(Jazz / Swing / Gypsy) Stephane Grappelli / Стефан Граппелли - 84 альбома (Baden Powell, Barney Kessel, Claude Bolling, David Grisman, Diz Disley Trio, Django Reinhardt, Dr.L Subramaniam, Earl Hines, Eddy Louiss) - 1947-2005, MP3, 128-320 kbps
Stephane Grappelli / Стефан Граппелли / 84 альбома (Baden Powell, Barney Kessel, Claude Bolling, David Grisman, Diz Disley Trio, Django Reinhardt, Dr.L Subramaniam, Earl Hines, Eddy Louiss)
Жанр: Jazz / Swing / Gipsy
Страна: Франция
Год издания: 1947-2005
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps
Продолжительность: 74:35:26
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: частично да
О Стефане Граппелли
About Stephane Grappelli (In English)
1947 - 1969
1947 - Le Quintette Du Hot Club In Paris De France (Django Reinhardt)(320kbps)(1.06.16)
1956 - Improvisations. Piano a gogo (320kbps)(1.13.55)
1962 - Felling+Finesse=Jazz(320kbps)(37.37)
1962 - Pent Up House (320kbps)(44.10)
1967 - Violin Summit (Smith, Asmussen, Ponty) (320kbps)(40.53)
1969 - Le Toit De Paris (320kbps)(36.10)
1969 - Limehouse Blues (Barney Kessel) (320kbps)(49.23)
1969 - Meets Barney Kessel (Barney Kessel)(320kbps)(52.59)
1969 - Paris Encounter (Gary Burton) (320kbps)(35.27)
1970 - 1979
1970 - I Hear Music(192kbps)(42.25)
1971 - Afternoon In Paris (192kbps)(52.25)
1971 - Stuff And Steff (Stuff Smith) (320kbps)(38.49)
1972 - Jazz Violin Summit (Jean-Luc Ponty) (192kbps)(52.10)
1973 - Jean-Luc Ponty & Stephane Grappelli (320kbps)(35.04)
1973 - Parisian Thoroughfare (Roland Hanna)(320kbps)(58.35)
1974 - La Grande Reunion (Baden Powell) (320kbps)(53.54)
1974 - Meets Earl Hines (192kbps)(46.08)
1975 - Violinspiration (Diz Disley Trio)(192kbps)(47.58)
1976 - Jean-Luc Ponty (320kbps)(52.12)
1976 - Violin Summit (Jean-Luc Ponty) (320kbps)(35.24)
1978 - Live at Carnegie Hall (320kbps)(34.43)
1978 - My Fathers Place(192kbps)(1.03.05)
1978 - Tea For Two (Yehudi Menuhin) (320kbps)(45.16)
1979 - Young Django (Philip Catherine, Larry Corryell, Niels Pedersen)(320kbps)(38.02)
1980 - 1989
1981 - Top Hat (Yehudi Menuhin, Nelson Riddle)(320kbps)(49.09)
1981 - Vintage 1981 (128kbps)(46.10)
1983 - Stephanova (Marc Fosset)(128kbps)(38.18)
1984 - Conversations (Dr.L Subramaniam)(320kbps)(40.03)
1984 - Violins No End (Stuff Smith) (320kbps)(46.28)
1985 - Fascinating Rhythm (320kbps) (53.21)
1985 - For All Seasons (Yehudi Menuhin)(192kbps)(55.00)
1986 - Music Makers (Helen Merrill, Gordon Beck, Steve Lacy)(320kbps)(48.38)
1987 - Stephane Grappelli Plays Jerome Kern (128kbps)(56.51)
1988 - Compact Jazz (Jean-Luc Ponty) (320kbps)(56.49)
1988 - Gerome Kern (Yehudi Menuhin)(320kbps)(16.50)
1988 - Gershwin. Fascinating Rhythm (Yehudi Menuhin)(320kbps)(55.59)
1988 - Irving Berlin (Yehudi Menuhin)(320kbps)(23.40)
1988 - Jealousy & Other Great Standards (Yehudi Menuhin)(320kbps)(1.05.53)
1988 - Olympia 88 (Martial Solal)(320kbps)(1.07.48)
1988 - Play Berlin, Kern, Porter & Rodgers & Hart (1988) (Yehudi Menuhin) (320kbps)(1.09.07)
1988 - Souvenirs (The Quintet Of The Hot Club Of France, Django Reinhardt)(320kbps)(57.52)
1989 - Anything Goes (Yo Yo Ma) (320kbps)(54.55)
1989 - Strictly for the Birds (Yehudi Menuhin) (320kbps)(52.27)
1990 - 1999
1990 - One On One (McCoy Tyner)(320kbps)(43.30)
1990 - Play George Gershwin (Yehudi Menuhin)(320kbps)(56.33)
1990 - Satin Doll (Eddy Louiss, Kenny Clarke, Marc Hemmeler, Jimmy Gourley, Guy Pedersen)(320kbps)(1.16.49)
1990 - Stephane Grapelli in Tokyo (320kbps)(1.04.37)
1991 - First Class (Claude Bolling) (320kbps)(1.05.32)
1991 - It's Only A Paper Moon (192kbps)(57.13)
1991 - Nuages (320kbps)(57.20)
1991 - Warsaw Jazz Jamboree (McCoy Tyner) (320kbps)(55.22)
1992 - Legrand&Grappelli (Michel Legrand) (320kbps)(1.10.48)
1992 - Live, 1992 (Philip Catherine, Marc Fosset, Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen) (320kbps)(53.06)
1993 - 1935-1940 (Django Reinhardt, Michel Warlop, Louis Vola, Georg Shearing, Roger Chaput, Stanley Andrews, Harry Chapman, Reg Conroy) (320kbps)(1.02.06)
1993 - 85 & Still Swinging - Live at Carnegie Hall (320kbps)(57.32)
1993 - Anything Goes (Phil Woods)(128kbps) (37.46)
1993 - grappelli story CD1 (1938-1957) (320kbps)(1.15.32)
1993 - grappelli story CD2 (1962-1992) (320kbps)(1.10.20)
1993 - Two Of A Kind (Svend Asmussen)(320kbps)(42.29)
1993 - Swing from Paris (Django Reinhardt) (320kbps)(57.31)
1994 - Live (320kbps)(1.17.36)
1994 - Live, 1979 (David Grisman) (320kbps)(43.43)
1995 - A Portrait of Stephane Grappelli (320kbps)(1.0.48)
1995 - Happy Reunion (Martial Solal) (320kbps)(37.13)
1996 - Blue Skies (Eddy Louiss) (320kbps)(41.46)
1996 - Douce France (Michel Legrand)(320kbps)(1.07.34)
1996 - Live at the Blue Note (320kbps)(1.02.50)
1996 - Years Apart (Martin Taylor)(320kbps)(49.32)
1997 - Parisian Thoroughfare (128kbps)(58.35)
1998 - Fine and Dandy (Earl Hines, Alan Clare) (320kbps)(1.03.39)
1999 - Planet Jazz (320kbps)(51.04)
1999 - The Ultimate Collection (Django Reinhardt) (320kbps)(1.15.34)
2000 - 2005
2000 - I Remember Django - (Barney Kessel) (128kbps)(35.08)
2001 - Le Hot Club de France Vol.1 (Django Reinhardt)(192kbps)(1.05.48)
2001 - Le Hot Club de France Vol.2 (Django Reinhardt)(192kbps)(1.02.25)
2001 - Le Hot Club de France Vol.3 (Django Reinhardt)(192kbps)(1.02.13)
2001 - Le Hot Club de France Vol.4 (Django Reinhardt)(192kbps)(1.05.39)
2001 - Stephane Grappelli meets George Shearing in London (320kbps)(49.36)
2002 - Paris Concert Olympia (320kbps)(1.00.22)
2002 - Venupelli Blues (Joe Venuti) (320kbps)(31.49)
2003 - Stephane Grappelli & Django Reinhardt (320kbps)(1.04.27)
Жанр: Jazz / Swing / Gipsy
Страна: Франция
Год издания: 1947-2005
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps
Продолжительность: 74:35:26
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: частично да
Один из величайших джазовых скрипачей всех времен, Стефан Граппелли (родился и умер в Париже, 26.01.08 – 01.12.97) наравне с Джо Венути (Joe Venutti) и Стаффом Смитом (Staff Smith) входит в "большую предбоповую тройку" Проживший долгую жизнь, Граппелли, который был долгожителем и в джазе, немало сделал для того, чтобы скрипка стала джазовым инструментом.Стефан воспитывался в сиротском приюте. Шестилетним мальчиком начал танцевать в труппе Айседоры Дункан. Как скрипкой, так и фортепиано он овладел самостоятельно, несмотря на то, что в 1924-1928 годах учился в Парижской консерватории. Перед тем как в 1933 году встретить гитариста Джанго Рейнхардта (Django Reinhardt), Граппелли играл в оркестрах бродячих театров и танцевальных коллективов, зарабатывал как тапер в кинотеатрах и как скрипач салонного оркестра.
Слушая джазовые пластинки, начал импровизировать, копируя фразы Луи Армстронга, Бикса Байдербека и Арта Тэйтума. «Тэйтум был моим богом, — сказал он много лет спустя, — я хотел играть на скрипке, как он на рояле» . Встреча двух артистов в 1933 году сразу стала приносить обильные музыкальные плоды, несмотря на то, что стиль жизни одного из них совершенно не походил на стиль жизни другого (француз итальянского происхождения Граппелли был натурой утонченной, а цыган Джанго — настоящим сыном природы).
Руководитель "Горячего клуба" (Hot Club) Pierre Nourry предложил им идею струнного оркестра. Создав "Квинтет Горячего Клуба Франции" (The Quintet of the Hot Club of France) (1933-1939), в состав которого, помимо них, вошли еще два акустических гитариста и контрабасист, Граппелли и Рейнхардт осуществили не одну серию записей (Ultraphone, Decca и HMV) и выступлений, каждая из которых была сенсацией.Лондонский ангажемент 1939 года прервала начавшаяся Вторая мировая война. Рейнхардт решил вернуться во Францию, Граппелли же остался в Англии, эффектно завершив гастроли группы. Вскоре скрипач и молодой пианист Джордж Ширинг (George Shearing) создали новый ансамбль, который существовал в течение всей войны. В 1946 году последовало первое воссоединение Граппелпи и Рейнхардта, коих было несколько, в результате чего появилось много новых записей (несмотря на то, что музыканты никогда больше не сотрудничали на постоянной основе).
В 50-е и 60-е годы Граппелли работал в клубах Европы. В США же, не считая записей с Эллингтоном (Violin Summit) и Венути, до 70-х годов, когда начались регулярные мировые турне скрипача, он оставался практически неизвестен. С этого времени Граппелли стал завсегдатаем джазовых пулов. Он записал пластинки со Стаффом Смитом (“Violins No End”, 1957), Свендом Асмуссеном (“Two Of The Kind”, 1965 и “Violin Summit”, 1966), Джо Венути (“Venupelli Blues”, 1969), Барни Кесселом (“Stephane Grappelli Meets Barney Kessel”, 1969), Иегуди Менухиным (“Jelousy”, 1973), Жан-Люком Понти (“Stephane Grappelli And Jean-Luc Ponty”, 1973) и др. Весной 1974 выступил в Карнеги-холле в Нью-Йорке.Несмотря на прогрессирующее недомогание, Стефан Граппелли оставался активным и в 1989 году, вообще очень много записываясь в три последние десятилетия своей жизни. Все его ранние записи были переизданы в рамках классической CD-серии. В 1997 президент Франции Жак Ширак наградил Граппелли орденом Почетного легиона.
Слушая джазовые пластинки, начал импровизировать, копируя фразы Луи Армстронга, Бикса Байдербека и Арта Тэйтума. «Тэйтум был моим богом, — сказал он много лет спустя, — я хотел играть на скрипке, как он на рояле» . Встреча двух артистов в 1933 году сразу стала приносить обильные музыкальные плоды, несмотря на то, что стиль жизни одного из них совершенно не походил на стиль жизни другого (француз итальянского происхождения Граппелли был натурой утонченной, а цыган Джанго — настоящим сыном природы).
Руководитель "Горячего клуба" (Hot Club) Pierre Nourry предложил им идею струнного оркестра. Создав "Квинтет Горячего Клуба Франции" (The Quintet of the Hot Club of France) (1933-1939), в состав которого, помимо них, вошли еще два акустических гитариста и контрабасист, Граппелли и Рейнхардт осуществили не одну серию записей (Ultraphone, Decca и HMV) и выступлений, каждая из которых была сенсацией.Лондонский ангажемент 1939 года прервала начавшаяся Вторая мировая война. Рейнхардт решил вернуться во Францию, Граппелли же остался в Англии, эффектно завершив гастроли группы. Вскоре скрипач и молодой пианист Джордж Ширинг (George Shearing) создали новый ансамбль, который существовал в течение всей войны. В 1946 году последовало первое воссоединение Граппелпи и Рейнхардта, коих было несколько, в результате чего появилось много новых записей (несмотря на то, что музыканты никогда больше не сотрудничали на постоянной основе).
В 50-е и 60-е годы Граппелли работал в клубах Европы. В США же, не считая записей с Эллингтоном (Violin Summit) и Венути, до 70-х годов, когда начались регулярные мировые турне скрипача, он оставался практически неизвестен. С этого времени Граппелли стал завсегдатаем джазовых пулов. Он записал пластинки со Стаффом Смитом (“Violins No End”, 1957), Свендом Асмуссеном (“Two Of The Kind”, 1965 и “Violin Summit”, 1966), Джо Венути (“Venupelli Blues”, 1969), Барни Кесселом (“Stephane Grappelli Meets Barney Kessel”, 1969), Иегуди Менухиным (“Jelousy”, 1973), Жан-Люком Понти (“Stephane Grappelli And Jean-Luc Ponty”, 1973) и др. Весной 1974 выступил в Карнеги-холле в Нью-Йорке.Несмотря на прогрессирующее недомогание, Стефан Граппелли оставался активным и в 1989 году, вообще очень много записываясь в три последние десятилетия своей жизни. Все его ранние записи были переизданы в рамках классической CD-серии. В 1997 президент Франции Жак Ширак наградил Граппелли орденом Почетного легиона.
One of the all-time great jazz violinists (ranking with Joe Venuti and Stuff Smith as one of the big three of pre-bop), Stéphane Grappelli's longevity and consistently enthusiastic playing did a great deal to establish the violin as a jazz instrument. He was originally self-taught as both a violinist and a pianist, although during 1924-28 he studied at the Paris Conservatoire. Grappelli played in movie theaters and dance bands before meeting guitarist Django Reinhardt in 1933. They hit it off musically from the start even though their lifestyles (Grappelli was sophisticated while Django was a gypsy) were very different. Together as Quintet of the Hot Club of France (comprised of violin, three acoustic guitars and bass) during 1933-39 they produced a sensational series of recordings and performances. During a London engagement in 1939, World War II broke out. Reinhardt rashly decided to return to France but Grappelli stayed in England, effectively ending the group. The violinist soon teamed up with the young pianist George Shearing in a new band that worked steadily through the war. In 1946, Grappelli and Reinhardt had the first of several reunions although they never worked together again on a regular basis (despite many new recordings). Grappelli performed throughout the 1950s and '60s in clubs throughout Europe and, other than recordings with Duke Ellington (Violin Summit) and Joe Venuti, he remained somewhat obscure in the U.S. until he began regularly touring the world in the early '70s. Since then Grappelli has been a constant traveler and a consistent poll-winner, remaining very open-minded without altering his swing style; he has recorded with David Grisman, Earl Hines, Bill Coleman, Larry Coryell, Jean Luc Ponty and McCoy Tyner among many others. Active up until near the end, the increasingly frail Grappelli remained at the top of his field even when he was 89. His early recordings are all available on Classics CDs and he recorded quite extensively during his final three decades.
by Scott Yanow
by Scott Yanow
01. Old Man River (3:23)
02. R 42 (2:54)
03. Swing Guitars (2:55)
04. I Love You (3:16)
05. Tiger Rag (3:00)
06. Tears (3:43)
07. Dinah (3:35)
08. Then There Eyes (2:22)
09. Daphne (4:27)
10. How High The Moon (2:56)
11. Manoir De Mes Reves (4:28)
12. Danse Nuptiale (2:36)
13. Improvisation No. 5 (2:01)
14. Nuages (4:08)
15. Black Night (3:05)
16. Danse Norvegienne No 2 (2:49)
17. Micro (2:32)
18. Dream Of You (2:41)
19. Place De Broukere (3:15)
20. Manoir De Mes Reves (3:32)
21. C-Jam Blues (2:36)
02. R 42 (2:54)
03. Swing Guitars (2:55)
04. I Love You (3:16)
05. Tiger Rag (3:00)
06. Tears (3:43)
07. Dinah (3:35)
08. Then There Eyes (2:22)
09. Daphne (4:27)
10. How High The Moon (2:56)
11. Manoir De Mes Reves (4:28)
12. Danse Nuptiale (2:36)
13. Improvisation No. 5 (2:01)
14. Nuages (4:08)
15. Black Night (3:05)
16. Danse Norvegienne No 2 (2:49)
17. Micro (2:32)
18. Dream Of You (2:41)
19. Place De Broukere (3:15)
20. Manoir De Mes Reves (3:32)
21. C-Jam Blues (2:36)
01. The lady is a tramp (3:05)
02. Fascinating (2:56)
03. Dans la vie (3:55)
04. Cheek to cheek (3:10)
05. A nightingale sang in berkeley Square (3:12)
06. Taking a chance on love (3:03)
07. ґS gonderful (2:31)
08. Someone to watch over me (2:59)
09. If I had you (3:20)
10. Body and soul (2:35)
11. I want to be happy (2:15)
12. She's dunny that way (2:29)
13. Time after time (2:44)
14. Just one those things (2:34)
15. Lookin' at you (3:44)
16. Vous qui passez sans me voir (3:51)
17. Marno (2:46)
18. 18 - Wendy (4:50)
19. 19 - Crazy Blues (2:47)
20. 20 - Tendrement (3:47)
21. 21 Valse du passй (2:21)
22. 22 - I can't recognise the tune (3:29)
23. Viens au creux de mon йpaule (2:52)
24. 24 - Red-O-Rey (2:52)
02. Fascinating (2:56)
03. Dans la vie (3:55)
04. Cheek to cheek (3:10)
05. A nightingale sang in berkeley Square (3:12)
06. Taking a chance on love (3:03)
07. ґS gonderful (2:31)
08. Someone to watch over me (2:59)
09. If I had you (3:20)
10. Body and soul (2:35)
11. I want to be happy (2:15)
12. She's dunny that way (2:29)
13. Time after time (2:44)
14. Just one those things (2:34)
15. Lookin' at you (3:44)
16. Vous qui passez sans me voir (3:51)
17. Marno (2:46)
18. 18 - Wendy (4:50)
19. 19 - Crazy Blues (2:47)
20. 20 - Tendrement (3:47)
21. 21 Valse du passй (2:21)
22. 22 - I can't recognise the tune (3:29)
23. Viens au creux de mon йpaule (2:52)
24. 24 - Red-O-Rey (2:52)
01. Django (4:58)
02. Nuages (4:29)
03. ALabamy Bound (3:33)
04. You Better Go Now (2:55)
05. Daphne (3:24)
06. Le Tien (3:23)
07. Minor Swing (4:05)
08. Makin' Whoopee (3:34)
09. How About You (3:40)
10. Soft Winds (3:42)
02. Nuages (4:29)
03. ALabamy Bound (3:33)
04. You Better Go Now (2:55)
05. Daphne (3:24)
06. Le Tien (3:23)
07. Minor Swing (4:05)
08. Makin' Whoopee (3:34)
09. How About You (3:40)
10. Soft Winds (3:42)
1. Django (J. Lewis) 4:58
2. Nuages (Reinhardt/Larue) 4:28
3. Alabamy Bound (DeSylva/Green/Henderson) 3:34
4. You'd Better Go Now (Graharn/Reichner) 2:55
5. Le Tien (P. Cavalli) 3:24
6. Like Someone In Love (Burke/Vantleusen) 3:38
7. Minor Swing (D. Reinhardt) 4:04
8. Daphne (D. Reinhardt) 3:22
9. Soft Winds (B. Goodman) 3:43
10. Makin' Whooppee (Kahn/Donaldson) 3:33
11. How About You (Lane/Freed) 3:39
12. Pent Up House (S. Rollins) 3:30
Recording Date: Mar. 7-9, 1962
Personnel / Состав:
Stephane Grappelli - Violin;
Pierre Cavalli - Guitar (solos);
Leo Petit - Guitar (rhythmic);
Guy Pederson - Bass;
Daniel Humair - Drums
2. Nuages (Reinhardt/Larue) 4:28
3. Alabamy Bound (DeSylva/Green/Henderson) 3:34
4. You'd Better Go Now (Graharn/Reichner) 2:55
5. Le Tien (P. Cavalli) 3:24
6. Like Someone In Love (Burke/Vantleusen) 3:38
7. Minor Swing (D. Reinhardt) 4:04
8. Daphne (D. Reinhardt) 3:22
9. Soft Winds (B. Goodman) 3:43
10. Makin' Whooppee (Kahn/Donaldson) 3:33
11. How About You (Lane/Freed) 3:39
12. Pent Up House (S. Rollins) 3:30
Recording Date: Mar. 7-9, 1962
Personnel / Состав:
Stephane Grappelli - Violin;
Pierre Cavalli - Guitar (solos);
Leo Petit - Guitar (rhythmic);
Guy Pederson - Bass;
Daniel Humair - Drums
01 Summit Soul (6:44)
02 Pentup House (5:56)
03 Timme's Blues (6:58)
04 It Don't Mean a Thing (7:01)
05 Pennies from Heaven (4:04)
06 Only Time Will Tell (6:07)
07 Hot Toddy (4:07)
02 Pentup House (5:56)
03 Timme's Blues (6:58)
04 It Don't Mean a Thing (7:01)
05 Pennies from Heaven (4:04)
06 Only Time Will Tell (6:07)
07 Hot Toddy (4:07)
01. Rain Check (2:41)
02. Camelia (3:45)
03. I Got It Bad (3:11)
04. Andree (3:18)
05. What Am I Here For (3:27)
06. Tabou (2:40)
07. Denise (2:34)
08. Flamingo (3:03)
09. Time On My Hands (2:26)
10. Zelda (2:27)
11. Anna (2:47)
12. Light (2:21)
13. So Long (1:40)
02. Camelia (3:45)
03. I Got It Bad (3:11)
04. Andree (3:18)
05. What Am I Here For (3:27)
06. Tabou (2:40)
07. Denise (2:34)
08. Flamingo (3:03)
09. Time On My Hands (2:26)
10. Zelda (2:27)
11. Anna (2:47)
12. Light (2:21)
13. So Long (1:40)
01. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (5:47)
02. Out Of Nowhere (3:49)
03. Tea For Two (5:07)
04. Limehouse Blues (3:29)
05. Copa Cola (6:11)
06. Honeysuckle Rose (6:13)
07. I Got Rythm (5:17)
08. Blues For Georges (4:46)
09. Barniana (3:38)
10. Perdido (5:10)
02. Out Of Nowhere (3:49)
03. Tea For Two (5:07)
04. Limehouse Blues (3:29)
05. Copa Cola (6:11)
06. Honeysuckle Rose (6:13)
07. I Got Rythm (5:17)
08. Blues For Georges (4:46)
09. Barniana (3:38)
10. Perdido (5:10)
01. I Remember Django (4:49)
02. Honeysucle Rose (6:22)
03. I Can't Get Started (3:06)
04. What A Difference A Day Made (3:07)
05. More Than You Know (4:13)
06. Et Maintenant (3:45)
07. I Found A New Baby (6:00)
08. It's Only A Paper Moon (3:47)
09. How Hight The Moon (5:09)
10. Willow Weep For Me (2:45)
11. Little Sister (4:38)
12. Undecided (5:27)
02. Honeysucle Rose (6:22)
03. I Can't Get Started (3:06)
04. What A Difference A Day Made (3:07)
05. More Than You Know (4:13)
06. Et Maintenant (3:45)
07. I Found A New Baby (6:00)
08. It's Only A Paper Moon (3:47)
09. How Hight The Moon (5:09)
10. Willow Weep For Me (2:45)
11. Little Sister (4:38)
12. Undecided (5:27)
01. Daphne (4:09)
02. Blue in Green (3:40)
03. Falling Grace (3:15)
04. Here's that rainy Day (5:29)
05. Coquette (3:57)
06. Sweet Rain (3:40)
07. The night has a Thousand Eyes (3:44)
08. Arpege (3:23)
09. Eiderdown (4:12)
02. Blue in Green (3:40)
03. Falling Grace (3:15)
04. Here's that rainy Day (5:29)
05. Coquette (3:57)
06. Sweet Rain (3:40)
07. The night has a Thousand Eyes (3:44)
08. Arpege (3:23)
09. Eiderdown (4:12)
01. Tea For Two (5:14)
02. Danny Boy (4:01)
03. Let's Fall In Love (4:12)
04. Coltrane (3:45)
05. Dear Ben (3:55)
06. I Hear Music (3:56)
07. Dany (3:14)
08. Smoke (4:26)
09. Body And Soul (2:40)
10. Gary (3:14)
11. Flower For Kenny (3:48)
02. Danny Boy (4:01)
03. Let's Fall In Love (4:12)
04. Coltrane (3:45)
05. Dear Ben (3:55)
06. I Hear Music (3:56)
07. Dany (3:14)
08. Smoke (4:26)
09. Body And Soul (2:40)
10. Gary (3:14)
11. Flower For Kenny (3:48)
1. This Can't Be Love (3.21)
2. Time After Time (3.55)
3. Undecided (3.51)
4. You Were Only Passing By (3.50)
5. Tangerine (4.37)
6. Chicago (4.19)
7. Manoir De Mes Reves / Daphne (4.25)
8. Misty (3.50)
9. Afternoon In Paris (4.45)
10. Autumn Leaves (5.32)
Stephane Grappelli - violin
Marc Hemmeler - piano
Eberhard Weber - bass
Kenny Clarke - drums
2. Time After Time (3.55)
3. Undecided (3.51)
4. You Were Only Passing By (3.50)
5. Tangerine (4.37)
6. Chicago (4.19)
7. Manoir De Mes Reves / Daphne (4.25)
8. Misty (3.50)
9. Afternoon In Paris (4.45)
10. Autumn Leaves (5.32)
Stephane Grappelli - violin
Marc Hemmeler - piano
Eberhard Weber - bass
Kenny Clarke - drums
01. Blues In The Dungeon (8:36)
02. Skip It (5:45)
03. How High The Moon (4:56)
04. This Can't Be Love (8:56)
05. S'posin' (5:56)
06. Willow Weep For Me (4:39)
02. Skip It (5:45)
03. How High The Moon (4:56)
04. This Can't Be Love (8:56)
05. S'posin' (5:56)
06. Willow Weep For Me (4:39)
01. Bowing bowing (6:35)
02. The girl from Ipanema (5:14)
03. Golden green (4:45)
04. Memorial jam for Stuff Smith (6:57)
05. The lady is a tramp (4:49)
06. Violin summit no. 2 (9:58)
07. Valerie (7:05)
08. Satin doll (6:53)
02. The girl from Ipanema (5:14)
03. Golden green (4:45)
04. Memorial jam for Stuff Smith (6:57)
05. The lady is a tramp (4:49)
06. Violin summit no. 2 (9:58)
07. Valerie (7:05)
08. Satin doll (6:53)
01. Bowing-Bowing (6:30)
02. Golden Green (4:45)
03. Memorial Jam for Stuff Smith (6:52)
04. Violin Summit No. 2 (9:58)
05. Valerie (7:01)
02. Golden Green (4:45)
03. Memorial Jam for Stuff Smith (6:52)
04. Violin Summit No. 2 (9:58)
05. Valerie (7:01)
01. Love For Sale (5:40)
02. Perugia (4:37)
03. Two Cute (3:47)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (5:06)
05. Shangri-La (6:02)
06. Nice Work If You Can Get It (5:01)
07. Star Eyes (7:33)
08. Parisian Thoroughfare (5:18)
09. Improvisation On Prelude In E Minor (5:08)
10. Wave (5:33)
11. Hallelujah (4:55)
02. Perugia (4:37)
03. Two Cute (3:47)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (5:06)
05. Shangri-La (6:02)
06. Nice Work If You Can Get It (5:01)
07. Star Eyes (7:33)
08. Parisian Thoroughfare (5:18)
09. Improvisation On Prelude In E Minor (5:08)
10. Wave (5:33)
11. Hallelujah (4:55)
01. Desafinado (4:46)
02. Eu Vim Da Bahia (5:12)
03. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life (4:02)
04. Berimbau (2:43)
05. Meditacao (3:30)
06. Patio (4:13)
07. Yesterday (2:49)
08. Michelle (3:18)
09. Isaura (3:44)
10. Samba de Uma Notta (5:26)
11. Brazil (4:23)
12. Recado (4:01)
13. Ete 42 (2:47)
14. Fumette (3:11)
02. Eu Vim Da Bahia (5:12)
03. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life (4:02)
04. Berimbau (2:43)
05. Meditacao (3:30)
06. Patio (4:13)
07. Yesterday (2:49)
08. Michelle (3:18)
09. Isaura (3:44)
10. Samba de Uma Notta (5:26)
11. Brazil (4:23)
12. Recado (4:01)
13. Ete 42 (2:47)
14. Fumette (3:11)
01. Fine and Dandy (3:40)
02. Over The Rainbow (3:51)
03. Manhattan (4:58)
04. Moonlight In Vermont (6:13)
05. Memories Of You (4:17)
06. There Will Never Be Another You (6:36)
07. I Cant Get Started (7:39)
08. You Took Advantage (4:57)
09. Sometimes I'm Happy (4:01)
02. Over The Rainbow (3:51)
03. Manhattan (4:58)
04. Moonlight In Vermont (6:13)
05. Memories Of You (4:17)
06. There Will Never Be Another You (6:36)
07. I Cant Get Started (7:39)
08. You Took Advantage (4:57)
09. Sometimes I'm Happy (4:01)
01. Lover Come Back To Me (5:37)
02. Sweet Lorraine (3:10)
03. Shine (3:38)
04. Solitude (4:15)
05. Ain't Misbehavin' (3:21)
06. Souvenir De Villingen (1:50)
07. Hot Lips (2:52)
08. My Heart Stood Still (5:38)
09. The Nearness Of You (3:09)
10. Joy (3:24)
11. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (3:52)
12. Cherokee (4:12)
13. Lover Man (2:60)
02. Sweet Lorraine (3:10)
03. Shine (3:38)
04. Solitude (4:15)
05. Ain't Misbehavin' (3:21)
06. Souvenir De Villingen (1:50)
07. Hot Lips (2:52)
08. My Heart Stood Still (5:38)
09. The Nearness Of You (3:09)
10. Joy (3:24)
11. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square (3:52)
12. Cherokee (4:12)
13. Lover Man (2:60)
01. Bowing Bowing (6:36)
02. The Girl From Ipanema (5:14)
03. Golden Green (4:45)
04. Memorial Jam For Stuff Smith (6:57)
05. The Lady Is A Tramp (4:49)
06. Violin Summit No. 2 (9:58)
07. Valerie (7:05)
08. Satin Doll (6:53)
02. The Girl From Ipanema (5:14)
03. Golden Green (4:45)
04. Memorial Jam For Stuff Smith (6:57)
05. The Lady Is A Tramp (4:49)
06. Violin Summit No. 2 (9:58)
07. Valerie (7:05)
08. Satin Doll (6:53)
01. Violin Summit #2 (10:02)
02. Valerie (7:08)
03. Bowing-Bowing (6:36)
04. Golden Green (4:49)
05. Memorial Jam For Stuff Smith (6:52)
02. Valerie (7:08)
03. Bowing-Bowing (6:36)
04. Golden Green (4:49)
05. Memorial Jam For Stuff Smith (6:52)
1. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (4.49)
2. As Time Goes By (4.12)
3. Crazy Rhythm (5.41)
4. Golden Green (3.07)
5. Chattanooga Choo Choo (2.41)
6. Blues in G for B.T. (7.42)
7. Nuages (6.31)
Release Date Apr 5, 1978
Diz Disley Guitar
John Etheridge Guitar
Stéphane Grappelli Violin
Brian Torff Bass
2. As Time Goes By (4.12)
3. Crazy Rhythm (5.41)
4. Golden Green (3.07)
5. Chattanooga Choo Choo (2.41)
6. Blues in G for B.T. (7.42)
7. Nuages (6.31)
Release Date Apr 5, 1978
Diz Disley Guitar
John Etheridge Guitar
Stéphane Grappelli Violin
Brian Torff Bass
01. Grapelli 1 (4:48)
02. Grapelli 2 (4:17)
03. Grapelli 3 (4:30)
04. Grapelli 4 (2:45)
05. Grapelli 5 (2:40)
06. Grapelli 6 (6:09)
07. Grapelli 7 (6:50)
08. Grapelli 8 (6:43)
09. Grapelli 9 (15:19)
10. Grapelli 10 (4:06)
11. Grapelli 11 (5:00)
02. Grapelli 2 (4:17)
03. Grapelli 3 (4:30)
04. Grapelli 4 (2:45)
05. Grapelli 5 (2:40)
06. Grapelli 6 (6:09)
07. Grapelli 7 (6:50)
08. Grapelli 8 (6:43)
09. Grapelli 9 (15:19)
10. Grapelli 10 (4:06)
11. Grapelli 11 (5:00)
01. Crazy Rythm (2:46)
02. The Man I Love (4:34)
03. Tea For Two (3:31)
04. Highgate Village (4:45)
05. Air On A Shoe String (3:34)
06. A Foggy Day (3:38)
07. Viva Vivaldi (2:20)
08. My Funny Valentine (3:57)
09. Limehouse Blues (2:50)
10. Adelaide Eve (3:55)
11. Thou Swell (2:57)
12. Yesterdays (4:04)
13. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (2:27)
02. The Man I Love (4:34)
03. Tea For Two (3:31)
04. Highgate Village (4:45)
05. Air On A Shoe String (3:34)
06. A Foggy Day (3:38)
07. Viva Vivaldi (2:20)
08. My Funny Valentine (3:57)
09. Limehouse Blues (2:50)
10. Adelaide Eve (3:55)
11. Thou Swell (2:57)
12. Yesterdays (4:04)
13. Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (2:27)
01. Djangology (3:24)
02. Sweet chorus (4:13)
03. Minor swing (3:31)
04. Are you in the mood- (3:31)
05. Gallerie St. Hubert (4:12)
06. Tears (6:23)
07. Swing Guitars (4:01)
08. Oriental shuffle (3:45)
09. Blues for Django and Stephane (5:07)
02. Sweet chorus (4:13)
03. Minor swing (3:31)
04. Are you in the mood- (3:31)
05. Gallerie St. Hubert (4:12)
06. Tears (6:23)
07. Swing Guitars (4:01)
08. Oriental shuffle (3:45)
09. Blues for Django and Stephane (5:07)
Side 1(23:24):
01. Puttin' On The Ritz (3:23)
02. The Way You Look Tonight (3:40)
03. He Loves, She Loves (2:58)
04. Isn't This A Lovely Day (2:59)
05. The Piccolino (3:17)
06. Alison (3:32)
07. Change Partners (3:53)
Side 2 (26:43):
01. Top Hat, White Tie And Tails (3:23)
02. They Can't Take That Away From Me (4:52)
03. The Continental (4:12)
04. They All Laughed (3:02)
05. Amanda (3:30)
06. Funny Face (3:25)
07. The Carioca (3:47)
Label – EMI
Songs Made Famous by Fred Astaire.
Arranged & Conducted by Nelson Riddle
01. Puttin' On The Ritz (3:23)
02. The Way You Look Tonight (3:40)
03. He Loves, She Loves (2:58)
04. Isn't This A Lovely Day (2:59)
05. The Piccolino (3:17)
06. Alison (3:32)
07. Change Partners (3:53)
Side 2 (26:43):
01. Top Hat, White Tie And Tails (3:23)
02. They Can't Take That Away From Me (4:52)
03. The Continental (4:12)
04. They All Laughed (3:02)
05. Amanda (3:30)
06. Funny Face (3:25)
07. The Carioca (3:47)
Label – EMI
Songs Made Famous by Fred Astaire.
Arranged & Conducted by Nelson Riddle
01. Blue Moon (4:43)
02. It's Only A Paper Moom (4:04)
03. Jamie (4:19)
04. I'm Coming Virginia (2:55)
05. I Can't Get Started (2:20)
06. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans (5:22)
07. But Not For Me (3:51)
08. If I Had You (5:35)
09. Isn't She Lovely (3:55)
10. Swing (4:01)
11. Honeysuckle Rose (5:09)
02. It's Only A Paper Moom (4:04)
03. Jamie (4:19)
04. I'm Coming Virginia (2:55)
05. I Can't Get Started (2:20)
06. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans (5:22)
07. But Not For Me (3:51)
08. If I Had You (5:35)
09. Isn't She Lovely (3:55)
10. Swing (4:01)
11. Honeysuckle Rose (5:09)
01. Tune Up (2:33)
02. Thou Swell (3:06)
03. Norwegian Dance (3:45)
04. Fulton Street Samba (3:30)
05. My Foolish Heart (3:25)
06. Lover (3:48)
07. The Way You Look Tonight (2:36)
08. Stephanova (3:13)
09. Smoke Rings And Wine (3:55)
10. Tangerine (3:00)
11. Waltz For Queenie (2:22)
12. Sonny Boy (3:11)
02. Thou Swell (3:06)
03. Norwegian Dance (3:45)
04. Fulton Street Samba (3:30)
05. My Foolish Heart (3:25)
06. Lover (3:48)
07. The Way You Look Tonight (2:36)
08. Stephanova (3:13)
09. Smoke Rings And Wine (3:55)
10. Tangerine (3:00)
11. Waltz For Queenie (2:22)
12. Sonny Boy (3:11)
01. Dont Leave Me (6:47)
02. Memories (5:35)
03. Paganini Caprice (2:01)
04. Conversation (5:15)
05. Walking In A Dream (5:46)
06. Illusion (7:39)
07. Tribute To Mani (2:22)
08. French Resolution (4:40)
02. Memories (5:35)
03. Paganini Caprice (2:01)
04. Conversation (5:15)
05. Walking In A Dream (5:46)
06. Illusion (7:39)
07. Tribute To Mani (2:22)
08. French Resolution (4:40)
01. Don't Get Around Much Anymore (9:32)
02. Chapeau Blues (7:40)
03. No Points Today (5:19)
04. The Lady Is A Tramp (6:55)
05. Desert Sands (7:16)
06. How High The Moon (5:18)
07. Moonlight In Vermont (4:33)
02. Chapeau Blues (7:40)
03. No Points Today (5:19)
04. The Lady Is A Tramp (6:55)
05. Desert Sands (7:16)
06. How High The Moon (5:18)
07. Moonlight In Vermont (4:33)
01. Love For Sale (5:35)
02. Perrugia (4:31)
03. Two Cute (3:42)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (5:00)
05. Parisian Thoroughfare (5:16)
06. Improvisation On 'Prelude in E Minor' (5:04)
07. Wave (5:28)
08. Hallelujah (4:58)
09. Moonlight In Vermont (6:12)
10. I Can't Get Started (7:39)
02. Perrugia (4:31)
03. Two Cute (3:42)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (5:00)
05. Parisian Thoroughfare (5:16)
06. Improvisation On 'Prelude in E Minor' (5:04)
07. Wave (5:28)
08. Hallelujah (4:58)
09. Moonlight In Vermont (6:12)
10. I Can't Get Started (7:39)
01. Winter Set (3:48)
02. Button Up Your Overcoat (2:59)
03. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (3:31)
04. I'll Remember April (4:13)
05. Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year (5:23)
06. Giboulees de Mars (3:02)
07. April in Paris (3:37)
08. On the Sunny Side of the Street (3:58)
09. Heat Wave (2:59)
10. The Things We Did Last Summer (5:09)
11. September in the Rain (3:40)
12. Autumn Leaves (4:43)
13. Automne (3:49)
14. Autumn in New York (4:18)
02. Button Up Your Overcoat (2:59)
03. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (3:31)
04. I'll Remember April (4:13)
05. Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year (5:23)
06. Giboulees de Mars (3:02)
07. April in Paris (3:37)
08. On the Sunny Side of the Street (3:58)
09. Heat Wave (2:59)
10. The Things We Did Last Summer (5:09)
11. September in the Rain (3:40)
12. Autumn Leaves (4:43)
13. Automne (3:49)
14. Autumn in New York (4:18)
01. Round Midnigh (5:54)
02. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child (4:29)
03. A Tout Choisir (2:07)
04. When Lights Are Low (3:32)
05. And Still She Is With Me (4:43)
06. Music Makers (3:19)
07. Laura (4:25)
08. As Time Goes By (5:20)
09. A Girl In Calico (3:33)
10. Solitude (3:40)
11. Lady Be Good (3:41)
12. Nuages (4:02)
02. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child (4:29)
03. A Tout Choisir (2:07)
04. When Lights Are Low (3:32)
05. And Still She Is With Me (4:43)
06. Music Makers (3:19)
07. Laura (4:25)
08. As Time Goes By (5:20)
09. A Girl In Calico (3:33)
10. Solitude (3:40)
11. Lady Be Good (3:41)
12. Nuages (4:02)
01. Smoke Gets In your Eyes (7:22)
02. The Way You Look Tonight (5:01)
03. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (6:02)
04. A Fine Romance (4:12)
05. Yesterdays (5:37)
06. Ol' Man River (6:45)
07. All The Things You Are (3:60)
08. Pick Yourself Up (4:50)
09. Why Do I Love You (5:03)
10. I Won't Dance (4:55)
11. Long Ago And Far Away (3:07)
02. The Way You Look Tonight (5:01)
03. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (6:02)
04. A Fine Romance (4:12)
05. Yesterdays (5:37)
06. Ol' Man River (6:45)
07. All The Things You Are (3:60)
08. Pick Yourself Up (4:50)
09. Why Do I Love You (5:03)
10. I Won't Dance (4:55)
11. Long Ago And Far Away (3:07)
01. Pentup House (5:55)
02. La Chanson De Rue (3:57)
03. Carole's Garden (7:47)
04. Undecided (3:50)
05. Sweet Lorraine (3:08)
06. Cat Coach (6:05)
07. Summit Soul (6:45)
08. Flamingo (4:23)
09. Sunday Walk (6:30)
10. Swing Guitars (4:01)
11. Tangerine (4:33)
02. La Chanson De Rue (3:57)
03. Carole's Garden (7:47)
04. Undecided (3:50)
05. Sweet Lorraine (3:08)
06. Cat Coach (6:05)
07. Summit Soul (6:45)
08. Flamingo (4:23)
09. Sunday Walk (6:30)
10. Swing Guitars (4:01)
11. Tangerine (4:33)
01. A Fine Romance (3:22)
02. All The Things You Are (4:13)
03. Why Do I Love You (3:27)
04. The Way You Look Tonight (3:37)
05. Pick Yourself Up (2:15)
02. All The Things You Are (4:13)
03. Why Do I Love You (3:27)
04. The Way You Look Tonight (3:37)
05. Pick Yourself Up (2:15)
01. Fascinating Rhythm (2:20)
02. Soon (3:49)
03. Summertime (4:25)
04. Nice Work If You Can Get It (2:32)
05. Embraceable You (3:12)
06. Liza (All The Clouds'll Roll By) (3:41)
07. A Foggy Day (3:47)
08. 'S Wonderful (2:45)
09. The Man I Love (4:45)
10. I Got Rhythm (2:59)
11. He Loves And She Loves (2:55)
12. They Can't Take That Away From Me (4:49)
13. They All Laughed (2:60)
14. Funny Face (3:22)
15. Love Is Here To Stay (3:59)
16. Oh, Lady Be Good (3:37)
02. Soon (3:49)
03. Summertime (4:25)
04. Nice Work If You Can Get It (2:32)
05. Embraceable You (3:12)
06. Liza (All The Clouds'll Roll By) (3:41)
07. A Foggy Day (3:47)
08. 'S Wonderful (2:45)
09. The Man I Love (4:45)
10. I Got Rhythm (2:59)
11. He Loves And She Loves (2:55)
12. They Can't Take That Away From Me (4:49)
13. They All Laughed (2:60)
14. Funny Face (3:22)
15. Love Is Here To Stay (3:59)
16. Oh, Lady Be Good (3:37)
01. Cheek To Cheek (3:46)
02. Isn't This A Lovely Day (2:55)
03. The Piccolino (3:12)
04. Change Partners (3:30)
05. Top Hat (3:58)
06. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (3:27)
07. Heat Wave (2:55)
02. Isn't This A Lovely Day (2:55)
03. The Piccolino (3:12)
04. Change Partners (3:30)
05. Top Hat (3:58)
06. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (3:27)
07. Heat Wave (2:55)
01 Jealousy (3:08)
02 Tea for two (3:41)
03 Limehouse Blues (2:56)
04 These foolish things (3:19)
05 The Continental (4:10)
06 A nightingale sang in Berkely Square (5:11)
07 Sweet Suemp3 (3:05)
08 Skylark (4:50)
09 Laura (4:30)
10 Sweet Georgia Brown (2:39)
11 I'll remember April (4:11)
12 April in Paris (3:36)
13 The things we did last summer (5:08)
14 September in the rain (3:38)
15 Autumn Leaves (4:41)
16 Autumn in New York (4:19)
17 Button up your overcoat (2:56)
02 Tea for two (3:41)
03 Limehouse Blues (2:56)
04 These foolish things (3:19)
05 The Continental (4:10)
06 A nightingale sang in Berkely Square (5:11)
07 Sweet Suemp3 (3:05)
08 Skylark (4:50)
09 Laura (4:30)
10 Sweet Georgia Brown (2:39)
11 I'll remember April (4:11)
12 April in Paris (3:36)
13 The things we did last summer (5:08)
14 September in the rain (3:38)
15 Autumn Leaves (4:41)
16 Autumn in New York (4:19)
17 Button up your overcoat (2:56)
01. Pick Yourself Up (5:19)
02. Chicago (3:07)
03. Shine (2:26)
04. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (5:16)
05. Love For Sale (5:40)
06. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:26)
07. Swing 42 (4:16)
08. La Chanson Des Rues (4:14)
09. Chatanooga Choo Choo (2:33)
10. Someone to Watch Over Me - I Got Rhythm (4:45)
11. Ol' Man River (4:30)
12. Willow Weep For Me (5:44)
13. 'S Wonderful (4:09)
14. Lady Be Good (4:01)
15. Nuages - Daphne (3:46)
16. Honeysuckle Rose (4:38)
02. Chicago (3:07)
03. Shine (2:26)
04. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (5:16)
05. Love For Sale (5:40)
06. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:26)
07. Swing 42 (4:16)
08. La Chanson Des Rues (4:14)
09. Chatanooga Choo Choo (2:33)
10. Someone to Watch Over Me - I Got Rhythm (4:45)
11. Ol' Man River (4:30)
12. Willow Weep For Me (5:44)
13. 'S Wonderful (4:09)
14. Lady Be Good (4:01)
15. Nuages - Daphne (3:46)
16. Honeysuckle Rose (4:38)
01. Cheek To Cheek (3:45)
02. Isn't This A Lovely Day? (2:54)
03. The Piccolino (3:12)
04. Change Partners (3:30)
05. Top Hat, White Tie And Tails (3:57)
06. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (3:27)
07. Heat Wave (2:54)
08. The Way You Look Tonight (3:36)
09. Pick Yourself Up (2:15)
10. A Fine Romance (3:21)
11. All The Things You Are (4:12)
12. Why Do I Love You? (3:26)
13. I Get A Kick Out Of You (4:03)
14. Night And Day (4:05)
15. Looking At You (3:22)
16. Just One Of Those Things (3:21)
17. My Funny Valentine (4:05)
18. Thou Swell (3:01)
19. The Lady Is A Tramp (4:24)
20. Blue Room (2:17)
Stéphane Grappelli, Yehudi Menuhin (violin)
Nelson Riddle (conductor)
Pierre Michelot, Ken Baldock, Lennie Bush (bass)
Alan Clare, Max Harris (piano)
Tony Crombie, Allan Ganley, Chris Karan (drums)
Denny Wright, Martin Taylor, Marc Fosset (guitar)
Laurie Holloway (keyboards)
Ike Isaacs (bass, guitar)
Derek Price (percussion)
David Snell (harp)
Ray Swinfield (flute, strings, brass, woodwind)
Emi, 1988
02. Isn't This A Lovely Day? (2:54)
03. The Piccolino (3:12)
04. Change Partners (3:30)
05. Top Hat, White Tie And Tails (3:57)
06. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (3:27)
07. Heat Wave (2:54)
08. The Way You Look Tonight (3:36)
09. Pick Yourself Up (2:15)
10. A Fine Romance (3:21)
11. All The Things You Are (4:12)
12. Why Do I Love You? (3:26)
13. I Get A Kick Out Of You (4:03)
14. Night And Day (4:05)
15. Looking At You (3:22)
16. Just One Of Those Things (3:21)
17. My Funny Valentine (4:05)
18. Thou Swell (3:01)
19. The Lady Is A Tramp (4:24)
20. Blue Room (2:17)
Stéphane Grappelli, Yehudi Menuhin (violin)
Nelson Riddle (conductor)
Pierre Michelot, Ken Baldock, Lennie Bush (bass)
Alan Clare, Max Harris (piano)
Tony Crombie, Allan Ganley, Chris Karan (drums)
Denny Wright, Martin Taylor, Marc Fosset (guitar)
Laurie Holloway (keyboards)
Ike Isaacs (bass, guitar)
Derek Price (percussion)
David Snell (harp)
Ray Swinfield (flute, strings, brass, woodwind)
Emi, 1988
01. Honeysuckle Rose (2:55)
02. Night and Day (2:44)
03. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:09)
04. Souvenirs (2:46)
05. My Sweet (2:57)
06. Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away) (2:54)
07. Stomping at Decca (2:34)
08. Love's Melody (3:11)
09. Daphne (3:12)
10. Lambeth Walk (2:48)
11. Nuages (3:04)
12. H.C.Q. Strut (2:58)
13. The Man I Love (3:15)
14. Improvisation No. 2 (2:43)
15. Undecided (2:34)
16. Please Be Kind (2:48)
17. Nocturne (3:16)
18. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (2:33)
19. Louise (2:39)
20. Don't Worry 'Bout Me (2:59)
02. Night and Day (2:44)
03. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:09)
04. Souvenirs (2:46)
05. My Sweet (2:57)
06. Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away) (2:54)
07. Stomping at Decca (2:34)
08. Love's Melody (3:11)
09. Daphne (3:12)
10. Lambeth Walk (2:48)
11. Nuages (3:04)
12. H.C.Q. Strut (2:58)
13. The Man I Love (3:15)
14. Improvisation No. 2 (2:43)
15. Undecided (2:34)
16. Please Be Kind (2:48)
17. Nocturne (3:16)
18. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm (2:33)
19. Louise (2:39)
20. Don't Worry 'Bout Me (2:59)
01. Anything goes (5:52)
02. Easy to love (8:24)
03. I concentrate on you (3:49)
04. Just one of those things (2:29)
05. In the still of the night (4:44)
06. Love of my life (3:48)
07. Pas-De-Two (4:32)
08. Sweet Lorraine (7:33)
09. So in love (7:28)
10. All through the night (6:18)
02. Easy to love (8:24)
03. I concentrate on you (3:49)
04. Just one of those things (2:29)
05. In the still of the night (4:44)
06. Love of my life (3:48)
07. Pas-De-Two (4:32)
08. Sweet Lorraine (7:33)
09. So in love (7:28)
10. All through the night (6:18)
01. A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square (5:16)
02. Lullaby Of Birdland (3:54)
03. When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin Along (3:25)
04. Skylark (4:51)
05. Bye Bye Blackbird (2:57)
06. Coucou (4:05)
07. Flamingo (3:46)
08. Dinah (3:45)
09. Rosetta (2:51)
10. Sweet Sue (3:06)
11. Once In Love With Amy (3:28)
12. Laura (4:32)
13. La Route Du Roi (4:04)
14. Sweet Georgia Brown (2:36)
02. Lullaby Of Birdland (3:54)
03. When The Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin Along (3:25)
04. Skylark (4:51)
05. Bye Bye Blackbird (2:57)
06. Coucou (4:05)
07. Flamingo (3:46)
08. Dinah (3:45)
09. Rosetta (2:51)
10. Sweet Sue (3:06)
11. Once In Love With Amy (3:28)
12. Laura (4:32)
13. La Route Du Roi (4:04)
14. Sweet Georgia Brown (2:36)
01. How High The Moon (3:59)
02. St Louis Blues (5:04)
03. I Want To Talk To You (3:58)
04. Mr P C (3:35)
05. Summertime (5:43)
06. Satin Doll (3:48)
07. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (5:40)
08. You Say You Care (3:08)
09. Yours Is My Heart Alone (5:56)
10. I Got Rhythm (2:45)
02. St Louis Blues (5:04)
03. I Want To Talk To You (3:58)
04. Mr P C (3:35)
05. Summertime (5:43)
06. Satin Doll (3:48)
07. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (5:40)
08. You Say You Care (3:08)
09. Yours Is My Heart Alone (5:56)
10. I Got Rhythm (2:45)
01. Fascinatin' Rhythm (2:24)
02. I Got Rhythm (3:02)
03. He Loves And She Loves (2:59)
04. They Can't Take That Away From Me (4:53)
05. They All Laughed (3:04)
06. Funny Face (3:26)
07. Love Is Here To Stay (3:57)
08. Lady Be Good (3:41)
09. Soon (3:52)
10. Summertime (4:28)
11. Nice Work If You Can Get It (2:30)
12. Embraceable You (3:15)
13. Liza (3:43)
14. A Foggy Day (3:50)
15. S'wonderful (2:50)
16. The Man I Love (4:47)
02. I Got Rhythm (3:02)
03. He Loves And She Loves (2:59)
04. They Can't Take That Away From Me (4:53)
05. They All Laughed (3:04)
06. Funny Face (3:26)
07. Love Is Here To Stay (3:57)
08. Lady Be Good (3:41)
09. Soon (3:52)
10. Summertime (4:28)
11. Nice Work If You Can Get It (2:30)
12. Embraceable You (3:15)
13. Liza (3:43)
14. A Foggy Day (3:50)
15. S'wonderful (2:50)
16. The Man I Love (4:47)
01. Satin Doll (6:54)
02. On The Sunny Side of the Street (3:25)
03. Body and Soul 1st version (4:34)
04. Ain't Misbehavin' (4:56)
05. Mack The Knife (4:38)
06. Body And Soul 2nd version (7:51)
07. Pennies From Heaven (7:00)
08. Girl From Ipanema (5:13)
09. My Funny Valentine (4:09)
10. Blue Moon (4:24)
11. The Lady Is A Tramp (4:49)
12. Exactly Like You (3:17)
13. Ebb Tide (3:18)
14. You Took Advantage of Me (3:31)
15. Loverman (3:35)
16. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:13)
17. In A Mellow Tone (2:11)
02. On The Sunny Side of the Street (3:25)
03. Body and Soul 1st version (4:34)
04. Ain't Misbehavin' (4:56)
05. Mack The Knife (4:38)
06. Body And Soul 2nd version (7:51)
07. Pennies From Heaven (7:00)
08. Girl From Ipanema (5:13)
09. My Funny Valentine (4:09)
10. Blue Moon (4:24)
11. The Lady Is A Tramp (4:49)
12. Exactly Like You (3:17)
13. Ebb Tide (3:18)
14. You Took Advantage of Me (3:31)
15. Loverman (3:35)
16. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (3:13)
17. In A Mellow Tone (2:11)
01. I'm Coming Virginia (2:43)
02. Honeysuckle Rose (4:03)
03. Do You Know What it is to Miss New Orleans (3:02)
04. Just One of Those Things (2:28)
05. A) Nuages b) Daphne (4:50)
06. As Time Goes By (3:31)
07. A) Embraceable You b) Liza (3:28)
08. Them There Eyes (2:28)
09. You Are The Sunshine of my Life (6:09)
10. A) Time After Time b) Two Sleepy People c) Satin Doll (6:44)
11. Double Scotch (3:55)
12. Pentup House (2:44)
13. Ol'Man River (4:25)
14. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:38)
15. Valse du Passe (2:06)
16. O, Lady be Good (4:00)
17. Chicago (3:23)
02. Honeysuckle Rose (4:03)
03. Do You Know What it is to Miss New Orleans (3:02)
04. Just One of Those Things (2:28)
05. A) Nuages b) Daphne (4:50)
06. As Time Goes By (3:31)
07. A) Embraceable You b) Liza (3:28)
08. Them There Eyes (2:28)
09. You Are The Sunshine of my Life (6:09)
10. A) Time After Time b) Two Sleepy People c) Satin Doll (6:44)
11. Double Scotch (3:55)
12. Pentup House (2:44)
13. Ol'Man River (4:25)
14. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:38)
15. Valse du Passe (2:06)
16. O, Lady be Good (4:00)
17. Chicago (3:23)
(01) Stephane (4:42)
(02) De Partout et d'Ailleurs (5:06)
(03) Minor Swing (5:05)
(04) Tears (4:36)
(05) Just One of Those Things (5:06)
(06) Blue Skies (4:11)
(07) Cute (4:34)
(08) Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans (5:56)
(09) Crazy Rhythm (3:28)
(10) Lush Life (5:09)
(11) Moon Glow (4:04)
(12) Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:17)
(13) Moon Mist (4:37)
(14) Lady Be Good (4:50)
(02) De Partout et d'Ailleurs (5:06)
(03) Minor Swing (5:05)
(04) Tears (4:36)
(05) Just One of Those Things (5:06)
(06) Blue Skies (4:11)
(07) Cute (4:34)
(08) Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans (5:56)
(09) Crazy Rhythm (3:28)
(10) Lush Life (5:09)
(11) Moon Glow (4:04)
(12) Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:17)
(13) Moon Mist (4:37)
(14) Lady Be Good (4:50)
01. More than you Know (4:10)
02. Et maintenant (3:42)
03. I Found a New Baby (5:57)
04. It's only Paper Moon (3:42)
05. Out of Nowhere (3:45)
06. Tea for Two (5:02)
07. Limehouse Blues (3:25)
08. Moonlight in Vermont (6:06)
09. I Can't Get Started (7:34)
10. Amanda (4:19)
11. Tournesol (3:06)
12. Greensleeves (1:55)
13. You Go to my Head (4:36)
02. Et maintenant (3:42)
03. I Found a New Baby (5:57)
04. It's only Paper Moon (3:42)
05. Out of Nowhere (3:45)
06. Tea for Two (5:02)
07. Limehouse Blues (3:25)
08. Moonlight in Vermont (6:06)
09. I Can't Get Started (7:34)
10. Amanda (4:19)
11. Tournesol (3:06)
12. Greensleeves (1:55)
13. You Go to my Head (4:36)
01. I Can't Give You Anything (4:49)
02. As Time Goes By (4:12)
03. Crazy Rhythm (5:40)
04. Golden Green (3:09)
05. Chattanooga Choo Choo (2:41)
06. BLues In G For B.T. (7:37)
07. Nuages (6:39)
08. It Had To Be You (2:49)
09. Come And Drive Me Crazy (3:52)
10. Smile (2:58)
11. After You've Gone (4:51)
12. Don't Take Your Love From Me (2:59)
13. Them There Eyes (5:10)
02. As Time Goes By (4:12)
03. Crazy Rhythm (5:40)
04. Golden Green (3:09)
05. Chattanooga Choo Choo (2:41)
06. BLues In G For B.T. (7:37)
07. Nuages (6:39)
08. It Had To Be You (2:49)
09. Come And Drive Me Crazy (3:52)
10. Smile (2:58)
11. After You've Gone (4:51)
12. Don't Take Your Love From Me (2:59)
13. Them There Eyes (5:10)
01. Beautiful Love (3:44)
02. I Hear Music (3:11)
03. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (5:51)
04. Honeysuckle Rose (4:01)
05. Do You Know What It Means To Be In New Orleans (4:20)
06. Suddenly (5:33)
07. Giant Steps (3:49)
08. Fascinating Rhythm (4:12)
09. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life (4:39)
10. Darn That Dream (6:03)
11. Rio (4:29)
12. How High The Moon (5:30)
02. I Hear Music (3:11)
03. I Didn't Know What Time It Was (5:51)
04. Honeysuckle Rose (4:01)
05. Do You Know What It Means To Be In New Orleans (4:20)
06. Suddenly (5:33)
07. Giant Steps (3:49)
08. Fascinating Rhythm (4:12)
09. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life (4:39)
10. Darn That Dream (6:03)
11. Rio (4:29)
12. How High The Moon (5:30)
1. Parlez-Moi d'Amour (4:54)
2. C'Est Si Bon (4:02)
3. Les Feuilles Mortes (3:39)
4. Theme from Summer of '42 (The Summer Knows) (5:17)
5. Revoir Paris (4:41)
6. On Legionnaire (6:36)
7. The Good Life (5:39)
8. Clopin-Clopant (3:37)
9. Mon Homme (3:55)
10. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? (5:57)
11. Insensiblement (4:55)
12. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (3:51)
13. Milou en Mai (3:18)
14. Irma la Douce (4:01)
15. Nuages (5:34)
Michel Legrand - Piano
Stephane Grappelli - Violin
Stephane Belmondo - Trumpet
Tony Russo - Trumpet
Kako Besset - Trumpet
Pierre Dutour - Trumpet
Jon Faddis - Trumpet
Denis Leloup - Trombone
Jacques Bolognesi - Trombone
Christian Guizien - Trombone
Maurice Cevrero - Trombone (Bass)
Marc-Michel LeBevillon - Bass (Electric)
Daniel Marillier - Double Bass
Phillippe Noharet - Double Bass
Andre Ceccarelli - Drums
and others...
2. C'Est Si Bon (4:02)
3. Les Feuilles Mortes (3:39)
4. Theme from Summer of '42 (The Summer Knows) (5:17)
5. Revoir Paris (4:41)
6. On Legionnaire (6:36)
7. The Good Life (5:39)
8. Clopin-Clopant (3:37)
9. Mon Homme (3:55)
10. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life? (5:57)
11. Insensiblement (4:55)
12. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (3:51)
13. Milou en Mai (3:18)
14. Irma la Douce (4:01)
15. Nuages (5:34)
Michel Legrand - Piano
Stephane Grappelli - Violin
Stephane Belmondo - Trumpet
Tony Russo - Trumpet
Kako Besset - Trumpet
Pierre Dutour - Trumpet
Jon Faddis - Trumpet
Denis Leloup - Trombone
Jacques Bolognesi - Trombone
Christian Guizien - Trombone
Maurice Cevrero - Trombone (Bass)
Marc-Michel LeBevillon - Bass (Electric)
Daniel Marillier - Double Bass
Phillippe Noharet - Double Bass
Andre Ceccarelli - Drums
and others...
01. Minor Swing (5:55)
02. Galerie Des Princes (6:09)
03. Ballade (5:25)
04. Tears (6:04)
05. Blues For Django And Stephane (6:23)
06. Stella By Starlight (7:12)
07. Sweet Chorus (3:52)
08. Oh, Lady, Be Good! (6:59)
09. Someone To Watch Over Me - I Got Rhythm (5:09)
02. Galerie Des Princes (6:09)
03. Ballade (5:25)
04. Tears (6:04)
05. Blues For Django And Stephane (6:23)
06. Stella By Starlight (7:12)
07. Sweet Chorus (3:52)
08. Oh, Lady, Be Good! (6:59)
09. Someone To Watch Over Me - I Got Rhythm (5:09)
01. St. Louis Blues (3:33)
02. Limehouse Blues (3:14)
03. I Got Rhythm (3:01)
04. I've Found a New Baby (3:08)
05. It Was So Beautiful (2:55)
06. China Boy (3:04)
07. Moon Glow (3:05)
08. It Don't Mean a Thing (3:07)
09. Alabamy Bound (2:51)
10. I've Found a New Baby (2:37)
11. You Took Advantage of Me (2:56)
12. Stephen's Blues (3:18)
13. Sugar (3:06)
14. Torneral (2:35)
15. If I Had You (2:52)
16. It Had to Be You (2:56)
17. Nocturne (3:17)
18. Out of Nowhere (3:17)
19. Baby (2:40)
20. After You're Gone (3:06)
21. Stephane's Tune (2:52)
02. Limehouse Blues (3:14)
03. I Got Rhythm (3:01)
04. I've Found a New Baby (3:08)
05. It Was So Beautiful (2:55)
06. China Boy (3:04)
07. Moon Glow (3:05)
08. It Don't Mean a Thing (3:07)
09. Alabamy Bound (2:51)
10. I've Found a New Baby (2:37)
11. You Took Advantage of Me (2:56)
12. Stephen's Blues (3:18)
13. Sugar (3:06)
14. Torneral (2:35)
15. If I Had You (2:52)
16. It Had to Be You (2:56)
17. Nocturne (3:17)
18. Out of Nowhere (3:17)
19. Baby (2:40)
20. After You're Gone (3:06)
21. Stephane's Tune (2:52)
01. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (3:32)
02. I Thought About You (3:16)
03. It is you and no one (4:13)
04. I Hear Music (3:23)
05. Honeysuckle Rose (4:01)
06. Someone to Watch Over Me (4:21)
07. Night and Day (3:18)
08. Them There Eyes (2:11)
09. Limehouse Blues (3:35)
10. There Will Be Another You (2:01)
11. No More Blues (3:32)
12. Avalon (2:12)
13. Armando's Rumba (3:44)
14. Nuages (2:51)
15. Made for Isaac (4:18)
16. Ojos Negros (2:38)
17. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:25)
02. I Thought About You (3:16)
03. It is you and no one (4:13)
04. I Hear Music (3:23)
05. Honeysuckle Rose (4:01)
06. Someone to Watch Over Me (4:21)
07. Night and Day (3:18)
08. Them There Eyes (2:11)
09. Limehouse Blues (3:35)
10. There Will Be Another You (2:01)
11. No More Blues (3:32)
12. Avalon (2:12)
13. Armando's Rumba (3:44)
14. Nuages (2:51)
15. Made for Isaac (4:18)
16. Ojos Negros (2:38)
17. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:25)
01. All Of Me (4:59)
02. Star Eyes (4:19)
03. Anything Goes (4:34)
04. Don't Blame Me (5:06)
05. Moonlight In Vermont (2:38)
06. It Might As Well Be Spring (4:55)
07. Have You Met Miss Jones (4:05)
08. Love Song (3:17)
09. Sing Hallelujah (3:56)
02. Star Eyes (4:19)
03. Anything Goes (4:34)
04. Don't Blame Me (5:06)
05. Moonlight In Vermont (2:38)
06. It Might As Well Be Spring (4:55)
07. Have You Met Miss Jones (4:05)
08. Love Song (3:17)
09. Sing Hallelujah (3:56)
01. Stompin' at Decca (2:32)
02. My Sweet (2:54)
03. It Had To Bbe You (2:54)
04. Nocturne (3:15)
05. Alexander's Ragtime Band (2:42)
06. Blue Ribbon Rag (2:50)
07. Oh Lady, Be Good (2:46)
08. Stephane's Tune (2:59)
09. Tiger Rag (2:31)
10. Stephane's Blues (3:19)
11. Jive Bomber (3:19)
12. Body And Soul (3:19)
13. Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away) (3:06)
14. The Folks Who Live On The Hill (3:28)
15. Weep No More, My Lady (3:05)
16. Nuages (3:16)
17. The Nearness of You (3:34)
18. 's Wonderful (2:30)
19. Fascinating Rhythm (2:53)
20. Just One Of Those Things (2:28)
21. The Lady Is A Tramp (3:04)
22. I Want To Be Happy (2:13)
23. Dans la vie (3:53)
24. It's Only A Paper Moon (2:52)
25. A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing (4:02)
02. My Sweet (2:54)
03. It Had To Bbe You (2:54)
04. Nocturne (3:15)
05. Alexander's Ragtime Band (2:42)
06. Blue Ribbon Rag (2:50)
07. Oh Lady, Be Good (2:46)
08. Stephane's Tune (2:59)
09. Tiger Rag (2:31)
10. Stephane's Blues (3:19)
11. Jive Bomber (3:19)
12. Body And Soul (3:19)
13. Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away) (3:06)
14. The Folks Who Live On The Hill (3:28)
15. Weep No More, My Lady (3:05)
16. Nuages (3:16)
17. The Nearness of You (3:34)
18. 's Wonderful (2:30)
19. Fascinating Rhythm (2:53)
20. Just One Of Those Things (2:28)
21. The Lady Is A Tramp (3:04)
22. I Want To Be Happy (2:13)
23. Dans la vie (3:53)
24. It's Only A Paper Moon (2:52)
25. A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing (4:02)
01. Minor Swing (4:05)
02. Daphne (3:23)
03. Makin' Whoopee (3:34)
04. Pent-up House (3:33)
05. Django (4:59)
06. Darling, je vous aime beaucoup (2:38)
07. Willow Weep For Me (4:14)
08. How High The Moon (7:22)
09. More (5:11)
10. Lonely Street (2:00)
11. Time After Time (3:55)
12. Misty (3:47)
13. S-H-I-N-E (3:37)
14. Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be) (3:01)
15. I'm Coming Virginia (3:04)
16. La chanson des rues (3:58)
17. Sweet Chorus (4:13)
18. Mon Homme (3:55)
02. Daphne (3:23)
03. Makin' Whoopee (3:34)
04. Pent-up House (3:33)
05. Django (4:59)
06. Darling, je vous aime beaucoup (2:38)
07. Willow Weep For Me (4:14)
08. How High The Moon (7:22)
09. More (5:11)
10. Lonely Street (2:00)
11. Time After Time (3:55)
12. Misty (3:47)
13. S-H-I-N-E (3:37)
14. Lover Man (Oh, Where Can You Be) (3:01)
15. I'm Coming Virginia (3:04)
16. La chanson des rues (3:58)
17. Sweet Chorus (4:13)
18. Mon Homme (3:55)
01. Honeysuckle Rose (5:30)
02. Satin Doll (5:28)
03. Blue Lady (5:02)
04. After You've Gone (2:53)
05. Love Is Back (3:59)
06. You Are My Sunshine (2:24)
07. Twins (5:30)
08. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:26)
09. Parisian Thoroughfare (3:22)
10. So Sorry (3:00)
02. Satin Doll (5:28)
03. Blue Lady (5:02)
04. After You've Gone (2:53)
05. Love Is Back (3:59)
06. You Are My Sunshine (2:24)
07. Twins (5:30)
08. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:26)
09. Parisian Thoroughfare (3:22)
10. So Sorry (3:00)
01. Miss Annabelle Lee (2:52)
02. Chasing Shadows (3:02)
03. Stomping At Decca (2:36)
04. Solitude (3:11)
05. Appel Direct (2:59)
06. J'Attendrai (2:34)
07. After You've Gone (3:08)
08. Nagasaki (2:50)
09. Night And Day (2:43)
10. Avalon (2:54)
11. Runnin' Wild (2:56)
12. Djangology (2:57)
13. Shine (2:57)
14. Sweet Chorus (2:45)
15. Them There Eyes (3:03)
16. Some Of These Days (2:25)
17. If I Had You (2:49)
18. Three Little Words (2:54)
19. A Little Love, A Little Kiss (3:21)
20. Swing From Paris (2:35)
02. Chasing Shadows (3:02)
03. Stomping At Decca (2:36)
04. Solitude (3:11)
05. Appel Direct (2:59)
06. J'Attendrai (2:34)
07. After You've Gone (3:08)
08. Nagasaki (2:50)
09. Night And Day (2:43)
10. Avalon (2:54)
11. Runnin' Wild (2:56)
12. Djangology (2:57)
13. Shine (2:57)
14. Sweet Chorus (2:45)
15. Them There Eyes (3:03)
16. Some Of These Days (2:25)
17. If I Had You (2:49)
18. Three Little Words (2:54)
19. A Little Love, A Little Kiss (3:21)
20. Swing From Paris (2:35)
01. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (2:59)
02. I Thought About You (3:59)
03. It's You Or No One (3:48)
04. Night And Day (4:21)
05. Makin' Whoopee (3:17)
06. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:44)
07. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:39)
08. Blue Moon (3:34)
09. Crazy Rhythm (4:30)
10. The Very Thought Of You (5:28)
11. Fascinating Rhythm (3:40)
12. Limehouse Blues (3:12)
13. Honeysuckle Rose (4:04)
14. In A Sentimental Mood (3:22)
15. Them There Eyes (2:43)
16. Nuages (4:53)
17. Daphne (2:11)
18. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans (5:04)
19. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:33)
20. Lady Be Good (3:45)
02. I Thought About You (3:59)
03. It's You Or No One (3:48)
04. Night And Day (4:21)
05. Makin' Whoopee (3:17)
06. I Get A Kick Out Of You (3:44)
07. Someone To Watch Over Me (5:39)
08. Blue Moon (3:34)
09. Crazy Rhythm (4:30)
10. The Very Thought Of You (5:28)
11. Fascinating Rhythm (3:40)
12. Limehouse Blues (3:12)
13. Honeysuckle Rose (4:04)
14. In A Sentimental Mood (3:22)
15. Them There Eyes (2:43)
16. Nuages (4:53)
17. Daphne (2:11)
18. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans (5:04)
19. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:33)
20. Lady Be Good (3:45)
01. Shine (5:19)
02. Pent-Up House (4:38)
03. Misty (6:20)
04. Sweet Georgia Brown (5:13)
05. Tiger Rag (Hold That Tiger) (4:56)
06. Satin Doll (7:36)
07. Swing '42 (4:01)
08. Medley - Tzigani - Fisztorza - Fulginiti (5:42)
02. Pent-Up House (4:38)
03. Misty (6:20)
04. Sweet Georgia Brown (5:13)
05. Tiger Rag (Hold That Tiger) (4:56)
06. Satin Doll (7:36)
07. Swing '42 (4:01)
08. Medley - Tzigani - Fisztorza - Fulginiti (5:42)
01. The Nearness Of You (3:57)
02. Tournesol (3:14)
03. Stardust (3:59)
04. I Saw Stars (3:22)
05. There Will Never Be Another You (6:33)
06. Memories Of You (4:14)
07. Star Eyes (7:31)
08. Paradise (6:03)
09. Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:59)
10. I Got Rhythm (5:09)
11. Honeysuckle Rose (6:12)
12. Them There Eyes (5:34)
02. Tournesol (3:14)
03. Stardust (3:59)
04. I Saw Stars (3:22)
05. There Will Never Be Another You (6:33)
06. Memories Of You (4:14)
07. Star Eyes (7:31)
08. Paradise (6:03)
09. Nice Work If You Can Get It (4:59)
10. I Got Rhythm (5:09)
11. Honeysuckle Rose (6:12)
12. Them There Eyes (5:34)
01. Shine (2:32)
02. Valsitude (3:07)
03. Sing For Your Supper (4:47)
04. God Bless The Child (7:14)
05. Nuages (3:59)
06. Parisian Thoroughfare (4:32)
07. Grandeur et Cadence (3:15)
08. Stumbling (4:05)
09. Et si l'on improvisait (3:42)
02. Valsitude (3:07)
03. Sing For Your Supper (4:47)
04. God Bless The Child (7:14)
05. Nuages (3:59)
06. Parisian Thoroughfare (4:32)
07. Grandeur et Cadence (3:15)
08. Stumbling (4:05)
09. Et si l'on improvisait (3:42)
01. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (4:39)
02. Deliciosa (2:18)
03. Blue Skies (5:08)
04. Gravenstein (7:05)
05. God Bless the Child (5:53)
06. Stephane (4:05)
07. Stormy Weather (3:58)
08. Song for Your Supper (4:04)
09. Mack the Knife (4:36)
02. Deliciosa (2:18)
03. Blue Skies (5:08)
04. Gravenstein (7:05)
05. God Bless the Child (5:53)
06. Stephane (4:05)
07. Stormy Weather (3:58)
08. Song for Your Supper (4:04)
09. Mack the Knife (4:36)
01. Le temps des cerises (4:09)
02. La marche de Mйnilmontant (4:26)
03. Je tire ma rйvйrence (3:23)
04. Couchйs dans le fouin (4:58)
05. Vous qui passez sans me voir (5:42)
06. Sous les ponts de Paris (4:25)
07. Sous le ciel de Paris (4:24)
08. La vie en rose (4:19)
09. Douce France (6:02)
10. Boum (3:55)
11. La chanson des rues (4:28)
12. Que reste-t-il de nos amours (6:22)
13. Et maintenant (5:07)
14. J'ai deux amours (6:01)
02. La marche de Mйnilmontant (4:26)
03. Je tire ma rйvйrence (3:23)
04. Couchйs dans le fouin (4:58)
05. Vous qui passez sans me voir (5:42)
06. Sous les ponts de Paris (4:25)
07. Sous le ciel de Paris (4:24)
08. La vie en rose (4:19)
09. Douce France (6:02)
10. Boum (3:55)
11. La chanson des rues (4:28)
12. Que reste-t-il de nos amours (6:22)
13. Et maintenant (5:07)
14. J'ai deux amours (6:01)
01. All God's Chillun Got Rhythm (3:17)
02. Night and Day (4:31)
03. I Get a Kick Out of You (3:25)
04. It's You or No One (3:60)
05. I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart (3:28)
06. Honeysuckle Rose (4:37)
07. Medley- 'S Wonderful; Someone to Watch Over Me; I Got Rhythm (7:08)
08. Nuages (6:21)
09. Daphne (2:22)
10. Blue Moon (3:56)
11. Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans (5:13)
12. Lady Be Good (3:01)
13. Medley- I'm Thru with Love; I'll Never Be the Same; I Can't Give You Anything... (6:51)
14. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:43)
02. Night and Day (4:31)
03. I Get a Kick Out of You (3:25)
04. It's You or No One (3:60)
05. I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart (3:28)
06. Honeysuckle Rose (4:37)
07. Medley- 'S Wonderful; Someone to Watch Over Me; I Got Rhythm (7:08)
08. Nuages (6:21)
09. Daphne (2:22)
10. Blue Moon (3:56)
11. Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans (5:13)
12. Lady Be Good (3:01)
13. Medley- I'm Thru with Love; I'll Never Be the Same; I Can't Give You Anything... (6:51)
14. Sweet Georgia Brown (4:43)
01. Sweet Sue Just You (4:18)
02. Going Home Again (4:10)
03. Undecided (3:29)
04. Musette for a Magpie (4:19)
05. I can't give you anything but Love (4:54)
06. Czardas (2:45)
07. Hi lily, hi lo (4:33)
08. Dinah (4:37)
09. Years Apart (4:23)
10. The Gypsy (3:23)
11. Chicago (4:37)
02. Going Home Again (4:10)
03. Undecided (3:29)
04. Musette for a Magpie (4:19)
05. I can't give you anything but Love (4:54)
06. Czardas (2:45)
07. Hi lily, hi lo (4:33)
08. Dinah (4:37)
09. Years Apart (4:23)
10. The Gypsy (3:23)
11. Chicago (4:37)
01. Love for Sale (5:40)
02. Perugia (4:37)
03. Two Cute (3:47)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (5:06)
05. Shangri-La (6:02)
06. Nice Work If You Can Get It (5:01)
07. Star Eyes (7:33)
08. Parisian Thoroughfare (5:18)
09. Improvisation on Prelude in E Minor (5:08)
10. Wave (5:33)
11. Hallelujah (4:55)
02. Perugia (4:37)
03. Two Cute (3:47)
04. Fascinating Rhythm (5:06)
05. Shangri-La (6:02)
06. Nice Work If You Can Get It (5:01)
07. Star Eyes (7:33)
08. Parisian Thoroughfare (5:18)
09. Improvisation on Prelude in E Minor (5:08)
10. Wave (5:33)
11. Hallelujah (4:55)
01. Fine and Dandy (3:35)
02. Over The Rainbow (3:48)
03. Manhattan (4:56)
04. Moonlight in Vermont (6:12)
05. I Can't Get Started (7:38)
06. Amanda (4:23)
07. Stardust (3:54)
08. Can't Help Lovin' That Man (3:44)
09. We'll Be Together Again (4:25)
10. Greensleeves (1:59)
11. Tournesol (3:09)
12. Talk Of The Town (4:03)
13. You Go To My Head (4:44)
14. Nature Boy (3:27)
15. The Nearness of You (3:43)
02. Over The Rainbow (3:48)
03. Manhattan (4:56)
04. Moonlight in Vermont (6:12)
05. I Can't Get Started (7:38)
06. Amanda (4:23)
07. Stardust (3:54)
08. Can't Help Lovin' That Man (3:44)
09. We'll Be Together Again (4:25)
10. Greensleeves (1:59)
11. Tournesol (3:09)
12. Talk Of The Town (4:03)
13. You Go To My Head (4:44)
14. Nature Boy (3:27)
15. The Nearness of You (3:43)
01. Hallelujah (3:10)
02. I'll Never Be The Same (4:01)
03. Minor Swing (2:37)
04. I Surrender Dear (3:44)
05. Honeysuckle Rose (4:00)
06. Beyond The Sea (La Mer) (4:18)
07. Flamingo (3:02)
08. Time On My Hands (2:23)
09. What Am I Here For (3:26)
10. Tea For Two (5:15)
11. Danny Boy (4:03)
12. I Hear Music (3:57)
13. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (4:28)
14. Body And Soul (2:39)
02. I'll Never Be The Same (4:01)
03. Minor Swing (2:37)
04. I Surrender Dear (3:44)
05. Honeysuckle Rose (4:00)
06. Beyond The Sea (La Mer) (4:18)
07. Flamingo (3:02)
08. Time On My Hands (2:23)
09. What Am I Here For (3:26)
10. Tea For Two (5:15)
11. Danny Boy (4:03)
12. I Hear Music (3:57)
13. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (4:28)
14. Body And Soul (2:39)
(01) Limehouse Blues (2:46)
(02) You're Driving Me Crazy (2:52)
(03) Swing Guitars (2:25)
(04) I've Had My Moments (2:57)
(05) Sweet Chorus (2:44)
(06) H.C.Q. Strut (2:56)
(07) Rose Room (2:44)
(08) Ultrafox (3:17)
(09) Improvisation (2:40)
(10) Sweet Georgia Brown (3:07)
(11) Djangology (2:55)
(12) Nocturne (3:14)
(13) Lambeth Walk (2:46)
(14) Honeysuckle Rose (2:51)
(15) Billet Doux (2:54)
(16) Appel Direct (2:57)
(17) Nuages (3:16)
(18) Daphne (3:08)
(19) It Don't Mean A Thing (3:02)
(20) Moonglow (2:59)
(21) Them There Eyes (3:01)
(22) Three Little Words (2:51)
(23) China Boy (2:60)
(24) Chasing Shadows (2:56)
(25) Swing From Paris (2:31)
(26) My Sweet (2:57)
(02) You're Driving Me Crazy (2:52)
(03) Swing Guitars (2:25)
(04) I've Had My Moments (2:57)
(05) Sweet Chorus (2:44)
(06) H.C.Q. Strut (2:56)
(07) Rose Room (2:44)
(08) Ultrafox (3:17)
(09) Improvisation (2:40)
(10) Sweet Georgia Brown (3:07)
(11) Djangology (2:55)
(12) Nocturne (3:14)
(13) Lambeth Walk (2:46)
(14) Honeysuckle Rose (2:51)
(15) Billet Doux (2:54)
(16) Appel Direct (2:57)
(17) Nuages (3:16)
(18) Daphne (3:08)
(19) It Don't Mean A Thing (3:02)
(20) Moonglow (2:59)
(21) Them There Eyes (3:01)
(22) Three Little Words (2:51)
(23) China Boy (2:60)
(24) Chasing Shadows (2:56)
(25) Swing From Paris (2:31)
(26) My Sweet (2:57)
01. I Remember Django (4:50)
02. Honeysuckle Rose (6:19)
03. I Can t Get Started (3:05)
04. What a Difference a Day Made (3:08)
05. More Than You Know (4:15)
06. Et Maintenant (3:44)
07. I Found a New Baby (5:60)
08. It s Only a Paper Moon (3:47)
02. Honeysuckle Rose (6:19)
03. I Can t Get Started (3:05)
04. What a Difference a Day Made (3:08)
05. More Than You Know (4:15)
06. Et Maintenant (3:44)
07. I Found a New Baby (5:60)
08. It s Only a Paper Moon (3:47)
01. Embraceable You (3:20)
02. Nuages (3:20)
03. Limehouse Blues (2:47)
04. Between The Devil & The Deep Blue (2:58)
05. Solitude (3:10)
06. Swingin' With DJango (2:53)
07. Chicago (3:26)
08. I Got Rhythm (3:02)
09. Oiseaux Des Iles (2:53)
10. Brick Top (3:08)
11. Stompin' At The Savoy (3:02)
12. Nagasaki (2:53)
13. Hot Lips (3:08)
14. Honeysuckle Rose (2:55)
15. When Day Is Done (3:15)
16. Sweet Sue, Just You (2:49)
17. Douce Ambiance (2:22)
18. My Serenade (3:01)
19. Hallelujah (2:53)
20. Stockholm (2:48)
21. The Sheik Of Araby (3:07)
22. Sweet Georgia Brown (2:48)
02. Nuages (3:20)
03. Limehouse Blues (2:47)
04. Between The Devil & The Deep Blue (2:58)
05. Solitude (3:10)
06. Swingin' With DJango (2:53)
07. Chicago (3:26)
08. I Got Rhythm (3:02)
09. Oiseaux Des Iles (2:53)
10. Brick Top (3:08)
11. Stompin' At The Savoy (3:02)
12. Nagasaki (2:53)
13. Hot Lips (3:08)
14. Honeysuckle Rose (2:55)
15. When Day Is Done (3:15)
16. Sweet Sue, Just You (2:49)
17. Douce Ambiance (2:22)
18. My Serenade (3:01)
19. Hallelujah (2:53)
20. Stockholm (2:48)
21. The Sheik Of Araby (3:07)
22. Sweet Georgia Brown (2:48)
01. Bugle Call Rag (2:43)
02. Daphne (3:10)
03. I Can't Give You Anything But (3:23)
04. Exactly Like You (2:29)
05. Liebesfreud (2:42)
06. All Of Me (2:51)
07. Miss Annabelle Lee (2:51)
08. Tea For Two (2:49)
09. Coquette (3:04)
10. I've Found A New Baby (3:04)
11. St. Louis Blues (2:46)
12. Sweet Chorus (2:45)
13. Runnin' Wild (2:58)
14. Mike (Mirco, Swing Dynmique) (2:50)
15. Lover Man (3:19)
16. Oui (2:10)
17. Indecision (Undecided) (3:07)
18. Rhythme Futur (2:43)
19. Oriental Shuffle (2:41)
20. Mystery Pacific (2:24)
21. Vendredi 13 (3:05)
22. Paramount Stomp (2:38)
02. Daphne (3:10)
03. I Can't Give You Anything But (3:23)
04. Exactly Like You (2:29)
05. Liebesfreud (2:42)
06. All Of Me (2:51)
07. Miss Annabelle Lee (2:51)
08. Tea For Two (2:49)
09. Coquette (3:04)
10. I've Found A New Baby (3:04)
11. St. Louis Blues (2:46)
12. Sweet Chorus (2:45)
13. Runnin' Wild (2:58)
14. Mike (Mirco, Swing Dynmique) (2:50)
15. Lover Man (3:19)
16. Oui (2:10)
17. Indecision (Undecided) (3:07)
18. Rhythme Futur (2:43)
19. Oriental Shuffle (2:41)
20. Mystery Pacific (2:24)
21. Vendredi 13 (3:05)
22. Paramount Stomp (2:38)
01. Blues (2:39)
02. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:03)
03. Rose Room (2:47)
04. You're Driving Me Crazy (2:54)
05. Belleville (2:34)
06. Pour Vous (Exactly Like You) (3:09)
07. The Younger Generation (2:25)
08. Swing Guitars (2:29)
09. A Little Love, A Little Kiss (3:22)
10. You Took Advantage Of Me (2:56)
11. Blues Clair (3:05)
12. R-Vingt-Six (2:32)
13. Les Yeux Noirs (2:16)
14. Tears (2:40)
15. Fantasie Sur Une Danse Norvegienne (2:34)
16. After You've Gone (3:09)
17. Stephen's Blues (3:17)
18. DJango's Tiger (2:39)
19. Blue Lou (2:23)
20. Lentement, Mademoiselle (3:21)
21. Swing De Paris (3:02)
22. In The Still Of The Night (3:04)
02. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:03)
03. Rose Room (2:47)
04. You're Driving Me Crazy (2:54)
05. Belleville (2:34)
06. Pour Vous (Exactly Like You) (3:09)
07. The Younger Generation (2:25)
08. Swing Guitars (2:29)
09. A Little Love, A Little Kiss (3:22)
10. You Took Advantage Of Me (2:56)
11. Blues Clair (3:05)
12. R-Vingt-Six (2:32)
13. Les Yeux Noirs (2:16)
14. Tears (2:40)
15. Fantasie Sur Une Danse Norvegienne (2:34)
16. After You've Gone (3:09)
17. Stephen's Blues (3:17)
18. DJango's Tiger (2:39)
19. Blue Lou (2:23)
20. Lentement, Mademoiselle (3:21)
21. Swing De Paris (3:02)
22. In The Still Of The Night (3:04)
01. Georgia On My Mind (3:17)
02. Body & Soul (3:29)
03. Manoir De Mes Reves (3:24)
04. Swing 41 (3:09)
05. I'se A-Muggin' (3:08)
06. Liebestraum Nr 3 (3:22)
07. In A Sentimental Mood (3:04)
08. Dinah (2:29)
09. Festival 48 (2:40)
10. How High The Moon (2:37)
11. Crazy Rhythm (3:00)
12. Charleston (2:53)
13. Petit Mesonges (Little With Lies) (3:18)
14. Begin The Beguine (2:54)
15. Fleur D'Ennui (2:35)
16. Fiddle Blues (2:47)
17. Bouncin' Around (2:47)
18. Echoes Of France (La Marseillaise) (2:49)
19. Ain't Misbehavin' (2:56)
20. Out Of Nowhere (3:19)
21. Shine (2:59)
22. Are You In The Mood (2:51)
02. Body & Soul (3:29)
03. Manoir De Mes Reves (3:24)
04. Swing 41 (3:09)
05. I'se A-Muggin' (3:08)
06. Liebestraum Nr 3 (3:22)
07. In A Sentimental Mood (3:04)
08. Dinah (2:29)
09. Festival 48 (2:40)
10. How High The Moon (2:37)
11. Crazy Rhythm (3:00)
12. Charleston (2:53)
13. Petit Mesonges (Little With Lies) (3:18)
14. Begin The Beguine (2:54)
15. Fleur D'Ennui (2:35)
16. Fiddle Blues (2:47)
17. Bouncin' Around (2:47)
18. Echoes Of France (La Marseillaise) (2:49)
19. Ain't Misbehavin' (2:56)
20. Out Of Nowhere (3:19)
21. Shine (2:59)
22. Are You In The Mood (2:51)
01. Dinah (3:13)
02. Jive Bomber (3:21)
03. Body And Soul (3:22)
04. Tiger Rag (2:30)
05. Sweet Sue, Just You (2:35)
06. Stardust (3:31)
07. After You've Gone (3:06)
08. Stephane's Tune (2:56)
09. I Never Knew (2:36)
10. Noel Brings The Swing (2:56)
11. Stephane's Blues (3:18)
12. When I Look At You (3:22)
13. That Old Black Magic (3:02)
14. Three O'Clock In The Morning (3:08)
15. Star Eyes (3:25)
16. J'Attendrai (Au Revoir) (3:26)
02. Jive Bomber (3:21)
03. Body And Soul (3:22)
04. Tiger Rag (2:30)
05. Sweet Sue, Just You (2:35)
06. Stardust (3:31)
07. After You've Gone (3:06)
08. Stephane's Tune (2:56)
09. I Never Knew (2:36)
10. Noel Brings The Swing (2:56)
11. Stephane's Blues (3:18)
12. When I Look At You (3:22)
13. That Old Black Magic (3:02)
14. Three O'Clock In The Morning (3:08)
15. Star Eyes (3:25)
16. J'Attendrai (Au Revoir) (3:26)
(01) Them There Eyes (2:51)
(02) Round About Midnight (3:57)
(03) Pent Up House (5:02)
(04) Tiger Rag (3:43)
(05) Love For Sale (6:26)
(06) Minor Swing (4:55)
(07) Honeysuckle Rose (7:26)
(08) Are You In The Mood (3:11)
(09) Tears (6:31)
(10) It Don't Mean A Thing (4:21)
(11) Sweet Georgia Brown (7:34)
(12) Nuages-Daphne (4:32)
(02) Round About Midnight (3:57)
(03) Pent Up House (5:02)
(04) Tiger Rag (3:43)
(05) Love For Sale (6:26)
(06) Minor Swing (4:55)
(07) Honeysuckle Rose (7:26)
(08) Are You In The Mood (3:11)
(09) Tears (6:31)
(10) It Don't Mean A Thing (4:21)
(11) Sweet Georgia Brown (7:34)
(12) Nuages-Daphne (4:32)
01. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (8:32)
02. My One And Only Love (3:37)
03. After You've Gone (4:08)
04. Undecided (3:22)
05. Venupelli Blues (4:10)
06. Tea For Two (4:11)
07. I'll Never Be The Same (3:50)
02. My One And Only Love (3:37)
03. After You've Gone (4:08)
04. Undecided (3:22)
05. Venupelli Blues (4:10)
06. Tea For Two (4:11)
07. I'll Never Be The Same (3:50)
01. Chicago (3:26)
02. How High The Moon (2:36)
03. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:08)
04. Night And Day (2:42)
05. Ain't Misbehavin' (2:54)
06. Charleston (2:52)
07. The Sheik Of Araby (3:05)
08. Tiger Rag (2:33)
09. Minor Swing (2:38)
10. Swing 42 (2:27)
11. Djangology (2:55)
12. Echoes Of France (La Marseillaise) (2:47)
13. Lady Be Good (2:50)
14. Lambeth Walk (2:45)
15. Some Of These Days (2:24)
16. You're Driving Me Crazy (2:54)
17. Swanee River (3:04)
18. Georgia On My Mind (3:13)
19. Nuages (3:17)
20. Ol'Man River (2:39)
21. La Mer (4:17)
22. Menilmontant (3:02)
02. How High The Moon (2:36)
03. Sweet Georgia Brown (3:08)
04. Night And Day (2:42)
05. Ain't Misbehavin' (2:54)
06. Charleston (2:52)
07. The Sheik Of Araby (3:05)
08. Tiger Rag (2:33)
09. Minor Swing (2:38)
10. Swing 42 (2:27)
11. Djangology (2:55)
12. Echoes Of France (La Marseillaise) (2:47)
13. Lady Be Good (2:50)
14. Lambeth Walk (2:45)
15. Some Of These Days (2:24)
16. You're Driving Me Crazy (2:54)
17. Swanee River (3:04)
18. Georgia On My Mind (3:13)
19. Nuages (3:17)
20. Ol'Man River (2:39)
21. La Mer (4:17)
22. Menilmontant (3:02)
Any questions - [email protected]
This album is available on our DC++ hub: dchub://hub.pro-jazz.com:7777
This album is available on our DC++ hub: dchub://hub.pro-jazz.com:7777