,), Guillermo Vadala (b), Osvaldo Fatorusso (perc)
1 El amor despues del amor 2 Giros 3 Tumbas de la gloria 4 11 y 6 5 Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazon 6 Trafico por Katmandu 7 Ciudad de pobres corazones 8 A rodar mi vida 9 Alegria a mi corazon 10 Un vestido y un amor 11 La ciudad de los pibes sin calma -
Ismael Lo, 08 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
El Hadj Faye (perc), Ismael Lo (g, hca), Camara Youssou (dr), Asse Malick Diouf (g), Samba Laobé N'Diaye (b), Ousmane Wade (kbds), Louis Sagna (kbds), Sene Arame (dance)
1 Interlude 2 Nabou 3 Jelebi 4 Nafanta 5 Dibi dibi rek 6 Sophia 7 Tajabone 8 Tajabone avec le public 9 Femme sans haine 10 Baol baol 11 Thedo 12 Souleymane 13 Talibe -
Mana, 08 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Schneiter Alex (dr), Fher (voc), Juan Diego (b), Juan Carlos Toribio (kbds), Gustavo Orosco (g)
1 Pies e cabeza 2 Oye mi amor 3 La chula 4 Donde jugaran los ninos 5 Vivir sin aire 6 El rey 7 Como diablos 8 Como te deseo 9 Rayando el sol 10 Me vale -
Miguel Bosé, 08 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Miguel Bosé (voc), Edith Salazar (kbds), Manuel Villata (kbds), Javier Quilez (b), Pedro Andrea (g), Sergio Castillo (dr)
1 Lo que hay es lo que ves 2 Te comería el corazón 3 Manos vacías 4 Bambu 5 Que no hay 6 Bajo el signo de Caín 7 Sol forastero 8 Si tú no vuelves 9 Nada particular 10 Amante bandido 11 Sevilla -
Presuntos Implicados, 08 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Soledad Gimenez (voc), Juan Luis Gimenez (g), Vicente Sabater (kbds), Salvador Ortiz (dr), Ricardo Belda (p), Nacho Mano (b)
1 3 x 4 2 Me das el mar 3 Mil mariposas 4 Estrella 5 Actriz 6 Mi pequeno tesoro 7 Siento Vida 8 Palabras 9 Alma de Blues 10 Como hemos cambiado 11 Sed de amor 12 En la oscuridad -
Ziskakan, 08 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Gilbert Pounia (voc), Tetty Baptiste (g), Pascal Reymond (kbds), David Felix (b), Philippe Baraka (dr), Harry Perigonne (perc, voc), Claude Quinpandedie (perc), Patricia Payet (b, voc)
1 Trozour 2 Romans Lao 3 Kaskas Nikola 4 Lontan Komn Komela 5 Vale 6 Nasyon 7 Baba priyer malo ya 8 Batan Lanm 9 Bonbon 10 Okala -
Alannah Myles and Nine Below Zero, 09 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Jerry McAvoy (b), Brendan O'Neill (dr), Alannah Myles (voc), Kurt Schefter (g), Phil Johnstone (kbds), Denis Greaves (voc, g), Alan Glen (hca), Brendan O'Neil (dr), Larry Coryell ()
1 Don't point your finger 2 Soft touch 3 On the road again 4 Tough times 5 Bleeding heart 6 I never loved a man 7 L&N 8 One way ticket 9 Pack fair and square 10 This is a man's world 11 Tumbleweed or rolling stone 12 Living on a memory 13 Rocking horse 14 Hurry make love 15 Mercy 16 Black Velvet 17 Southern man 18 Still got this thing for you 19 Medley -
Barbara Best Singers, 09 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Barbara Best (voc), Lois Tillery (voc), Sylvia Wayman (voc), Linda Gore (voc), Rickey Payton (p), Keith Moncrief (org, voc), Michael Verner (dr)
1 Get away Jordan 2 Swing low 3 I decided to make Jesus my choice 4 Stand by me 5 Fix me Jesus 6 Something got a hold of me 7 Done made my wow 8 Jesus he is my King 9 I've found a new doctor 10 Somebody touched me 11 Love to praise him -
Big Geraniums, 09 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Jenny Wood (voc), Seanin Hawthornthwaite (voc, mandolin), Jonas Read (g, voc), Dara O'donaghue (g, voc), Neal McCartney (fiddle, voc), Morris Culligan (kbds), Mull Molloy (b), Sykes Sullivan (dr)
1 Unknown title 2 Unknown title 3 Speechless 4 In My Darkest Hour 5 Home Again 6 One Little Bird 7 Ship Sink Down 8 Days Like These 9 History Hobbles 10 Money 11 Evolution 12 Zebra 13 Jungle 14 Windows 15 Soldiers Boots 16 Grouper Fish 17 The Last Waltz 18 Big Geraniums 19 Big Geraniums bis -
Katell Keineg, 09 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Katell Keineg (voc, g)
1 Come all ye 2 One hell of a life 3 Cut 4 Destiny's darling 5 O seasons, o castles 6 Veni, vidi, vinci 7 Mother's map 8 The partisan 9 Franklin -
Sharon Shannon, 09 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Trevor Hutchinson (b), Sharon Shannon (acc), Mary Custy (fiddle), Donough Hennessy (g)
1 Sparky 2 The Big Mistake 3 Sandy River Belle 4 Unknown title 5 Coridinio 6 The Mighty Sparrow 7 The Penguin 8 Out the gap 9 Shetland Feature Tune 10 Bungee Jumpers 11 Bill Tooles 12 Phil Cunningham -
The Atlanta Superchoir, 09 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Edward Brantley Jr (), Arthur Lee Andrews (), Maurice F. Culpepper (), Linda D. Cummings (), Eleanor Fielder-Joubert (), Christopher M. Hagan (), Juan B. Hendrix (), Leeslynn C. Hendrix (), April Broughton Holloman (), James "Hutch" Hutchinson (), Donn D. Johnson (), Wanetta Lashaun Jones (), Deidra J. Lee (), Annette Lenox (), Juanita Lockhart (), Margaret R. Maddox (), Willie Cedric Maddox (), Cynthia Sue Mallatt-Grow (), Jamie Malone (), Kim L. Norman (), Leslie Pace (), Cathy Petterson (), Penny Ray (), Anita Y. Reynolds (), Mark Smith (), Artis Lamar Trice (), Carmen D. Walker-Momon (), André J. White (), Tammy White (), Keith Wilson (all voc), William Kelvin Broughton (dir, Organ), Theodore Gilbert III (b), Otis Gould (perc), Sheryl Y Harper (dr), Ismael Embry (p), Sterling Holloman Jr (g), Cassandra Wilson ()
1 You are worthy 2 I will praise thee 3 Love conquers hate 4 Stand still and know 5 God has a plan 6 Medley Take me back/Changed/Lord lift us up/Oh Happy days 7 Yes, I will 8 Medley 9 Our weapons are not carnal 10 When the Saints go marching in -
Van Morrison, 09 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Van Morrison (voc, s, g), Georgie Fame (org), Ronnie Johnson (g, m d), Tenna Lyle (vb, perc), Geoff Dyann (dr), Nicky Scott (b), Kate St. John (s, oboe), James Hunter (g), Leo Green (s), Hadj Ahka (tp), Brian Kennedy (voc)
1 Did Ye Get Healed 2 All In The Game 3 I Believe 4 Whenever God Shines His Light 5 Crazy Love 6 Hungry For Your Love 7 See Me Through 8 Ain't That Loving You 9 Help Me 10 They Call It Stormy Monday 11 Tupelo Honey 12 Moon Dance 13 1. I'll Take Care Of You, 2. Man's World 14 Turn On Your Lovelight 15 Lonely Ave 16 1. In The Garden, 2. No Guru, No Method, No Teacher -
Dave Steel, 09 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
1 Dreams Of Blue Johanna 2 Unknown title 3 Speechless 4 In My Darkest Hour -
3 D Echo, 10 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Frankel Danny (dr, b, voc), Garry "Tetley" Taylor (b, voc), Rob Clydesdale (g, voc)
1 Sideshow 2 Mad 3 Win some lose some 4 Test of time 5 Face the music 6 Lonely 7 Next to you 8 Trip 9 Struck dumb 10 Feed me to the lions 11 Sing yourself to sleep -
Giovi and The Rubber Soul, 10 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Giovanni Russo (voc), Andu Mueller (kbds), Baba Barozzi (b), Michel Hedderich (g), Attila Seifert (dr), Renee Rousseau And His Foetus (voc), Juerg Heer (tp), Fioi Turrin (s), Reto Gloor (tb)
1 Sweet soul music 2 Hard to handle 3 How can I get your love 4 Day by day 5 The rose 6 River deep mountain 7 A fool for you 8 Soul sister brown sugar 9 Soul man 10 Knock on wood -
Heitor and Friends, 10 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Ian Kirkham (s, kbds), Nick France (dr), Heitor Perreira (g), Chucho Merchán (b), Bosco De Oliveira (perc)
1 Casa do baiao 2 Salsalito 3 Bale 4 Mal da Lua 5 Mora na filosofia 6 Bacaxa 7 Gol 8 Manchester 9 Frevo 10 Ligeirin 11 Infinity 12 City eye -
Joe Louis Walker, 10 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Joe Louis Walker (voc, g), Paul Rivelli (dr), Henry Oden (b), Michael Eppeley (kbds), Thomas Rosefield (g), Mark Whitnez (s), Kevin Toomey (tp)
1 Can't get off my mind 2 Rain on my mind 3 Inner city man 4 Let's rock a while tonight 5 Little village 6 Rebecca 7 Bit by bit 8 Hot tomele baby -
Johnny Clyde Copeland, 10 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Johnny Clyde "Johnny" Copeland (g, voc), Bobby Kyle (g), Floryd Phillips (kbds), Randy Lipincott (b), Barry Harrison (dr)
1 My moods 2 Rolling with the punches 3 Cut off my right arm 4 Catch up with the blues 5 Hooked hogtied and coloured 6 Pie in the sky 7 Nobody but you 8 Learned my lessons 9 Promised myself 10 Flying high 11 Life's rainbow 12 Hootchie cootchie man 13 Look on yonder's wall -
Keziah Jones, 10 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Keziah Jones (g, voc), Phil Sould Sewel (b), Richie Stevens (dr)
1 Profane games 2 Funk n'circumstance 3 Prodigal funk 4 Interlude 5 Colorful world 6 Man with a scar 7 Unknown title 8 Invisible ladder 9 Freenegro interstellar 10 Free your soul 11 Cash 12 Where's life 13 Rhythm is love 14 Splash 15 Fundalying undermentals 16 Interlude 17 African space craft -
Urgent Feel, 10 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Pierre-Yves Borgeaud (dr), Moreno Helmy (s), Christophe Koenig (voc), Pascal Walpen (tp), Jean-Pierre Lugnon (s), Martin Chabloz (kbds, org), Jesus Gomez (g), Carole Rey (b), Zaina Gurr (voc)
1 Maranatha 2 L.V 3 Cutie 4 Keep the flame burning 5 How does the earth turn 6 Follow your heart 7 Choose your way 8 You're all I need 9 Duo sax/batterie 10 Gotta new plan 11 Urgent part 11 12 Matanetha 13 Working in the night club -
Wallace Roney Quintet, 10 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Gil Goldstein (kbds), Wallace Roney (tp), Antoine Roney (s), Eric Allen (dr), Clarence Seay (b)
1 Meu Menino 2 Melchizedek 3 Devastation 4 Mysterious 5 If I should lose you -
Albert Mangelsdorf, 11 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Albert Mangelsdorf (tb), Reto Weber (perc), Djamchid Chermirani (zarb), Nan Twum Nketia (perc)
1 Apostro 2 Tokwe 3 Relax 4 Sun sun 5 Laingue 6 Waka 7 Asuo 8 Cool April 9 Together Wass 10 Landscapes -
Lalo Schifrin's Jazz Meets The Symphony 2, 11 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Jon Faddis (tp), Slide Hampton (tb), Ray Brown (b), Paquito D'Rivera (as), James Morrison (tp), Grady Tate (dr), The Muenchner Rundfunk Orchester ()
1 Down here on the ground 2 Madrigal 3 It's you or no one 4 Dizzy Gillespie Fireworks 5 Old Friends 6 Chano 7 Blues in the bassment 8 Sketches of Miles 9 Django 10 Brush strokes 11 Echoes of Duke Ellington 12 Battle hymn of the Republic 13 Begin the begin 14 Portrait of Louis Armstrong 15 Mission impossible 16 Here it is -
Malcom Persson Braff, 11 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Malcolm "Persson" Braff (p, perc, misc)
1 July 11th 2 Guglie's 3 July 11th 4 July 11th 5 Aquarela do Brasil -
Seigen Ono, 11 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Seigen Ono (conduct, g), Mane Silveira (as), Yohichi Murata (tb), Maxine Neuman (cello), Joao Parahyba (perc), Douglas Brown (dr), Roy Nathason (s), Jun Miyake (flh, p), Tonhino Ferraguggi (acc), Hiroki Miyano (g), Marc Marder (ab), Ondina De Castilho (dancer), Keiko Courdy (dancer)
1 Something to hold onto 2 I do love you a little 3 Vida boa 4 A person and a photography 5 Enishie 6 I am a good fish 7 Persian blue 8 Bar del Mattatoio 9 Julia -
Southwest Missouri University Big Band, 11 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Jerry Hoover (dir), David Chael (s), Jim Dickey (s), Frank Thiebeault (s), Dan Aitis (s), Bob Swanson (tb), Paul Baur (tb), Craig Teague (tb), Adam Waler (tb), Chris Miller (tb), Linda Dixon (tp), Juan Meraz (tp), Nate Winter (tp), Eric Griffin (p), John Strickler (g), Steve Wallis (b), Sam Kallaos (dr), John Pizzarelli ()
1 Blues du jour 2 Kansas City shout 3 Some day 4 Air mail special 5 Things ain't what they used to be 6 Splendid splinter 7 Baby Medley 8 Just of Skosh 9 All of me 10 Sing, sing, sing -
Bela Fleck and The Flecktones, 12 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Victor Wooten (b), Bela Fleck (bjo), Future Man (kb, drumitar, synth)
1 South 2 The Loch's of dread 3 A night in Tunisia 4 The chase 5 Sex in a pan 6 Bumpershoot 7 New waltz 8 Bluegrass 9 Life witout Elvis -
Bob Dylan, 12 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Bob Dylan (g, voc), Tony Garnier (b), Bucky Baxter (pedal steel), Winston Watson (dr), John Jackson (g)
1 Jokerman 2 Lay Lady Lay 3 All among the watchtower 4 I don't believe you 5 Tangled up in blue 6 I'll be your baby 7 Love minus zero no limits 8 Masters of war 9 Don't think twice it's all right 10 God knows 11 Shooting star 12 Maggies Farm 13 Ballad of a thin man 14 It ain't me babe -
Cassandra Wilson, 12 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Cassandra Wilson (voc), Jeff Haynes (perc), Lonnie Plaxico (b), Brandon Ross (g), Lance Carter (dr), Charlie Burnham (vln, mandolin)
1 Come On In My Kitchen 2 Children Of The Night 3 Skylark 4 Redbone 5 Interlude 6 I Can't Stand The Rain 7 Blue Light Till Dawn 8 Black Crow 9 Tupelo Honey 10 Hellhound On My Trail 11 San Kofa -
Joe Lovano Sextet, 12 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Joe Lovano (ts), Judi Silvano (voc), Tim Hagans (tp), Ken Werner (kbds, p), Scott Lee (b), Jeff Williams (dr)
1 Luna Park 2 Forth Worth 3 Worship 4 Portrait of Jenny 5 In the land of Ephesus 6 Topsy Turvy -
Orphy Robinson, 12 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Richard Davis (voc), Winston Clifford (dr, perc), Orphy Robinson (vb, marimba), Robin Aspand (kbds), Dudley Philips (b)
1 Shadow 2 Ain't got what you want 3 Story 4 Chunky but funky 5 42 the power 6 Monica 7 Different tune 8 We'll help them grow -
Rory Gallagher, 12 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Rory Gallagher (g, voc), Mark Feltham (hca), David Levy (b), Richard Newman (dr), John Cook (kbds)
1 Continental Op 2 Moonchild 3 I wonder who 4 The loop 5 Ghost blues 6 Could have had religion 7 Walking blues 8 Western plain 9 Blue moon 10 Off the handle 11 Messin'with the kid 12 I'm ready -
Django Bates, 13 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Django Bates (p)
1 Freely 2 The Loneliness Of Being Right 3 Hollyhocks 4 Is There Anyone Up There 5 Sweetie 6 Autumn Leaves 7 Rat King 8 J.T. -
Herbie Hancock and Guest, 13 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Herbie Hancock (p), Terri Lyne Carrington (dr), Bill Summers (perc), Vernon Black (g), Angel Figueroa (perc), Will Griffin (kbds), Bernie Maupin (s), Darrel Smith (kbds), Art Poter (), Gary Thomas ()
1 Watermelon man 2 Canteloupe 3 Call it 94 4 Moujaba/Bobaabeda 5 Dis is da drum 6 Interlude 7 Ju ju Butterfly 8 The melody 9 Hump 10 Chameleon -
Peter Delano, 13 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Peter Delano (p)
1 Improvisation 2 What is this thing called love -
Randy Weston, 13 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Randy Weston (p)
1 Little Niles 2 Blue Moses 3 1. 7th Queen, 2. Berkshire Blues, 3. African village 4 The healers 5 Interlude 6 Medley : niger mambo -
Ray Bryant, 13 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Ray Bryant (p)
1 Lullaby Petit 2 Moanin' 3 Con alma 4 Unknown title 5 My one and only love 6 Unknown title 7 Saint Louis blues 8 When I look in your eyes 9 Things ain't what they used to be -
Rodney Kendrick, 13 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Rodney Kendrick (p)
1 The last day 2 Blue monk 3 The son is 4 Body & Soul/Love is the answer -
Roy Hargrove Quintet and Guests, 13 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Christian McBride (b), Peter Martin (perc), Gregory Hutchinson (dr), Joshua Redman (s), Ron Blake (s), Rodney Whitaker (b), Roy Hargrove (tp, flh), Johnny Griffin (s)
1 Close your eyes 2 Once forgotten 3 Never let me go 4 For Rockelle 5 Unknow 6 Two bass hit 7 Blues for Boot Greens 8 When we were one 9 Resolution 10 Greens at the chicken shack 11 Lake dance 12 Soppin'the biscuit -
Betty Carter & Her Trio, 14 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Jacky Terrasson (p), Betty Carter (voc), Eric Revis (b), Will Terrill (dr)
1 You Stepped Out Of A Dream 2 In The Still Of The Night 3 Tight 4 Love Noons 5 I Should Care 6 The Good Life 7 This Is Always 8 I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire 9 Thirty Years 10 You're Mine, You 11 Naima's Love Song -
Charlie Haden and The Liberation Music Orchestra, 14 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Graham Haynes (tp), Charlie Haden (b), Paul Motian (dr), Earl Gardner (tp), Javon Jackson (ts), Ken McIntyre (as), Joe Daley (tuba), Amina Claudine Myers (voc, p), Mick Goodrick (g), Billy Pierce (ts), Ahnee Sharon Freeman (flh), Curtis Fowkles (tb)
1 Ngosi sikelel i Afrika 2 Balad of the fallen 3 Spiritual 4 La passianoria 5 Silence -
Gabrielle Goodman, 14 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Wolfgang Muthspiel (g), Marc Johnson (b), Gabrielle Goodman (voc), Arto Tuncboyaciyan (perc, voc), Thomas Alkier (dr)
1 On green dolphin street 2 Sorry to say good bye 3 On a clear day 4 My funny Valentine 5 Cherokee 6 Until we love 7 One for my baby & one more for the road 8 Over the rainbow -
Helen Merrill Trio, 14 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Roland Hanna (p), Helen Merrill (voc), Jeff Siegal (dr), Atsundo Aikawa (b)
1 Stella by starlight 2 Come rain or come shine 3 So in love 4 Lover man 5 What is this thing called love 6 Cavatina 7 Autumn leaves 8 Sometimes I feel like a motherless child 9 My Favorite Things 10 Summertime 11 Every time we say good bye 12 It don't mean a thing 13 Round about midnight -
Shirley Horn Trio, 14 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Shirley Horn (p, voc), Charles Ables (b), Steve Williams (dr)
1 Foolin'myself 2 Return to paradise 3 How insensitive 4 Just in time 5 A song for you 6 Hard hearted Hannah 7 Lush life 8 Something happens to me 9 Blues for big Scotia 10 Confession -
Vienna Art Orchestra, 14 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Corin Curschellas (voc), Andy Scherrer (reeds), Herbert Joos (flh), Christian Radovan (tb), Claudio Pontiggia (flh), Matthieu Michel (tp), Matthias Ruegg (dir), Bumi Fian (tp), Harry Sokal (reeds), Klaus Dickenbauer (reeds), Florian Bramboeck (reeds), Herwig Gradischnig (reeds), Danilo Trenzi (tb), Charly Wagner (b, tb), Franck Tortiller (vb), Uli Scherrer (p), Heiri Alkier (dr)
1 Intro Hobo Ho 2 The shoes of the fisherman's wife 3 The eye of the Hurricane Sue 4 Don't be afraid, the clown's afraid too 5 Red shoes 6 Madness in great ones 7 Anitra's dance 8 Come Sunday 9 El gato 10 Interlude 11 What's new 12 Day dream 13 Lush life 14 Onde upon a summertime -
Eddie Palmieri, 15 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Richie Flores (congas), Brian Lynch (tp), Ralph Moore (ts), Eddie Palmieri (p), Steve Wilson (as), Johnnz Benites (b), Jose Clausell (timb), Antony Carrillo (bongos)
1 Palmas 2 The slow visor 3 Palo pa rumba 4 La comparsita -
Me'shell Ndegeocello, 15 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Daniel Sadownick (perc), Me'shell Ndegeocello (voc, b, kbds), David Fiuczinski (g), Wah Wah Watson (g), Federico Gonzalez (penq. kbds), Joseph Fain (b), Arif St. Michel (voc), Biti Strauchn (voc), Jojo Meyer (dr)
1 Two lonely hearts 2 Call me 3 Dread lock 4 Boyfriend 5 Outside your door 6 Step into the project 7 I'm diggin' you 8 Soul on ice 9 Shootin'up and gett'n high -
Natalie Cole, 15 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Natalie Cole (voc), Catte Adams (back voc), Harold Jones (dr), Terry Trotter (p), Charles Floyd (dir), John Chiodini (g), Jim Hughart (b), Lanny Morgan (s), David Trigg (tp), Julie Delgado (back voc)
1 Medley 2 It's sandman 3 Almost like being in love 4 Swinging shepard blues 5 I wish you love 6 Mona Lisa 7 Lush Life 8 Smile 9 Route 66 10 Straighten up and fly right 11 I'm gonna laugh you right out of my life 12 The song is ended 13 Tisket a tasket 14 Fiesta in blue 15 Surrey with the fringe on top 16 Sentimental reasons 17 Autumn Leaves 18 Unforgetable 19 It's sandman 20 Avalon 21 Thou swell 22 Orange coloured sky 23 Our love is here to stay 24 Interlude -
New Orleans Blues Revue with Earl King, 15 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Robert Harvey (b), Earl King (g, voc), Wilbert Widow (dr), Warner Williams (s), Frank Parker (tp), Jerome Ballero (g), Kim Phillips (g)
1 Unknown title 2 Love rent 3 The things that I used to do 4 Trick bag 5 Time for the sun to rise 6 It all went down the drain -
New Orleans Blues Revue with Irma Thomas, 15 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Irma Thomas (voc), Robert Harvey (b), Wilbert Widow (dr), Warner Williams (s), Frank Parker (tp), Jerome Ballero (g), Kim Phillips (kbds)
1 Interlude 2 Don't mess with my man 3 It's rainy 4 I done got over it 5 Ruler of my heart 6 Time is on my side 7 I wish someone would care 8 Baby I love you 9 I needed somebody 10 I've been loving you too long 11 I'll always love you 12 Simply the best 13 Oh Poo Pa Doo -
Umo Jazz Orchestra, 15 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Rich Shemaria (conductor), Pentti Lahti (), Heinlae (sax), Esko Heikkinen (), Timo Paasonen (tp), Markku Veijonsuo (), Jere Laukkanen (tb), Seppo Kantonen (p), Ari-Pekka "Ape" Anttila (b), Markus Ketola (dr), Mikael Langbacka (tb), Mikko Mustonen (), Pekka Pohjola (), Tero Sarti (tp), Tapio Maunuvaara (), Teemu Salminen (sax), Janne Murto (sax), Jouni Jaeeervelae (), Sonny Heinilä ()
1 Long ago and far away 2 All or nothing at all 3 My shining hour -
Willy Deville, 15 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Willy Deville (voc, g), Mario Cruz (s), Seth Farber (kbds), Fredddy Koella (g), David Keyes (b), Boris Kinberg (perc), Shawn Murray (dr)
1 Mellow saxophone 2 Slow drain 3 Steady driving man 4 Everything 5 Cadillac walk 6 Bamboo road 7 Mixed up, shock up girl 8 Every dog 9 Key to my heart 10 All in the name of love 11 Angel eyes 12 Heaven stood still 13 Even while I sleep 14 Demasiado corazon 15 Spanish stroll 16 Hey Joe 17 New Orleans 18 Stand by me 19 Interlude 20 Dust my broom -
Aduri Yama (Amazonas), 16 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Tony Medeiros (voc), Charles Belchieur (dir), Eneas (congas), Diolando (timb, bongo), Saba (g), Alex Pontes (charango), De Monteverde (surdo 1), Marlo (surdo 2), Bene Menezes (caixinha), Daniela Assayag (dancer), Waldi Santana (page), Nicole Belchieur (dancers)
1 Grito Gerreiro 2 Filhos Do Sol 2 3 Tupa Uputari 4 O Deus Tupa 5 Unankuie 6 Fibra De Aruma 7 Patria Mata 8 Paraponera 9 Icamiaba -
Cyrus Chestnut, 16 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Cyrus Chestnut (p), Steve Kirby (b), Clarence Penn (dr)
1 Kattin 2 One 87 3 The Mirrowed Window 4 It Is Well 5 Blues For Nita 6 Sometimes I'm Happy 7 Yard Bird Suite 8 Can We Talk 9 Revelation -
Earth Nation, 16 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Rose (), Ralf Hidenbeutel (kbds), Marcus Demel (g), Olivier Poschmann (b), Paul Schulte (dr)
1 Falling tears 2 In your mind 3 Revelation 4 1. World in blue, 2. Retrospect 5 Claim or passion 6 Alienated 7 In your mind -
John Scofield and Pat Metheny Quartet, 16 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
John Scofield (g), Pat Metheny (g), Steve Swallow (b), Bill Stewart (dr)
1 You Speak My Language 2 The Red One 3 No Matter What 4 Everybody's Party 5 Summertime 6 Message To My Friend 7 Question And Answer -
Marcus Miller, 16 July 1994, Auditorium Stravinski
Marcus Miller (b), Kenny Garrett (s), Poogie Bell (dr), Dean Brown (g), Michael "Patches" Stewart (tp), Bernard Wright (kbds, tb, g), Wah Wah Watson (g), Morris Pleasure (kbds)
1 Rampage 2 Tutu 3 Paint Her 4 The King Is Gone 5 Catembe 6 Scoop 7 Body And Soul 8 Juju 9 Improvisation 10 1. Teen Town, 2. Hang Up Your Hang Ups 11 Improvisation Blues -
Recycle Or Die Allstars, 16 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Steffen Britzke (), Martin Haas (), Bobby Sattler (), Helmut Zerlett (), Walter Dahen ()
1 Dimension 2 Hope and passion 3 Jupiter 4 Desert bean 5 Coming back 6 La lune de miel -
The Ambush, 16 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
Olivier Lieb (), Harold Grasskopf (), Markus Riesster (), Bas Breckhuis (), Marvin Smith (), Bridgeck Qfeara ()
1 Rain 2 Casablanca 3 My name is Gott 4 Terra 5 Jungle Fever 6 Aton 7 Sun 8 Rain bis 9 My name is Gott -
DJ Alex Azary, 16 July 1994, Miles Davis Hall
1 Unknown title 2 Unknown title 3 Unknown title
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