(Bop, Hard Bop, Post - Bop, Mainstream Jazz) Freddie Hubbard (with Charles Earland, Joe Henderson, Woody Shaw, Kirk Lightsey) - Collection, 47 albums - 1960 - 2011, MP3, 320 kbps/256 kbps/VBR

Freddie Hubbard - Collection, 47 albums
Жанр: Bop, Hard Bop, Post - Bop, Mainstream Jazz
Год издания: 1960 - 2011
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps/256 kbps/VBR
Продолжительность: 40 часов 43 минуты 02 секунды
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да
Количество дисков:48
Фредди Хаббард (07.04.1938 - 29.12.2008)
Трубач, флюгельгорнист, выдающийся виртуоз, мастер нео-бопа. Известен как участник ансамбля Jazz Messengers и других популярных групп 60–80-х годов. Фирменный стиль Хаббарда отличался очень высокой скоростью звукоизвлечения. Впоследствии, в связи с возрастом, стиль Хаббарда изменился в сторону большей мелодичности, а музыкант перешел с трубы на флюгельгорн.
1960 - Freddie Hubbard - Open Sesame - 00:53:05[320]
1961 - Freddie Hubbard - Hub Cap - 00:51:41[320]
1961 - Freddie Hubbard - Minor Mishap - 01:07:30[320]
1961 - Freddie Hubbard - Ready For Freddie - 00:42:07[320]
1962 - Freddie Hubbard - Here To Stay - 00:38:23[320]
1962 - Freddie Hubbard - Hub-Tones - 01:01:17[320]
1962 - Freddie Hubbard - The Artistry Of Freddie Hubbard - 00:43:26[320]
1963 - Freddie Hubbard - The Body & The Soul - 00:36:40[320]
1964 - Freddie Hubbard - Breaking Point - 00:46:41[320]
1965 - Freddie Hubbard - Blue Spirits - 01:02:07[320]
1965 - Freddie Hubbard - The Night Of The Cookers (2CD) - 01:26:00[320]
1967 - Freddie Hubbard - Backlash - 00:40:10[320]
1969 - Freddie Hubbard - The Black Angel - 00:45:36[320]
1969 - Freddie Hubbard - Without A Song Live in Europe - 01:09:39[VBR 153 - 192]
1970 - Freddie Hubbard - Red Clay - 01:08:20[320]
1970 - Freddie Hubbard - Straight Life - 00:36:24[320]
1971 - Freddie Hubbard - First Light - 00:47:03[320]
1971 - Freddie Hubbard - Sing Me A Song Of Songmy - 00:40:40[320]
1972 - Freddie Hubbard - Sky Dive - 00:47:51[320]
1973 - Charles Earland, Freddie Hubbard, Joe Henderson - Leaving This Planet - 01:19:00[320]
1974 - Freddie Hubbard - Keep Your Soul Together - 00:38:18[320]
1974 - Freddie Hubbard - The Baddest Hubbard - 00:35:42[320]
1975 - Freddie Hubbard - Gleam - 01:28:06[320]
1975 - Freddie Hubbard - Polar AC - 00:39:56[320]
1978 - Freddie Hubbard - Super Blue (LP) - 00:38:20[320]
1979 - Freddie Hubbard - The Love Connection - 00:43:36[320]
1981 - Freddie Hubbard - Born To Be Blue - 00:41:48[320]
1981 - Freddie Hubbard Quartet - Outpost - 00:37:17[320]
1982 - Freddie Hubbard - Ride Like The Wind (Live) - 00:37:00[256]
1985 - Freddie Hubbard & Woody Shaw - Double Take - 00:44:11[320]
1988 - Freddie Hubbard & Woody Shaw - The Eternal Triangle - 00:56:54[320]
1989 - Freddie Hubbard - Times Are Changing - 00:41:13[320]
1990 - Freddie Hubbard - Topsy (The Standard Book) - 01:03:00[320]
1990 - Kirk Lightsey Trio & Freddie Hubbard - Temptation - 00:51:16[320]
1991 - Freddie Hubbard - All Blues - 01:00:11[320]
1991 - Freddie Hubbard - God Bless The Child - 00:59:47[320]
1991 - Freddie Hubbard - The Rose Tattoo - 00:40:47[320]
1992 - Freddie Hubbard - Blues for Miles - 00:57:08[320]
1995 - Freddie Hubbard - MMTC (Monk, Miles, Trane & Cannon) - 00:55:05[320]
1997 - Freddie Hubbard - Ballads - 00:48:00[320]
1997 - Freddie Hubbard - Goin' Up - 00:39:30[320]
2001 - Freddie Hubbard - Live In Warsaw - 01:00:04[320]
2001 - Freddie Hubbard - New Colors - 00:59:42[320]
2005 - Freddie Hubbard - The Artist Selects - 01:17:07[320]
2008 - Freddie Hubbard & The New Jazz Composers Octet - On The Real Side - 00:52:28[320]
2009 - Freddie Hubbard - Rollin' (1982) - 00:50:23[320]
2011 - Freddie Hubbard - Pinnacle ( Live and Unreleased From Keystone Korner) - 01:04:23[256]
Freddie Hubbard - Collection, 47 albums
Жанр: Bop, Hard Bop, Post - Bop, Mainstream Jazz
Год издания: 1960 - 2011
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps/256 kbps/VBR
Продолжительность: 40 часов 43 минуты 02 секунды
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да
Количество дисков:48
Фредди Хаббард (07.04.1938 - 29.12.2008)
Трубач, флюгельгорнист, выдающийся виртуоз, мастер нео-бопа. Известен как участник ансамбля Jazz Messengers и других популярных групп 60–80-х годов. Фирменный стиль Хаббарда отличался очень высокой скоростью звукоизвлечения. Впоследствии, в связи с возрастом, стиль Хаббарда изменился в сторону большей мелодичности, а музыкант перешел с трубы на флюгельгорн.
Хаббард Фредди
Frederick Dawayne ‘Freddie’ Hubbard
07.04.1938, Индианаполис, шт. ИндианаТрубач, флюгельгорнист, один из выдающихся виртуозов, мастер нео-бопа. Известен как участник ансамбля Jazz Messengers и других популярных групп 60–80-х годов.
В школе осваивал трубу и валторну, учился в консерватории Индианаполиса и играл в ансамбле братьев Монтгомери (Уэсс — гитара, Монк — контрабас, Бадди — вибрафон). По субботам ездил играть в чикагские клубы, где чаще всего выступал вместе со своим ровесником Букером Литлом. В 1958 году приехал в Нью-Йорк и полтора года жил у Эрика Долфи. "Он научил меня играть вне регистров, — сказал позже Хаббард. — Я старался делать скачки чуть ли не на две октавы, подражая тому, что он вытворял на кларнете или бас-кларнете. К тому же Долфи обратил мое внимание на творчество Рави Шанкара, благодаря чему я стал лучше разбираться в ладах".
В 1961–66 работал в ансамбле Арта Блэйки Jazz Messengers, в эти же годы собрал несколько собственных групп и сблизился с музыкантами фри-джаза (участвовал в записи альбома Орнетта Коулмена Free Jazz и двух пластинок Эрика Долфи — Blues And The Abstract Truth и Out To Lunch). Во второй половине 60-х годов увлекся джаз-роком и фьюжн, но, посчитав эти опыты неудачными, в 1972 году вернулся к акустическому джазу. Самый интересный период — 1977–79, участие в ансамбле V.S.O.P. c Херби Хенкоком. В 80–90-е годы выступал и записывался с собственными группами. Его партнерами были Маккой Тайнер, Седар Уолтон, Бобби Хатчисон, Джо Хендерсон, Харольд Лэнд, Джо Пасс, Оскар Питерсон, Джордж Бенсон, Стэнли Тёррентайн и другие. В 1980–81 вновь сотрудничал с Артом Блэйки (группа Blakey All Stars). В 1990 году выступал на московском фестивале (Дон Брейдер — тенор-саксофон, Бенни Грин — фортепиано, Джефф Чеймберс — контрабас, Карл Аллен — ударные). В 1995 году записал музыку четырех гигантов джаза — Джона Колтрейна, Телониуса Монка, Кэннанбола Эддерли и Майлза Дэвиса.Записи:Open Sesame (1960)
Goin’ Up (1960)
Hub Cap (1961)
Ready For Freddie (1961)
The Artistry Of Freddie Hubbard (1962)
Hub-Tones (1962)
The Body And Soul Of Freddie Hubbard (1963)
Breaking Point (1964)
Maiden Voyage (1964, с Херби Хенкоком)
Blue Spirit (1965)
Backlash (1967)
The Hub Of Hubbard (1969)
Red Clay (1970)
Straight Life (1970)
First Light (1972)
Here To Stay. 1961–62 (1979)
Life At The Nord Sea Jazz Festival (1980)
Born To Be Blue (1982)
Standards (1987, с Бенни Голсоном)
The Best Of Freddie Hubbard /1970–73 (1990)
Live At Fat Tuesday’s (1992)
Ballads.1960–64 (1997)
"Искусство Фредди Хаббарда". Запись 1962 года" (1982)Фейертаг В.Б. Джаз. XX век. Энциклопедический справочник. - Издательство "СКИФИЯ", 2001
Frederick Dawayne ‘Freddie’ Hubbard
07.04.1938, Индианаполис, шт. ИндианаТрубач, флюгельгорнист, один из выдающихся виртуозов, мастер нео-бопа. Известен как участник ансамбля Jazz Messengers и других популярных групп 60–80-х годов.
В школе осваивал трубу и валторну, учился в консерватории Индианаполиса и играл в ансамбле братьев Монтгомери (Уэсс — гитара, Монк — контрабас, Бадди — вибрафон). По субботам ездил играть в чикагские клубы, где чаще всего выступал вместе со своим ровесником Букером Литлом. В 1958 году приехал в Нью-Йорк и полтора года жил у Эрика Долфи. "Он научил меня играть вне регистров, — сказал позже Хаббард. — Я старался делать скачки чуть ли не на две октавы, подражая тому, что он вытворял на кларнете или бас-кларнете. К тому же Долфи обратил мое внимание на творчество Рави Шанкара, благодаря чему я стал лучше разбираться в ладах".
В 1961–66 работал в ансамбле Арта Блэйки Jazz Messengers, в эти же годы собрал несколько собственных групп и сблизился с музыкантами фри-джаза (участвовал в записи альбома Орнетта Коулмена Free Jazz и двух пластинок Эрика Долфи — Blues And The Abstract Truth и Out To Lunch). Во второй половине 60-х годов увлекся джаз-роком и фьюжн, но, посчитав эти опыты неудачными, в 1972 году вернулся к акустическому джазу. Самый интересный период — 1977–79, участие в ансамбле V.S.O.P. c Херби Хенкоком. В 80–90-е годы выступал и записывался с собственными группами. Его партнерами были Маккой Тайнер, Седар Уолтон, Бобби Хатчисон, Джо Хендерсон, Харольд Лэнд, Джо Пасс, Оскар Питерсон, Джордж Бенсон, Стэнли Тёррентайн и другие. В 1980–81 вновь сотрудничал с Артом Блэйки (группа Blakey All Stars). В 1990 году выступал на московском фестивале (Дон Брейдер — тенор-саксофон, Бенни Грин — фортепиано, Джефф Чеймберс — контрабас, Карл Аллен — ударные). В 1995 году записал музыку четырех гигантов джаза — Джона Колтрейна, Телониуса Монка, Кэннанбола Эддерли и Майлза Дэвиса.Записи:Open Sesame (1960)
Goin’ Up (1960)
Hub Cap (1961)
Ready For Freddie (1961)
The Artistry Of Freddie Hubbard (1962)
Hub-Tones (1962)
The Body And Soul Of Freddie Hubbard (1963)
Breaking Point (1964)
Maiden Voyage (1964, с Херби Хенкоком)
Blue Spirit (1965)
Backlash (1967)
The Hub Of Hubbard (1969)
Red Clay (1970)
Straight Life (1970)
First Light (1972)
Here To Stay. 1961–62 (1979)
Life At The Nord Sea Jazz Festival (1980)
Born To Be Blue (1982)
Standards (1987, с Бенни Голсоном)
The Best Of Freddie Hubbard /1970–73 (1990)
Live At Fat Tuesday’s (1992)
Ballads.1960–64 (1997)
"Искусство Фредди Хаббарда". Запись 1962 года" (1982)Фейертаг В.Б. Джаз. XX век. Энциклопедический справочник. - Издательство "СКИФИЯ", 2001
01. Open Sesame
02. But Beautiful
03. Gypsy Blue
04. All Or Nothing At All
05. One Mint Julep
06. Hub's Nub
07. Open Sesame (Alternate Take)
08. Gypsy Blue (Alternate Take)
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
Tina Brooks (tenor saxophone);
McCoy Tyner (piano); Sam Jones (bass);
Clifford Jarvis (drums).
01. Open Sesame
02. But Beautiful
03. Gypsy Blue
04. All Or Nothing At All
05. One Mint Julep
06. Hub's Nub
07. Open Sesame (Alternate Take)
08. Gypsy Blue (Alternate Take)
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
Tina Brooks (tenor saxophone);
McCoy Tyner (piano); Sam Jones (bass);
Clifford Jarvis (drums).
01. Hub Cap
02. Cry Me Not
03. Luana
04. Osie Mae
05. Plexus
06. Plexus (Alternate Take)
07. Earmon Jr.
Freddie Hubbard (Trumpet)
Jimmy Heath (Sax (Tenor)
Julian Priester (Trombone)
Cedar Walton (Piano)
Larry Ridley (Bass)
Philly Joe Jones (Drums)
01. Hub Cap
02. Cry Me Not
03. Luana
04. Osie Mae
05. Plexus
06. Plexus (Alternate Take)
07. Earmon Jr.
Freddie Hubbard (Trumpet)
Jimmy Heath (Sax (Tenor)
Julian Priester (Trombone)
Cedar Walton (Piano)
Larry Ridley (Bass)
Philly Joe Jones (Drums)
01. Minor Mishap (Take 3)
02. Minor Mishap (Take 4)
03. Blues For Alvina (Take 3)
04. Blues For Alvina (Take 5)
05. The Nearness Of You (Take 3)
06. Number Five (Take 3)
07. Number Five (Take 5)
08. Lex (Take 2)
09. Lex (Take 4)
10. Time After Time (Take 2)
11. Apothegm (Take 6)
12. Apothegm (Take 14
Recorded: Bell Sound Studios, New York, New York on August 2, 1961.
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, horns;
Pepper Adams - baritone sax;
Willie Wilson - trombone;
Duke Pearson - piano;
Thomas Howard - bass;
Lex Humphries - drums.
01. Minor Mishap (Take 3)
02. Minor Mishap (Take 4)
03. Blues For Alvina (Take 3)
04. Blues For Alvina (Take 5)
05. The Nearness Of You (Take 3)
06. Number Five (Take 3)
07. Number Five (Take 5)
08. Lex (Take 2)
09. Lex (Take 4)
10. Time After Time (Take 2)
11. Apothegm (Take 6)
12. Apothegm (Take 14
Recorded: Bell Sound Studios, New York, New York on August 2, 1961.
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, horns;
Pepper Adams - baritone sax;
Willie Wilson - trombone;
Duke Pearson - piano;
Thomas Howard - bass;
Lex Humphries - drums.
1. Arietis (6:43)
2. Weaver Of Dreams (6:39)
3. Marie Antoinette (6:42)
4. Birdlike (10:19)
5. Crisis (11:44)
Freddie Hubbard: trumpet
Bernard McKinney: euphonium
Wayne Shorter: tenor sax
McCoy Tyner: piano
Art Davis: bass
Elvin Jones: drums
1. Arietis (6:43)
2. Weaver Of Dreams (6:39)
3. Marie Antoinette (6:42)
4. Birdlike (10:19)
5. Crisis (11:44)
Freddie Hubbard: trumpet
Bernard McKinney: euphonium
Wayne Shorter: tenor sax
McCoy Tyner: piano
Art Davis: bass
Elvin Jones: drums
1. Philly Mignon
2. Father and Son
3. Body and Soul
4. Nostrand and Fulton
5. Full Moon and Empty Arms
6. Assunta
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Wayne Shorter - tenor sax
Cedar Walton - piano
Reggie Workman - bass
Philly Joe Jones - drums
Originally recorded on December 27, 1962 at the Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
1. Philly Mignon
2. Father and Son
3. Body and Soul
4. Nostrand and Fulton
5. Full Moon and Empty Arms
6. Assunta
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Wayne Shorter - tenor sax
Cedar Walton - piano
Reggie Workman - bass
Philly Joe Jones - drums
Originally recorded on December 27, 1962 at the Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
1. You're My Everything
2. Prophet Jennings
3. Hub Tones
4. Lament For Booker
5. For Spee's Sake
6. You're My Everything (alternate take)
7. Hub Tones (alternate take)
8. For Spee's Sake (alternate take)
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
James Spaulding (alto saxophone, flute);
Herbie Hancock (piano);
Reggie Workman (bass);
Clifford Jarvis (drums).
1. You're My Everything
2. Prophet Jennings
3. Hub Tones
4. Lament For Booker
5. For Spee's Sake
6. You're My Everything (alternate take)
7. Hub Tones (alternate take)
8. For Spee's Sake (alternate take)
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
James Spaulding (alto saxophone, flute);
Herbie Hancock (piano);
Reggie Workman (bass);
Clifford Jarvis (drums).
01. Caravan (7:33)
02. Bob's Place (4:34)
03. Happy Times (10:11)
04. Summertime (10:16)
05. The 7th Day (10:51)
Freddie Hubbard - tp
Curtis Fuller - tb
John Gilmore - ts
Tommy Flanagan - p
Art Davis - b
Louis Hayes - dr
Rec.: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, July 2, 1962.
01. Caravan (7:33)
02. Bob's Place (4:34)
03. Happy Times (10:11)
04. Summertime (10:16)
05. The 7th Day (10:51)
Freddie Hubbard - tp
Curtis Fuller - tb
John Gilmore - ts
Tommy Flanagan - p
Art Davis - b
Louis Hayes - dr
Rec.: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, July 2, 1962.
01. Body And Soul (4:39)
02. Carnival (Manha De Carnaval) (5:22)
03. Chocolate Shake (3:59)
04. Dedicated To You (3:26)
05. Clarence's Place (3:31)
06. Aries (3:07)
07. Skylark (4:32)
08. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) (3:42)
09. Thermo (4:21)
01. Body And Soul (4:39)
02. Carnival (Manha De Carnaval) (5:22)
03. Chocolate Shake (3:59)
04. Dedicated To You (3:26)
05. Clarence's Place (3:31)
06. Aries (3:07)
07. Skylark (4:32)
08. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) (3:42)
09. Thermo (4:21)
1. Breaking Point
2. Far Away
3. Blue Frenzy
4. D Minor Mint
5. Mirrors
6. Blue Frenzy [alternate take]
7. Mirrors [alternate take]
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
James Spaulding - alto sax, flute
Ronnie Mathews - piano
Eddie Khan - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
Originally recorded on May 7, 1964 at the Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
1. Breaking Point
2. Far Away
3. Blue Frenzy
4. D Minor Mint
5. Mirrors
6. Blue Frenzy [alternate take]
7. Mirrors [alternate take]
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
James Spaulding - alto sax, flute
Ronnie Mathews - piano
Eddie Khan - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
Originally recorded on May 7, 1964 at the Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
1. Soul Surge
2. Blue Spirits
3. Outer Forces
4. Cunga Black
5. Jodo
6. The Melting Pot
7. True Colors
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
James Spaulding, - alto sax, flute(1-5)
Hosea Taylor - alto sax, basson(6,7)
Joe Henderson(1,4), Hank Mobley(2,3,5-7) - tenor sax
Kiane Zawadi - euphonium(1-5)
Harold Mabern(2,3,5), McCoy Tyner(1,4), Herbie Hancock(6,7) - piano
Larry Ridley(2,3,5), Bob Cranshaw(1,4), Reggie Workman(6,7) - bass
Clifford Jarvis(2,3,5), Pete LaRoca(1,4), Elvin Jones(6,7) - drums
Big Black - conga(2,3,5)
1. Soul Surge
2. Blue Spirits
3. Outer Forces
4. Cunga Black
5. Jodo
6. The Melting Pot
7. True Colors
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
James Spaulding, - alto sax, flute(1-5)
Hosea Taylor - alto sax, basson(6,7)
Joe Henderson(1,4), Hank Mobley(2,3,5-7) - tenor sax
Kiane Zawadi - euphonium(1-5)
Harold Mabern(2,3,5), McCoy Tyner(1,4), Herbie Hancock(6,7) - piano
Larry Ridley(2,3,5), Bob Cranshaw(1,4), Reggie Workman(6,7) - bass
Clifford Jarvis(2,3,5), Pete LaRoca(1,4), Elvin Jones(6,7) - drums
Big Black - conga(2,3,5)
1. Pensativa
2. Walkin'
1. Jodo
2. Breaking Point
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
Lee Morgan (trumpet);
Larry Ridley (bass instrument);
Big Black (congas);
James Spaulding (flute, alto saxophone);
Harold Mabern (piano);
Pete La Roca (drums).
1. Pensativa
2. Walkin'
1. Jodo
2. Breaking Point
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
Lee Morgan (trumpet);
Larry Ridley (bass instrument);
Big Black (congas);
James Spaulding (flute, alto saxophone);
Harold Mabern (piano);
Pete La Roca (drums).
1. Backlash (4:15)
2. The Return of the Prodigal Son (5:43)
3. Little Sunflower (7:56)
4. On the Que-Tee (5:48)
5. Up Jumped Spring (6:43)
6. Echoes of Blue (9:45)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet & fluegelhorn
James Spaulding - flute & alto sax
Albert Dailey - piano
Bob Cunningham - bass
Otis Ray Appleton - drums
Ray Barretto - percussion
1. Backlash (4:15)
2. The Return of the Prodigal Son (5:43)
3. Little Sunflower (7:56)
4. On the Que-Tee (5:48)
5. Up Jumped Spring (6:43)
6. Echoes of Blue (9:45)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet & fluegelhorn
James Spaulding - flute & alto sax
Albert Dailey - piano
Bob Cunningham - bass
Otis Ray Appleton - drums
Ray Barretto - percussion
1. "Spacetrack" (Hubbard) - 16:54
2. "Eclipse" (Mingus) - 8:16
3. "The Black Angel" (Barron) - 8:15
4. "Gittin' Down" (Hubbard) - 6:37
5. "Coral Keys" (Bishop) - 5:20
Freddie Hubbard: trumpet
James Spaulding: alto saxophone, flute
Kenny Barron: piano, electric piano
Reggie Workman: bass
Louis Hayes: drums
Carlos "Patato" Valdes: conga, maracas
1. "Spacetrack" (Hubbard) - 16:54
2. "Eclipse" (Mingus) - 8:16
3. "The Black Angel" (Barron) - 8:15
4. "Gittin' Down" (Hubbard) - 6:37
5. "Coral Keys" (Bishop) - 5:20
Freddie Hubbard: trumpet
James Spaulding: alto saxophone, flute
Kenny Barron: piano, electric piano
Reggie Workman: bass
Louis Hayes: drums
Carlos "Patato" Valdes: conga, maracas
1. Without A Song
2. The Things We Did Last Summer
3. A Night In Tunisia
4. Blues By Five
5. Body And Soul
6. Space Track
7. Hub-tones
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet); Roland Hanna (piano);
Ron Carter (bass); Louis Hayes (drums).
1. Without A Song
2. The Things We Did Last Summer
3. A Night In Tunisia
4. Blues By Five
5. Body And Soul
6. Space Track
7. Hub-tones
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet); Roland Hanna (piano);
Ron Carter (bass); Louis Hayes (drums).
01 - Red Clay
02 - Delphia
03 - Suite Sioux
04 - The Intrepid Fox
05 - Cold Turkey
06 - Red Clay [Alternate Version]
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Joe Henderson - tenor saxophone
Herbie Hancock - electric piano
Ron Carter - bass
Lenny White - drums
01 - Red Clay
02 - Delphia
03 - Suite Sioux
04 - The Intrepid Fox
05 - Cold Turkey
06 - Red Clay [Alternate Version]
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Joe Henderson - tenor saxophone
Herbie Hancock - electric piano
Ron Carter - bass
Lenny White - drums
01. Straight Life (17:30)
02. Mr. Clean (13:37)
03. Here's That Rainy Day (5:17)
Bass - Ron Carter
Drums - Jack DeJohnette
Guitar - George Benson
Percussion - Richard Landrum
Piano - Herbie Hancock
Producer - Creed Taylor
Saxophone - Joe Henderson
Tambourine - Weldon Irvine
Trumpet, Flugelhorn - Freddie Hubbard
Recorded at Van Gelder Studios, November 16, 1970
01. Straight Life (17:30)
02. Mr. Clean (13:37)
03. Here's That Rainy Day (5:17)
Bass - Ron Carter
Drums - Jack DeJohnette
Guitar - George Benson
Percussion - Richard Landrum
Piano - Herbie Hancock
Producer - Creed Taylor
Saxophone - Joe Henderson
Tambourine - Weldon Irvine
Trumpet, Flugelhorn - Freddie Hubbard
Recorded at Van Gelder Studios, November 16, 1970
1. First Light (11:08)
2. Uncle Albert - Admiral Halsey (8:19)
3. Moment To Moment (5:45)
4. Yesterday's Dreams (3:58)
5. Lonely Town (From On The Town ) (7:02)
6. Fantasy In D (6:55)
1. First Light (11:08)
2. Uncle Albert - Admiral Halsey (8:19)
3. Moment To Moment (5:45)
4. Yesterday's Dreams (3:58)
5. Lonely Town (From On The Town ) (7:02)
6. Fantasy In D (6:55)
01. Threnody for Sharon Tate (Mimaroglu)
02. This Is Combat I Know (Mimaroglu)
03. The Crowd
04. What a Good Time for Kent State
05. Monodrama
06. Black Soldier (Mimaroglu)
07. Interlude Hancock I
08. Interlude Hancock II
09. And Yet There Could Be Love
10. Postlude
Freddie Hubbard (Trumpet, Horn);
Junior Cook (Saxophone);
Arif Mardin (Organ, Strings);
Kenny Barron (Piano);
Ilhan Mimaroglu (Synthesizer);
Art Booth (Bass);
Louis Hayes (Drums).
01. Threnody for Sharon Tate (Mimaroglu)
02. This Is Combat I Know (Mimaroglu)
03. The Crowd
04. What a Good Time for Kent State
05. Monodrama
06. Black Soldier (Mimaroglu)
07. Interlude Hancock I
08. Interlude Hancock II
09. And Yet There Could Be Love
10. Postlude
Freddie Hubbard (Trumpet, Horn);
Junior Cook (Saxophone);
Arif Mardin (Organ, Strings);
Kenny Barron (Piano);
Ilhan Mimaroglu (Synthesizer);
Art Booth (Bass);
Louis Hayes (Drums).
01. Povo (14:46)
02. In A Mist (7:05)
03. Naturally (5:57)
04. The Godfather (7:23)
05. Sky Dive (7:37)
06. Naturally [alternate take] (5:02)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Ron Carter - bass
Billy Cobham - drums
George Benson - guitar
Keith Jarrett - piano, electric piano
Ray Barretto & Airto Moreira - percussion
Hubert Laws - flute, alto flute, bass flute (all solos)
Alan Rubin & Marvin Stamm - trumpet, flugelhorn
Wayne Andre & Garnett Brown - trombone
Paul Faulise - bass trombone
Tony Price - tuba
Phil Bodner - flute, alto flute, bass flute, bass clarinet, piccolo
George Marge - flute, alto flute, clarinet, bass clarinet
Wally Kane - bass clarinet, piccolo
Romeo Penque - flute, alto flute, clarinet, oboe, english horn
01. Povo (14:46)
02. In A Mist (7:05)
03. Naturally (5:57)
04. The Godfather (7:23)
05. Sky Dive (7:37)
06. Naturally [alternate take] (5:02)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Ron Carter - bass
Billy Cobham - drums
George Benson - guitar
Keith Jarrett - piano, electric piano
Ray Barretto & Airto Moreira - percussion
Hubert Laws - flute, alto flute, bass flute (all solos)
Alan Rubin & Marvin Stamm - trumpet, flugelhorn
Wayne Andre & Garnett Brown - trombone
Paul Faulise - bass trombone
Tony Price - tuba
Phil Bodner - flute, alto flute, bass flute, bass clarinet, piccolo
George Marge - flute, alto flute, clarinet, bass clarinet
Wally Kane - bass clarinet, piccolo
Romeo Penque - flute, alto flute, clarinet, oboe, english horn
01. Leaving This Planet [7:30]
02. Red Clay [7:07]
03. Warp Factor 8 [6:18]
04. Brown Eyes [11:43[
05. Asteroid [6:41]
06. Mason's Galaxy [7:18]
07. No Me Esqueca (Don't Forget Me) [7:43]
08. Tyner [6:03]
09. Van Jay [8:37]
10. Never Ending Melody [9:44]
01. Leaving This Planet [7:30]
02. Red Clay [7:07]
03. Warp Factor 8 [6:18]
04. Brown Eyes [11:43[
05. Asteroid [6:41]
06. Mason's Galaxy [7:18]
07. No Me Esqueca (Don't Forget Me) [7:43]
08. Tyner [6:03]
09. Van Jay [8:37]
10. Never Ending Melody [9:44]
1. Bigitte
2. Keep Your Soul Together
3. Spirits Of Trane
4. Destiny’s Children
Recorded Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: October 5 and 23, 1973
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn, composer;
Kent Brinkley , Ron Carter - bass, el bass;
Ralph Penland - drums;
George Cables - el piano;
Aurell Ray - guitar;
Juno Lewis - percussion;
Junior Cook - sax (tenor);
engineer - Rudy Van Gelder.
1. Bigitte
2. Keep Your Soul Together
3. Spirits Of Trane
4. Destiny’s Children
Recorded Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: October 5 and 23, 1973
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn, composer;
Kent Brinkley , Ron Carter - bass, el bass;
Ralph Penland - drums;
George Cables - el piano;
Aurell Ray - guitar;
Juno Lewis - percussion;
Junior Cook - sax (tenor);
engineer - Rudy Van Gelder.
1.Red Clay 12:08
2.In a Mist 7:01
3.First Light 11:01
4.Here's That Rainy Day 5:14
Airto Percussion, Musician
Ray Alonge French Horn, Musician
Wayne Andre Trombone, Musician
Ray Barretto Percussion, Musician
George Benson Guitar, Musician
Phil Bodner Flute, Clarinet (Bass), Piccolo, Musician
Al Brown & His Tunetoppers Viola, Musician
Garnett Brown Trombone, Musician
Jim Buffington French Horn, Musician
Ron Carter Bass, Musician
Billy Cobham Drums
Jack DeJohnette Drums, Musician
Paul Faulise Trombone (Bass), Musician
Paul Gershman Violin, Musician
Emanuel Green Violin, Musician
Herbie Hancock Piano, Musician
Freddie Hubbard Trumpet, Musician
Keith Jarrett Piano, Piano (Electric), Musician
Wally Kane Flute, Bassoon, Clarinet (Bass), Piccolo, Musician
Harold Kohon Violin, Musician
Phil Kraus Vibraphone, Musician
Hubert Laws Clarinet, Flute, Clarinet (Bass), Flute (Alto), Soloist, Musician
Joe Malin Violin, Musician
George Marge Clarinet, Flute, Musician
Charles McCracken Cello, Musician
David Nadien Violin, Musician
Gene Orloff Violin, Musician
Romeo Penque Clarinet, Flute, Horn (English), Oboe, Musician
Matthew Raimondi Violin, Musician
George Ricci Cello, Musician
Alan Rubin Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Musician
Tosha Samaroff Violin, Musician
Ed Shaughnessy Percussion, Musician
Irving Spice Violin, Musician
Marvin Stamm Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Musician
Creed Taylor Producer, Audio Production
Jane Taylor Bassoon, Musician
The Manny Vardi Strings Viola, Musician
Lenny White Drums, Musician
Richard Wyands Organ, Piano, Piano (Electric), Musician
1.Red Clay 12:08
2.In a Mist 7:01
3.First Light 11:01
4.Here's That Rainy Day 5:14
Airto Percussion, Musician
Ray Alonge French Horn, Musician
Wayne Andre Trombone, Musician
Ray Barretto Percussion, Musician
George Benson Guitar, Musician
Phil Bodner Flute, Clarinet (Bass), Piccolo, Musician
Al Brown & His Tunetoppers Viola, Musician
Garnett Brown Trombone, Musician
Jim Buffington French Horn, Musician
Ron Carter Bass, Musician
Billy Cobham Drums
Jack DeJohnette Drums, Musician
Paul Faulise Trombone (Bass), Musician
Paul Gershman Violin, Musician
Emanuel Green Violin, Musician
Herbie Hancock Piano, Musician
Freddie Hubbard Trumpet, Musician
Keith Jarrett Piano, Piano (Electric), Musician
Wally Kane Flute, Bassoon, Clarinet (Bass), Piccolo, Musician
Harold Kohon Violin, Musician
Phil Kraus Vibraphone, Musician
Hubert Laws Clarinet, Flute, Clarinet (Bass), Flute (Alto), Soloist, Musician
Joe Malin Violin, Musician
George Marge Clarinet, Flute, Musician
Charles McCracken Cello, Musician
David Nadien Violin, Musician
Gene Orloff Violin, Musician
Romeo Penque Clarinet, Flute, Horn (English), Oboe, Musician
Matthew Raimondi Violin, Musician
George Ricci Cello, Musician
Alan Rubin Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Musician
Tosha Samaroff Violin, Musician
Ed Shaughnessy Percussion, Musician
Irving Spice Violin, Musician
Marvin Stamm Trumpet, Flugelhorn, Musician
Creed Taylor Producer, Audio Production
Jane Taylor Bassoon, Musician
The Manny Vardi Strings Viola, Musician
Lenny White Drums, Musician
Richard Wyands Organ, Piano, Piano (Electric), Musician
01. Put It in The Pocket 9:29 (C. Randall, F. Hubbard)
02. Ebony Moonbeams 12:33 (G. Cables)
03. Betcha by Golly Wow 8:49 (L. Creed, T. Bell)
04. Spirits of Trane 9:15 (F. Hubbard)
05. Kuntu 22:22 (F. Hubbard)
06. Midnight at the Oasis 7:23 (D. Nichtern)
07. Too High 16:19 (S. Wonder)
Trumpet, flugelhorn - Freddie Hubbard
Sax tenor, flute - Carl Randall
Fender Rhodes - George Cables
Drums- Carl Burnett
Bass (Fender) - Henry Franklin
Congas, percussion - Buck Clark
01. Put It in The Pocket 9:29 (C. Randall, F. Hubbard)
02. Ebony Moonbeams 12:33 (G. Cables)
03. Betcha by Golly Wow 8:49 (L. Creed, T. Bell)
04. Spirits of Trane 9:15 (F. Hubbard)
05. Kuntu 22:22 (F. Hubbard)
06. Midnight at the Oasis 7:23 (D. Nichtern)
07. Too High 16:19 (S. Wonder)
Trumpet, flugelhorn - Freddie Hubbard
Sax tenor, flute - Carl Randall
Fender Rhodes - George Cables
Drums- Carl Burnett
Bass (Fender) - Henry Franklin
Congas, percussion - Buck Clark
1.Polar AC
2.People Make The World Go Round
3.Betcha By Golly,Wow
5.Son Of Sky Diver
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Junior Cook - saxophone
George Cables - keyboards
George Benson - guitar
Hubert Laws - flute
Ron Carter - bass
Jack DeJohnette - drums
1.Polar AC
2.People Make The World Go Round
3.Betcha By Golly,Wow
5.Son Of Sky Diver
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Junior Cook - saxophone
George Cables - keyboards
George Benson - guitar
Hubert Laws - flute
Ron Carter - bass
Jack DeJohnette - drums
01. Super Blue
02. To Her Ladyship
03. Take It to the Ozone
04. Gospel Truth
05. Surest Things Can Change
06. Theme for Kareem
Freddie Hubbard: trumpet, flugelhorn;
Joe Henderson: tenor saxophone;
Hubert Laws: flutes;
Kenny Barron: acoustic piano, keyboards;
Ron Carter: bass;
Jack DeJohnette: drums;
George Benson: guitar;
Dale Oehler: additional keyboards
01. Super Blue
02. To Her Ladyship
03. Take It to the Ozone
04. Gospel Truth
05. Surest Things Can Change
06. Theme for Kareem
Freddie Hubbard: trumpet, flugelhorn;
Joe Henderson: tenor saxophone;
Hubert Laws: flutes;
Kenny Barron: acoustic piano, keyboards;
Ron Carter: bass;
Jack DeJohnette: drums;
George Benson: guitar;
Dale Oehler: additional keyboards
1. The Love Connection
2. Brigitte
3. This Dream
4. Little Sunflower
5. Lazy Afternoon
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn;
Buddy Collette, Ernie Watts, Joe Farrell, Tom Scott - sax tenor, flute;
Dick Hyde, Phil Ranelin, Phil Teele - trombone;
Chuck Findley, Snooky Young, Oscar Brashear, Steven Madaio - trumpet;
Chick Corea - keyboards;
Chuck Damonico, Stanley Clarke (1) - bass;
Chester Thompson - drums;
Jumma Santos, Rubens Bassini - percussion;
Al Jarreau - vocals.
1. The Love Connection
2. Brigitte
3. This Dream
4. Little Sunflower
5. Lazy Afternoon
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn;
Buddy Collette, Ernie Watts, Joe Farrell, Tom Scott - sax tenor, flute;
Dick Hyde, Phil Ranelin, Phil Teele - trombone;
Chuck Findley, Snooky Young, Oscar Brashear, Steven Madaio - trumpet;
Chick Corea - keyboards;
Chuck Damonico, Stanley Clarke (1) - bass;
Chester Thompson - drums;
Jumma Santos, Rubens Bassini - percussion;
Al Jarreau - vocals.
1.Gibraltar (11:55)
2.True Colors (7:48)
3.Born To Be Blue (7:22)
4.Joy Spring (6:35)
5.Up Jumped Spring (6:58)
Recorded At Ocean Way Recording Studio,Hollywood,Dec.14,1981
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Harold Land - tenor sax
Billy Childs - keyboards
Larry Klein - bass
Steve Houghton - drums
Buck Clark - percussion
1.Gibraltar (11:55)
2.True Colors (7:48)
3.Born To Be Blue (7:22)
4.Joy Spring (6:35)
5.Up Jumped Spring (6:58)
Recorded At Ocean Way Recording Studio,Hollywood,Dec.14,1981
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Harold Land - tenor sax
Billy Childs - keyboards
Larry Klein - bass
Steve Houghton - drums
Buck Clark - percussion
01. Santa Anna Winds (Hubbard)
02. You Don't Know What Love Is (Raye-DePaul)
03. The Outpost Blues (Hubbard)
04. Dual Force (Williams)
05. Loss (Dolphy)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, fluegelhorn,
Kenny Barron - piano,
Buster Williams - bass,
Al Foster - drums.
01. Santa Anna Winds (Hubbard)
02. You Don't Know What Love Is (Raye-DePaul)
03. The Outpost Blues (Hubbard)
04. Dual Force (Williams)
05. Loss (Dolphy)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, fluegelhorn,
Kenny Barron - piano,
Buster Williams - bass,
Al Foster - drums.
01. Hubbard’s Cupboard 4:53
02. This Is It 4:36
03. Condition Alpha 4:54
04. Ride Like The Wind 4:56
05. Birdland 6:25
06. Brigitte 6:19
07. Two Moods For Freddie 5:25
Arranged By, Conductor – Allyn Ferguson
Bass – Abe Laboriel
Cello – Fred Seykora, Mary Lane, Raphael Kramer, Ron Cooper
Drums – Bill Maxwell
Guitar – Dan Ferguson
Harp – Dorothy Remsen
Keyboards – Bill Mays
Percussion – Joe Porcaro
Saxophone, Flute – Bill Perkins , Bob Tricarico , Bud Shank
Trombone – Bill Watrous
Trumpet – Chuck Findley , Gary Grant
Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Freddie Hubbard
Tuba – Tom Johnson
Violin – Anatol Kaminsky , David Montagu , Frank Foster,
Marvin Limonick , Nathan Ross , Reggie Hill, Bob Sushel, Ron Folsom,
Sheldon Sanov , Stan Plummer, Stuart Canin
01. Hubbard’s Cupboard 4:53
02. This Is It 4:36
03. Condition Alpha 4:54
04. Ride Like The Wind 4:56
05. Birdland 6:25
06. Brigitte 6:19
07. Two Moods For Freddie 5:25
Arranged By, Conductor – Allyn Ferguson
Bass – Abe Laboriel
Cello – Fred Seykora, Mary Lane, Raphael Kramer, Ron Cooper
Drums – Bill Maxwell
Guitar – Dan Ferguson
Harp – Dorothy Remsen
Keyboards – Bill Mays
Percussion – Joe Porcaro
Saxophone, Flute – Bill Perkins , Bob Tricarico , Bud Shank
Trombone – Bill Watrous
Trumpet – Chuck Findley , Gary Grant
Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Freddie Hubbard
Tuba – Tom Johnson
Violin – Anatol Kaminsky , David Montagu , Frank Foster,
Marvin Limonick , Nathan Ross , Reggie Hill, Bob Sushel, Ron Folsom,
Sheldon Sanov , Stan Plummer, Stuart Canin
01. Sandu (4:29)
02. Boperation (4:56)
03. Lament For Booker (6:22)
04. Hub - Tones (6:28)
05. Desert Moonlight (8:10)
06. Just A Ballad For Woody (5:31)
07. Lotus Blossom (8:15)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn, horns
Woody Shaw - trumpet, flugelhorn
Kenny Garrett - flute, alto saxophone
Mulgrew Miller - piano
Carl Allen - drums
01. Sandu (4:29)
02. Boperation (4:56)
03. Lament For Booker (6:22)
04. Hub - Tones (6:28)
05. Desert Moonlight (8:10)
06. Just A Ballad For Woody (5:31)
07. Lotus Blossom (8:15)
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn, horns
Woody Shaw - trumpet, flugelhorn
Kenny Garrett - flute, alto saxophone
Mulgrew Miller - piano
Carl Allen - drums
01. Down Under (7:37)
02. The Eternal Triangle (7:50)
03. The Moontrane (6:31)
04. Calling Miss Khadija (6:44)
05. Nostrand And Fulton (6:12)
06. Tomorrow's Destiny (7:08)
07. Sao Paulo (8:11)
08. Reets And I (6:41)
01. Down Under (7:37)
02. The Eternal Triangle (7:50)
03. The Moontrane (6:31)
04. Calling Miss Khadija (6:44)
05. Nostrand And Fulton (6:12)
06. Tomorrow's Destiny (7:08)
07. Sao Paulo (8:11)
08. Reets And I (6:41)
01. Spanish Rose (6:32)
02. Back To Lovin' Again (4:36)
03. Was She Really There? (5:58)
04. Corazon Amplio (A Song For Bert) (5:16)
05. Times 'R Changin' (5:32)
06. Sabrosa (8:42)
07. Fragile (4:37)
01. Spanish Rose (6:32)
02. Back To Lovin' Again (4:36)
03. Was She Really There? (5:58)
04. Corazon Amplio (A Song For Bert) (5:16)
05. Times 'R Changin' (5:32)
06. Sabrosa (8:42)
07. Fragile (4:37)
1. Topsy (Battle, Durham) 5:17
2. Caravan (Ellington, Mills, Tizol) 10:47
3. As Time Goes By (Hupfield) 6:06
4. Cherokee (Noble) 5:42
5. Black Orpheus (Bonfa, Jobim) 6:25
6. Love Me or Leave Me (Donaldson, Kahn) 7:51
7. All of You (Porter) 6:08
8. Golden Earrings (Young) 6:45
9. Lament for Booker (Hubbard, Johnson) 7:53
Freddie Hubbard (tp)
Kenny Garrett (as)
Benny Green (p)
Rufus Reid (b)
Carl Allen (dr)
1. Topsy (Battle, Durham) 5:17
2. Caravan (Ellington, Mills, Tizol) 10:47
3. As Time Goes By (Hupfield) 6:06
4. Cherokee (Noble) 5:42
5. Black Orpheus (Bonfa, Jobim) 6:25
6. Love Me or Leave Me (Donaldson, Kahn) 7:51
7. All of You (Porter) 6:08
8. Golden Earrings (Young) 6:45
9. Lament for Booker (Hubbard, Johnson) 7:53
Freddie Hubbard (tp)
Kenny Garrett (as)
Benny Green (p)
Rufus Reid (b)
Carl Allen (dr)
01. Gibraltar (Hubbard) - 10:27
02. Evidence (Monk) - 7:20
03. Society Red (Hubbard) - 7:56
04. Temptation (Freed-Brown) - 11:03
05. Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (Webster-Fain) - 8:09
06. Brigitte (Hubbard) - 6:05
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Kirk Lightsey - piano
Santi Debriano - bass
Eddie Gladden - drums
Jerry Gonzalez - percussion
Recorded at Studio 44, Monster, Holland on May 5, 6 and June 13, 1987.
01. Gibraltar (Hubbard) - 10:27
02. Evidence (Monk) - 7:20
03. Society Red (Hubbard) - 7:56
04. Temptation (Freed-Brown) - 11:03
05. Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (Webster-Fain) - 8:09
06. Brigitte (Hubbard) - 6:05
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet
Kirk Lightsey - piano
Santi Debriano - bass
Eddie Gladden - drums
Jerry Gonzalez - percussion
Recorded at Studio 44, Monster, Holland on May 5, 6 and June 13, 1987.
1. All Blues
2. God Bless the Child
3. Bolivia
4. Dear John
Freddie Hubbard, trumpet
Ronnie Mathews, piano
Jeff Chambers, bass
Ralph Penland, drums
Donald Braden, tenor sax
Recorded live at The Operetka in Warsaw, October 24, 1991
1. All Blues
2. God Bless the Child
3. Bolivia
4. Dear John
Freddie Hubbard, trumpet
Ronnie Mathews, piano
Jeff Chambers, bass
Ralph Penland, drums
Donald Braden, tenor sax
Recorded live at The Operetka in Warsaw, October 24, 1991
01. Bolivia (12:42)
02. God Bless The Child (12:53)
03. All Blues (17:11)
04. Dear John (17:01)
Freddie Hubbard - tp
Ronnie Mathews - p
Jeff Chamber - b
Ralph Penland - d
Donald Braden - ts
Rec.: Operetka in Warsaw, Poland, October 24, 1991.
01. Bolivia (12:42)
02. God Bless The Child (12:53)
03. All Blues (17:11)
04. Dear John (17:01)
Freddie Hubbard - tp
Ronnie Mathews - p
Jeff Chamber - b
Ralph Penland - d
Donald Braden - ts
Rec.: Operetka in Warsaw, Poland, October 24, 1991.
1. When You Wish Upon a Star
2. Poor Butterfly
3. My Romance
4. Embraceable You
5. Rose Tattoo
6. Time After Time
7. My Foolish Heart
Freddie Hubbard — trumpet
Ricky Ford — tenor sax
Kenny Barron — piano
Cecil McBee — bass
Joe Chambers — drums
1. When You Wish Upon a Star
2. Poor Butterfly
3. My Romance
4. Embraceable You
5. Rose Tattoo
6. Time After Time
7. My Foolish Heart
Freddie Hubbard — trumpet
Ricky Ford — tenor sax
Kenny Barron — piano
Cecil McBee — bass
Joe Chambers — drums
1. The Thrill Is Gone
2. I'm a Fool to Want You
3. Come Rain or Come Shine
4. Autumn Leaves
5. Gypsy Lament
6. Blues for Miles (Hip-Hop Bop)
7. Skylark
8. Tenderly
Freddie Hubbard, trumpet
Billy Childs, piano
Tony Dumas, bass
Ralph Penland, drums
1. The Thrill Is Gone
2. I'm a Fool to Want You
3. Come Rain or Come Shine
4. Autumn Leaves
5. Gypsy Lament
6. Blues for Miles (Hip-Hop Bop)
7. Skylark
8. Tenderly
Freddie Hubbard, trumpet
Billy Childs, piano
Tony Dumas, bass
Ralph Penland, drums
01. One of A Kind (7:09)
02. Naima (7:12)
03. Spirit of Trane (6:20)
04. The Song My Lady Sings (8:00)
05. Off Minor (5:39)
06. All Blues (7:39)
07. D Minor Mint (6:36)
08. One For Cannon (6:28)
Freddie Hubbard - flugelhorn
Vincent Herring - alto saxophone
Javon Jackson - tenor saxophone
Gary Smulyan - baritone saxophone
Robin Eubanks - trombone
Stephen Scott - piano
Peter Washington - bass
Carl Allen - drums
01. One of A Kind (7:09)
02. Naima (7:12)
03. Spirit of Trane (6:20)
04. The Song My Lady Sings (8:00)
05. Off Minor (5:39)
06. All Blues (7:39)
07. D Minor Mint (6:36)
08. One For Cannon (6:28)
Freddie Hubbard - flugelhorn
Vincent Herring - alto saxophone
Javon Jackson - tenor saxophone
Gary Smulyan - baritone saxophone
Robin Eubanks - trombone
Stephen Scott - piano
Peter Washington - bass
Carl Allen - drums
1. Body and Soul
2. But Beautiful
3. Mirrors
4. Weaver of Dreams, A
5. I Wished I Knew
6. Cry Me Not
7. Lament for Booker
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet)
Wayne Shorter, Tina Brooks, Hank Mobley, Jimmy Heath (tenor saxophone)
Julian Priester (trombone)
Kiane Zawadi (euphonium)
James Spaulding (flute)
Cedar Walton, McCoy Tyner, Ronnie Mathews, Herbie Hancock (piano)
Reggie Workman, Sam Jones, Eddie Khan, Art Davis, Paul Chambers, Larry Ridley (bass)
Philly Joe Jones, Clifford Jarvis, Joe Chambers, Elvin Jones (drums)
1. Body and Soul
2. But Beautiful
3. Mirrors
4. Weaver of Dreams, A
5. I Wished I Knew
6. Cry Me Not
7. Lament for Booker
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet)
Wayne Shorter, Tina Brooks, Hank Mobley, Jimmy Heath (tenor saxophone)
Julian Priester (trombone)
Kiane Zawadi (euphonium)
James Spaulding (flute)
Cedar Walton, McCoy Tyner, Ronnie Mathews, Herbie Hancock (piano)
Reggie Workman, Sam Jones, Eddie Khan, Art Davis, Paul Chambers, Larry Ridley (bass)
Philly Joe Jones, Clifford Jarvis, Joe Chambers, Elvin Jones (drums)
1. Asiatic Raes
2. The Changing Scene
3. Karioka
4. A Peck A Sec.
5. I Wished I Knew
6. Blues For Brenda
Freddie Hubbard (tp)
Hank Mobley (ts)
McCoy Tyner (p)
Paul Chambers (b)
Philly Joe Jones (dr)
1. Asiatic Raes
2. The Changing Scene
3. Karioka
4. A Peck A Sec.
5. I Wished I Knew
6. Blues For Brenda
Freddie Hubbard (tp)
Hank Mobley (ts)
McCoy Tyner (p)
Paul Chambers (b)
Philly Joe Jones (dr)
01. Bolivia
02. God Bless The Child
03. All Blues
04. Dear John
Freddie Hubbard - tp
Ronnie Mathews - p
Jeff Chamber - b
Ralph Penland - dr
Donald Braden - ts
Recorded at the Operetka in Warsaw, Poland October 24,1991.
01. Bolivia
02. God Bless The Child
03. All Blues
04. Dear John
Freddie Hubbard - tp
Ronnie Mathews - p
Jeff Chamber - b
Ralph Penland - dr
Donald Braden - ts
Recorded at the Operetka in Warsaw, Poland October 24,1991.
01. One Of Another Kind (8:01)
02. Blue Spirits (9:04)
03. Blues For Miles (6:32)
04. Dizzy's Connotations (8:43)
05. True Colors (5:07)
06. Red Clay (8:19)
07. Osie Mae (6:09)
08. Inner Space (7:47)
Freddie Hubbard - flugelhorn
David Weiss - Trumpet
Craig Handy, Myrol Walden, Ted Nash - sax
Luis Bonilla, Steve Davis - trombone
Chris Karlick - baritone sax
Xavier Davis - piano
Dwayne Burno - bass
Idris Muhammad, Joe Chambers - drums
Kenny Garrett - alto sax
Javon Jackson - tenor sax
01. One Of Another Kind (8:01)
02. Blue Spirits (9:04)
03. Blues For Miles (6:32)
04. Dizzy's Connotations (8:43)
05. True Colors (5:07)
06. Red Clay (8:19)
07. Osie Mae (6:09)
08. Inner Space (7:47)
Freddie Hubbard - flugelhorn
David Weiss - Trumpet
Craig Handy, Myrol Walden, Ted Nash - sax
Luis Bonilla, Steve Davis - trombone
Chris Karlick - baritone sax
Xavier Davis - piano
Dwayne Burno - bass
Idris Muhammad, Joe Chambers - drums
Kenny Garrett - alto sax
Javon Jackson - tenor sax
01. The Core (9:26)
02. Crisis (8:31)
03. Up Jumped Spring (9:41)
04. Prophet Jennings (5:30)
05. Lament for Booker (9:40)
06. Breaking Point (10:19)
07. Karioka (6:12)
08. The Melting Pot (7:35)
09. Birdlike (10:13)
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
James Spaulding (flute, alto saxophone);
Hosea Taylor (alto saxophone);
Hank Mobley, Joe Henderson, Wayne Shorter (tenor saxophone);
Curtis Fuller (trombone);
Bernard McKinney (euphonium);
Ronnie Mathews, Cedar Walton (piano);
Clifford Jarvis, Joe Chambers, Philly Joe Jones, Art Blakey (drums);
Herbie Hancock, McCoy Tyner (piano);
Elvin Jones (drums);
Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers.
01. The Core (9:26)
02. Crisis (8:31)
03. Up Jumped Spring (9:41)
04. Prophet Jennings (5:30)
05. Lament for Booker (9:40)
06. Breaking Point (10:19)
07. Karioka (6:12)
08. The Melting Pot (7:35)
09. Birdlike (10:13)
Freddie Hubbard (trumpet);
James Spaulding (flute, alto saxophone);
Hosea Taylor (alto saxophone);
Hank Mobley, Joe Henderson, Wayne Shorter (tenor saxophone);
Curtis Fuller (trombone);
Bernard McKinney (euphonium);
Ronnie Mathews, Cedar Walton (piano);
Clifford Jarvis, Joe Chambers, Philly Joe Jones, Art Blakey (drums);
Herbie Hancock, McCoy Tyner (piano);
Elvin Jones (drums);
Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers.
01. Lifeflight 8:44
02. Up Jumped Spring 7:07
03.Theme for Kareem 6:35
04. On the Real Side 6:25
05. Take It to the Ozone 7:37
06. Skydive 9:37
07. Gibraltar 6:20
Freddie Hubbard, flugelhorn;
David Weiss, trumpet;
Myron Walden, alto sax;
Jimmy Greene, tenor and soprano sax;
Steve Davis, trombone;
Norbert Stachel, baritone sax and flute;
Xavier Davis, piano;
Dwayne Burno, bass;
E.J. Strickland, drums.
plus guests:
Craig Handy, tenor sax (3,5) and flute (2)
Russell Malone, guitar (4)
01. Lifeflight 8:44
02. Up Jumped Spring 7:07
03.Theme for Kareem 6:35
04. On the Real Side 6:25
05. Take It to the Ozone 7:37
06. Skydive 9:37
07. Gibraltar 6:20
Freddie Hubbard, flugelhorn;
David Weiss, trumpet;
Myron Walden, alto sax;
Jimmy Greene, tenor and soprano sax;
Steve Davis, trombone;
Norbert Stachel, baritone sax and flute;
Xavier Davis, piano;
Dwayne Burno, bass;
E.J. Strickland, drums.
plus guests:
Craig Handy, tenor sax (3,5) and flute (2)
Russell Malone, guitar (4)
01. One Of Another Kind (7:56)
02. Here's That Rainy Day (6:48)
03. Cascais (10:42)
04. Up Jumped Spring (6:55)
05. Byrdlike (6:59)
06. Brigitte (4:50)
07. Breaking Point (6:12)
01. One Of Another Kind (7:56)
02. Here's That Rainy Day (6:48)
03. Cascais (10:42)
04. Up Jumped Spring (6:55)
05. Byrdlike (6:59)
06. Brigitte (4:50)
07. Breaking Point (6:12)
2. First Light
3. One Of Another Kind
4. Happiness Is Now
5. The Summer Knows
6. Blues For Duane
7. Giant Steps
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn
Billy Childs - piano, Rhodes piano
Larry Klein – bass
Phil Ranelin - trombone (1-4, 6, 7)
Hadley Caliman - tenor saxophone (3, 6, 7)
David Schnitter - tenor saxophone (1, 2, 4)
Eddie Marshall - drums (3, 5-7)
Sinclair Lott - drums (1, 2, 4)
2. First Light
3. One Of Another Kind
4. Happiness Is Now
5. The Summer Knows
6. Blues For Duane
7. Giant Steps
Freddie Hubbard - trumpet, flugelhorn
Billy Childs - piano, Rhodes piano
Larry Klein – bass
Phil Ranelin - trombone (1-4, 6, 7)
Hadley Caliman - tenor saxophone (3, 6, 7)
David Schnitter - tenor saxophone (1, 2, 4)
Eddie Marshall - drums (3, 5-7)
Sinclair Lott - drums (1, 2, 4)
Any questions - [email protected]
This album is available on our DC++ hub: dchub://hub.pro-jazz.com:7777
This album is available on our DC++ hub: dchub://hub.pro-jazz.com:7777