
(Bop, Big Band) Charlie Parker (with Thelonious Monk, Machito, Dizzy Gillespie, Fats Navarro) - Collection (part I), 56 albums & 12 box-sets - 1940 - 2011, MP3, 320 kbps

Charlie Parker - Collection (part I), 56 albums & 12 box-sets
Жанр: Bop, Big Band
Год издания: 1940 - 2011
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 124 часа 07 минут 53 секунды
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да
Количество дисков: 114
Чарли Паркер (29.08.1920 - 12.03.1955)
Альт-саксофонист, виртуоз, величайший джазовый новатор, один из родоначальников бибопа. Его импровизации изобиловали оригинальными находками, неожиданными поворотами, а мелодии его композиций открыли новую эру в джазовом тематизме. Оказал сильное влияния на последующее развитие джаза.
Charlie Parker - Collection (part II - дополнение) http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3737474
Паркер Чарли
Charles Christopher Jr. ‘Charlie’ Parker, прозвище ‘Bird’
29.08.1920, Канзас-сити, шт. Канзас —
12.03.1955, Нью-ЙоркАльт-саксофонист, виртуоз, величайший джазовый новатор, один из родоначальников бибопа. Его импровизации изобиловали оригинальными находками, неожиданными поворотами, а мелодии его композиций открыли новую эру в джазовом тематизме. Никто из музыкантов ХХ века не оказал такого мощного влияния на последующее развитие джаза.
В 14 лет бросил школу и все время посвятил освоению саксофона. Играл с местными группами, пытался попасть в оркестр Каунта Бэйси, однако его затейливые импровизации не были поняты музыкантами оркестра. В 15 лет друзья прозвали его ‘Bird’ (птица), так как — по версии Джеймса Коллиера — его любимым блюдом были жареные цыплята. К сожалению, в этом же возрасте он пристрастился к наркотикам. Профессиональную карьеру начал в оркестре Джея МакШенна (1938), который позже напишет: "Мы пригласили Чарли Паркера, уже тогда понимая, что он гениален. Мы поддерживали его во всем, но публика не принимала его вызывающий стиль". В 1942 году Паркер приехал в Нью-Йорк и постоянно появлялся на джем-сэйшнз в Minton’s Playhouse, приобретя репутацию одного из самых сильных инструменталистов. В 1942 году Диззи Гиллеспи привел его в оркестр Эрла Хайнза, когда освободилось место тенор-саксофониста. В 1944 играл на альт-саксофоне в бэнде Билли Экстайна, в квинтете с Гиллеспи, в 1945 собрал собственный квинтет. В 1946 уехал на Западное побережье с антрепризой Нормана Грэнца Jazz At The Philharmonic и играл в ансамбле Хауарда МакГи. Огромный успех принесли записи квинтета с Майлзом Дэвисом, Дюком Джорданом, Томми Поттером и Максом Роучем (1947), выступление на фестивале в Париже (1949), записи со струнной группой (1950) и оригинальные композиции, которые либо основывались на блюзовом куплете (Billie’s Bounce, Now’s The Time, K.C.Blues), либо представляли собой сложно интонируемые, виртуозные инструментальные темы (Confirmation, Ornithology, Scrapple From The Apple, Donna Lee, Ko-Ko).
Карьера Паркера была неровной, он обладал неуживчивым характером, часто подводил партнеров и много времени проводил в клиниках. Однако никто в современном джазе не пользовался таким уважением — его именем был назван клуб в Нью-Йорке (Birdland), Клинт Иствуд снял о нем кинофильм "Птица" (1988), а Хулио Кортасар сделал его героем повести "Преследователь".Записи:The Bird Blows The Blues (1949)
Charlie Parker Quintet (1949)
Charlie Parker With Strings. Vol. 1–2 (1950)
Just Friends (1950)
One Night In Chicago (1950)
New Bird. Vol. 1–2 (1953)
Yardbird (1953)
Birdland All Stars At Carnegie Hall (1954)
Charlie Parker Big Band (1954)
Charlie Parker Story. Vol. 1–3 (1957)
The Genius Of Charlie Parker. Vol. 1-8 (1957)
Diz ‘N’ Bird In Concert (1959)
The Complete Charlie Parker On Verve. 1950–54. 10 CDs (1989)
Bird At The Roost. Vol. 1–4. 1948–49 (1990)
Yardbird Suite (1997)
Charlie Parker (1998)
"Чарли Паркер" (1988)Фейертаг В.Б. Джаз. XX век. Энциклопедический справочник. - Издательство "СКИФИЯ", 2001
BOX SET:1940 - 1953 - Charlie Parker - Retrospective (2005, 3 CD) - 03:42:19[320]
Disc 1 (1940-1947):
1. Swingmatism
2. Hootie Blues
3. Tiny's Tempo
4. Groovin' High
5. All The Things You Are
6. Dizzy Atmosphere
7. Salt Peanuts
8. Shaw 'Nuff
9. Hot House
10. Hallelujah
11. Slam Slam Blues
12. Congo Blues
13. Billie's Bounce
14. Ko Ko
15. Slim's Jam
16. Yardbird Suite
17. Ornithology
18. Swingmatism Night In Tunisia
19. Famous Alto Break
20. Cool Blues
21. Birds Nest
22. Relaxin' At Camarillo
23. Chasin' The Bird
24. Honeysuckle Rose/Body And Soul
Disc 2 (1947-1951):
1. Donna Lee
2. Milestones
3. Little Willie Leaps
4. Hymn
5. Srapple From The Apple
6. My Old Flame
7. Don't Blame Me
8. Bongo Beep
9. How Deep Is The Ocian
10. Bird Gets The Worm
11. Barbados
12. Ah Leu Cha
13. Parker's Mood
14. Perhaps
15. Marmaduke
16. Visa
17. April In Paris
18. Bloomdido
19. Leap Frog
20. Out Of Nowhere
21. Au Privave
22. Star Eyes
23. My Little Suede Shoes
24. Lover Man
Disc 3 (Broadcasts And Live 1947-1953):
1. Ko Ko
2. Hot House
3. On A Slow Boat To China
4. Confirmation
5. Embraceable You
6. Cheryl
7. Bird Of Paradise
8. Blue 'n' Boogie
9. Anthropology
10. 'Round Midnight
11. Leaster Leaps In
12. Cool Blues
13. Salt Peanuts
14. Wee
1945-1947 - Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Bebop's Heartbeat - 00:42:41[320]
01. A Night In Tunisia (5:11)
02. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:05)
03. Groovin' High (5:17)
04. Confirmation (5:40)
05. Koko (4:15)
06. Dizzy Boogie (common take) (3:10)
07. Popity Pop (2:58)
08. Flat Foot Floogie (2:32)
09. Slim's Jam (3:16)
10. Dizzy Boogie (rare take) (3:17)
11. Flat Foot Floogie (rare take) (2:47)
12. Slim's Jam (78 excerpt) (0:15)
1945 - Charlie Parker - Early Bird - 01:18:20[320]
01. Groovin' High
02. All The Things You Are
03. Dizzy Atmosphere
04. Salt Peanuts
05. Shaw'nuff
06. Hot House
07. Mean To Me
08. Hallelujah
09. Get Happy
10. Slam Slam Blues
11. Congo Blues
12. Takin' Off
13. If I Had You
14. 20th Century Blues
15. Street Beat
16. Billie's Bounce
17. Now's The Time
18. Warming Up A Riff
19. Thriving From A Riff
20. Meandering
21. Ko Ko
22. Dizzy Boogie
23. Flat Foot Floogie
24. Popity Pop
25. Slim's Jam
Tracks 1 - 3 : Dizzy Gillespie, 1945-02-28
Charlie Parker (as); J.B. "Dizzy" Gillespie (tpt); Clyde Hart (p); Remo Palmieri (g); Slam Stewart (b); William "Cozy" Cole (d)
Tracks 4 - 6 : Dizzy Gillespie, 1945-05-12
Charlie Parker (as); J.B. "Dizzy" Gillespie (tpt, voc); Al Haig (p); Dillon "Curley" Russell (b); Sid Catlett (d)
Track 7 : Sarah Vaughan, 1945-05-25
Charlie Parker (as); J.B. "Dizzy" Gillespie (tpt); Flip Phillips [Joseph Filipelli] (ts); Nat Jaffe (p); Tadd Dameron (p); Bill De Arango (g); Dillon "Curley" Russell (b); Max Roach (d); Sarah Vaughan (voc)
Tracks 8 - 11 : Red Norvo, 1945-06-06
Charlie Parker (as); J.B. "Dizzy" Gillespie (tpt); Flip Phillips [Joseph Filipelli] (ts); Red Norvo [Kenneth Norville] (vb); Teddy Wilson (p); Slam Stewart (b); Gordon "Specs" Powell (d); J.C. Heard (d)
Tracks 12 - 15 : Sir Charles Thompson, 1945-09-04
Charlie Parker (as); Buck Clayton (tpt); Dexter Gordon (ts); Danny Barker (g); Sir Charles Thompson (p); Jimmy Butts (b); J.C. Heard (d)
Tracks 16 - 21 : Charlie Parker, 1945-11-26
Charlie Parker (as); Miles Davis (tpt); J.B. "Dizzy" Gillespie (tpt, p); Sadik Hakim [Argonne Thornton] (p); Dillon "Curley" Russell (b); Max Roach (d)
Tracks 22 - 25 : Slim Gaillard, 1945-12-19
Charlie Parker (as); J.B. "Dizzy" Gillespie (tpt); Jack McVea (ts); Michael "Dodo" Marmarosa (p); Bulee "Slim" Gaillard (g, p, voc); Bam Brown (b); Arthur "Zutty" Singleton (d)
1945 - Charlie Parker - The Charlie Parker Story (1991) - 00:35:53[320]
01. Billie's Bounce 02:42
02. Billie's Bounce short take 2 01:45
03. Billie's Bounce new take 3 03:08
04. Warming up a Riff original take 1 02:36
05. new take 4 01:40
06. Billie's Bounce original take 5 03:13
07. Now's the Time short take 1 00:21
08. Now's the Time short take 2 00:39
09. Now's the Time new take 3 03:09
10. Now's the Time 03:18
11. Thriving on a Riff new take 1 03:00
12. Thriving on a Riff new take 2 00:24
13. Thriving on a Riff original take 3 02:58
14. Meandering new take 1 03:20
15. Koko short take 1 00:40
16. Koko original take 2 02:53
1945 - Dizzy Gillespie & Charlie Parker - Town Hall - 00:40:44[320]
01. Intro (1:20)
02. Bebop (7:12)
03. A Night In Tunisia (7:34)
04. Groovin' High (7:17)
05. Salt Peanuts (7:52)
06. Hot House (7:14)
07. Fifty Second Street Theme (2:15)
BOX SET:1947 - 1954 - Charlie Parker - The Complete Verve Master Takes (3CD) - 03:53:39[320]
01. The Bird 4:41
02. Cardboard 3:08
03. Visa 2:58
04. Segment 3:19
05. Passport 2:54
06. Passport 2:59
07. Just Frinds 3:30
08. Evrything Happens to Me 3:15
09. April in Paris 3:06
10. Summertime 2:46
11. I Didn't Know What Time It Was 3:12
12. If I Should Lose You 2:46
13. Star Eyes 3:28
14. Blues (Fast) 2:45
15. I'm In The Mood For Love 2:50
16. Bloomdido 3:24
17. An Oscar For Treadwell 3:22
18. Mohawk 3:24
19. My Melancholy Baby 3:23
20. Leap Frog 2:29
21. Relaxin' With Lee 2:46
22. Dansing In The Dark 3:19
23. Out Of Nowhere 3:06
24. Laura 2:56
01. East Of The Sun (And West Of The Moon) 3:38
02. They Can't Take That Away From Me 3:17
03. Easy To Love 3:25
04. I'm In The Mood For Love 3:33
05. I'll Remember April 3:02
06. Au Privave 2:43
07. She Rote 3:06
08. K.C. Blues 3:24
09. Star Eyes 3:34
10. My Little Suede Shoes 3:03
11. Un Poquito De Tu Amor 2:40
12. Tico-Tico (aka "Tico-Tico No Fuba") 2:44
13. Fiesta 2:49
14. Why Do I Love You? 3:05
15. Blues For Alice 2:46
16. Si Si 2:38
17. Swedish Schnapps 3:10
18. Back Home Blues 2:46
19. Loverman 3:21
20. Temptation 3:31
21. Lover 3:06
22. Autumn In New York 3:29
23. Stella By Starlight 2:56
24. Mama Inez 2:50
25. La Cucuracha 2:43
01. Estrellita 2:44
02. Begin The Beguine 3:12
03. La Paloma 2:39
04. Night And Day 2:50
05. Almost Like Being In Love 2:33
06. I Can't Get Started 3:08
07. What Is This Thing Called Love? 2:36
08. The Song Is You 2:56
09. Laird Baird 2:44
10. Kim 2:58
11. Cosmic Rays 3:05
12. In The Still Of The Night 3:22
13. Old Folks 3:34
14. If I Love Again 2:25
15. Chi-Chi 3:02
16. I Remember You 3:03
17. Now's The Time 3:01
18. Confirmation 2:58
19. I Get A Kick Out Of You 3:34
20. Just One Of Those Things 2:40
21. My Heart Belongs To Daddy 3:18
22. I've Got You Under My Skin 3:32
23. Love For Sale 5:35
24. I Love Paris 5:07
1947 - Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Diz 'n Bird At Carnegie Hall - 01:13:13[320]
01. A Night In Tunisia (5:12)
02. Dizzy Atmosphere (4:05)
03. Groovin' High (5:16)
04. Confirmation (5:39)
05. Koko (4:17)
06. Cool Breeze (5:13)
07. Relaxin' At Camarillo (2:42)
08. One Bass Hit (5:20)
09. Nearness (3:59)
10. Salt Peanuts (5:12)
11. Cubano-Be, Cubano-Bop (7:16)
12. Hot House (5:03)
13. Toccata For Trumpet (3:18)
14. Oop-Pop-A-Da (7:38)
15. Things To Come (3:02)
1948 - Charlie Parker - Bird on 52nd Street (LP) - 00:40:01[320]
1."52nd Street Theme" - 2:19
2."Shaw 'Nuff") - 1:33
3."Out of Nowhere" - 3:05
4."Hot House" - 2:15
5."This Time the Dream's on Me" - 2:21
6."A Night in Tunisia" - 3:29
7."My Old Flame" - 3:24
8."52nd Street Theme" - 1:05
9."The Way You Look Tonight" - 4:42
10."Out of Nowhere" - 2:35
11."Chasin' the Bird" (Parker) - 1:47
12."This Time the Dreams's on Me" - 3:29
13."Dizzy at Atmosphere" (Gillespie) - 2:59
14."How High the Moon" (Nancy Hamilton, - 3:38
15."52nd Street Theme" - 1:14
Charlie Parker - alto saxophone
Miles Davis – trumpet
Duke Jordan – piano
Tommy Potter – bass
Max Roach - drums
1949 - 1953 - Charlie Parker - Bird's Best Bop On Verve - 00:48:27[320]
01. Passport (2:59)
02. Bloomido (3:24)
03. Leap Frog (2:29)
04. Relaxing With Lee (2:46)
05. Au Private (2:38)
06. She Rote (3:06)
07. K.C. Blues (3:24)
08. Star Eyes (3:34)
09. Blues For Alice (2:47)
10. Swedish Schnapps (3:10)
11. The Song Is You (2:56)
12. Laird Baird (2:44)
13. Kim (2:59)
14. Chi Chi (3:02)
15. Now's The Time (3:01)
16. Confirmation (2:58)
1949 - Charlie Parker & The Stars Of Modern Jazz - Carnegie Hal - 01:14:45[320]
01. All God's Children Got Rhythm
02. Move
03. Hot House
04. Ornithology
05. Always
06. Sweet Miss
07. Long Island Sound
08. Once In A While
09. Mean To Me
10. You Go To My Head
11. Sax Of A Kind
12. Ornithology
13. Cheryl
14. Ko Ko
15. Bird Of Paradise
16. Now's The Time
1949 - Charlie Parker - Bird At The Roost Vol.2 (2CD) - 02:15:59[320]
Disc 1:
01. Announcer (01:01)
02. Scrapple From The Apple (04:38)
03. Be-Bop (03:34)
04. Hot House (06:29)
05. Oop Bop Sh'Bam (05:38)
06. Scrapple From The Apple (04:56)
07. Salt Peanuts (05:44)
08. Groovin' High (05:06)
09. Scrapple From The Apple (03:52)
10. Barbados (04:00)
11. Salt Peanuts (05:14)
12. Scrapple From The Apple (04:50)
13. Barbados (04:07)
14. Be-Bop (04:09)
Disc 2:
01. Groovin' High (04:59)
02. Confirmation (03:47)
03. Salt Peanuts (04:37)
04. Commercial Break (04:16)
05. Half Nelson (03:47)
06. A Night In Tunisia (05:03)
07. Scrapple From The Apple (05:03)
08. Deedle (02:39)
09. What's This (03:31)
10. Cheryl (04:11)
11. Anthropology (06:20)
12. Hurry Home (02:27)
13. Deedle (02:05)
14. Royal Roost Bop (04:31)
15. Cheryl (03:47)
16. On A Slow Boat To China (04:59)
17. Chasin' The Bird (06:39)
Charlie Parker – alto sax
Kenny Dorham – trumpet
Al Haig – piano
Tommy Potter – bass
Max Roach – drums
1949 - Charlie Parker Quartet with Strings (the Jimmy Carroll Orchestra) (LP) - 00:18:41[320]
1.Just Friends
2.Everything Happens To Me
3.April In Paris
5.I Didn't Know What Time It Was
6.If I Should Lose You
Reeves Sound Studios, NYC, November 30, 1949
Charlie Parker Quartet With Jimmy Carroll Orchestra
Mitch Miller (ob, ehr) Charlie Parker (as) Bronislaw Gimpel, Max Hollander, Milton Lomask (vln)
Frank Brieff (vla) Frank Miller (vlc) Meyer Rosen (harp) Stan Freeman (p) Ray Brown (b)
Buddy Rich (d) Jimmy Carroll (arr, cond)
1950 - Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Bird & Diz (LP) - 00:35:14[320]
01. Bloomdido
02. An Oscar for Treadwell
03. An Oscar for Treadwell (Alternate Take)
04. Mohawk
05. Mohawk (Alternate Take)
06. My Melancholy Baby
07. Leap Frog
08. Leap Frog (Alternate Take)
09. Leap Frog (Alternate Take)
10. Relaxin' with Lee
11. Relaxin' with Lee (Alternate Take)
1950 - Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Bird And Diz - 00:46:35[320]
01. Bloomdido (3:30)
02. My Melancholy Baby (3:30)
03. Relaxin' With Lee (2:51)
04. Leap Frog (2:36)
05. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:29)
06. Mohawk (3:45)
07. My Melancholy Baby (complete take) (3:21)
08. Relaxin' With Lee (complete take) (4:00)
09. Leap Frog (complete take) (2:37)
10. Leap Frog (complete take) (2:05)
11. Leap Frog (complete take) (2:09)
12. An Oscar For Treadwell (complete take) (3:24)
13. Mohawk (complete take) (4:06)
14. Relaxin' With Lee (breakdown take) (0:21)
15. Relaxin' With Lee (breakdown take) (1:14)
16. Relaxin' With Lee (false start) (0:07)
17. Relaxin' With Lee (breakdown take) (0:27)
18. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:29)
19. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:18)
20. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:42)
21. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:19)
22. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:21)
23. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:15)
24. Leap Frog (breakdown take) (0:41)
1950 - Charlie Parker - Bird at St. Nick's - 00:42:23[320]
01. I Didn't Know What Time It Was [02:37]
02. Ornithology [03:30]
03. Embraceable You [02:20]
04. Visa [03:00]
05. I Cover the Waterfront [01:46]
06. Scrapple From the Apple [04:40]
07. Star Eyes/52nd Street Theme [03:09]
08. Confirmation [03:16]
09. Out Of Nowhere [02:20]
10. Hot House [03:49]
11. What's New [02:45]
12. Now's the Time [04:18]
13. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes/52nd Street Theme [04:48]
Charlie Parker (alto saxophone); Red Rodney (trumpet); Al Haig (piano); Tommy Potter (bass); Roy Haynes (drums)
1951 - Charlie Parker — Swedish Schnapps - 00:52:16[320]
01. Si Si (2:40)
02. Swedish Schnapps (Alt) (3:16)
03. Swedish Schnapps (3:12)
04. Back Home Blues (Alt) (2:38)
05. Back Home Blues (2:48)
06. Lover Man (3:24)
07. Blues For Alice (2:50)
08. Au Privave (Alt) (2:41)
09. Au Privave (2:45)
10. She Rote (Alt) (3:11)
11. She Rote (3:09)
12. K.C. Blues (3:26)
13. Star Eyes (3:38)
14. Segment - Tune X (3:22)
15. Diverse - Tune X (Alt) (3:18)
16. Passport - Tune Y (Rare) (2:57)
17. Passport - Tune Z (Common) (3:00)
Charlie Parker - as
Kenny Dorham, Miles Davis, Red Rodney - tp
Al Haig, John Lewis, Walter Bishop - p
Ray Brown, Teddy Kotick, Tommy Potter - b
Max Roach, Kenny Clarke - d
Recorded in New York, New York on May 5, 1949, January 17, 1951, and August 8, 1951.
1952 - 1953 - Charlie Parker with Quartet & the Orchestra - The Washington Concerts - 01:08:31[320]
01. Fine And Dandy (3:26)
02. These Foolish Things (3:22)
03. Light Green (3:36)
04. Thou Swell (3:52)
05. Willis (5:23)
06. Don't Blame Me (2:22)
07. Something To Remember You By - Blue Room (3:14)
08. Roundhouse (3:12)
09. Ornithology (4:21)
10. Out Of Nowhere (4:37)
11. Cool Blues (4:13)
12. Anthropology (4:59)
13. Scrapple From The Apple (5:20)
14. Medley: Out Of Nowhere / Now's The Time (12:38)
15. Red Rodney Interview (3:56)
Charlie Parker - alto saxophone
Jim Parker, Zoot Sims - tenor saxophones
Jack Nimitz - baritone saxophone
Bob Carey - trumpet
Earl Swope, Kai Winding - trombone
Jack Holliday, Bill Shanahan - piano
Charlie Byrd - guitar
Mert Oliver, Franklin Skeete - bass
Joe Timer, Max Roach, Don Lamond - drums
Recorded live at the Club Kavakos, Washington, D.C. on February 22, 1953 and The Howard Theatre, Washington, D.C. on October 18, 1952 and March 8, 1953.
1952 - 1953 - Charlie Parker – Now’s The Time - 00:39:17[320]
01. The Song Is You
02. Laird Baird
03. Kim
04. Kim [Alternate Take]
05. Cosmic Rays
06. Cosmic Rays [Alternate Take]
07. Chi-Chi
08. Chi-Chi [Alternate Take]
09. Chi-Chi [Alternate Take][Previously Unreleased]
10. Chi-Chi [Alternate Take]
11. I Remember You
12. Now's the Time
13. Confirmation
1952 - Charlie Parker - Autumn In New York - 01:04:28[320]
1. Rocker (G. Mulligan)
2. Moose the Mooche (C. Parker)
3. Just Friends (J. Klenner-S. Lewis)
4. My Little Suede Shoes (C. Parker)
5. I'll Remember April - Parker playing scales
6. Sly Mongoose (J. Edwards) [incomplete]
7. Laura (D. Raskin-J. Mercer)
8. Star Eyes (D. Raye-G. DePaul-P. Johnston) [incomplete]
9. This Time the Dream's on Me (H. Arlen-J. Mercer)
10.Easy to Love (C. Porter)
11.Cool Blues (C. Parker)
12.What is This Thing Called Love? (C. Porter)
13.I Didn't Know What Time it Was (R. Rodgers-L. Hart)
14.Repetition (N. Hefti)
15.Lester Leaps In - Parker playing scales
16.East of the Sun (And West of the Moon) (B. Bowman)
17.April in Paris (V. Duke-E.Y. Harburg)
18.Out of Nowhere (E. Heyman-J.W. Green)
19.Rocker (G. Mulligan)
Charlie Parker (as); Walter Bishop, Jr. (p); Mundell Lowe (g); Teddy Kotick (b); Max Roach (d); Unknown (oboe); Unknown (strings)
1953 - Charlie Parker - Charlie Parker At Storyville - 00:41:07[320]
1. Moose the Mooche
2. I'll Walk Alone
3. Ornithology
4. Out of Nowhere
5. Now's the Time
6. Don't Blame Me
7. Dancing on the Ceiling
8. Cool Blues
9. Groovin' High
Charlie Parker, alto sax
Red Garland, piano (1-4)
Billy Griggs, bass (1-4)
Roy Haynes, drums (1-4)
Herb Pomeroy, trumpet (5-9)
Sir Charles Thompson, piano (5-9)
Jimmy Woode, bass (5-9)
Kenny Clarke, drums (5-9)
1969 - Charlie Parker - The Complete Charlie Parker ( vol.4,LP) - 00:33:00[320]
1.Another Hair-Do (3 Takes)
2.Blue Bird
3.Blue Bird
6.Bird Gets The Worm
7.Bird Gets The Worm
11.Ah-Leu-Cha (2 Takes)
12.Constellation (2 Takes)
1972 - Charlie Parker 'The Bird' - K.C. Blues(LP) - 00:41:15[320]
01. Segment [0:03:29.03]
02. Mohawk [0:03:56.06]
03. Leap Frog [0:02:34.32]
04. K.C. Blues [0:03:32.55]
05. She Rote [0:03:14.62]
06. Lover Man [0:03:27.62]
07. I'll Remember April [0:03:10.21]
08. Night and Day [0:02:53.51]
09. I Can't Get Started [0:03:13.25]
10. Confirmation [0:03:02.69]
11. Now's The Time [0:03:04.04]
12. Love For Sale [0:05:35.69]
1969.Charlie Parker - Vol.1 (LP) - 00:41:52[320]
01.Ko Ko
02.'Round Midnite
03.Cool Blues
06.White Christmas
08.Hot House
09.Groovin' High
1988 - Charlie Parker & others - Bird Inspired by the Motion Picture - 01:12:00[320]
01. Now's the Time 03:00
02. Parker's Mood 03:01
03. Cool Blues 02:20
04. Laura 02:55
05. Night in Tunisia 03:07
06. Lover Man (1946) 03:18
07. Lover Man (1951) 03:22
08. Ornithology 03:00
09. Moose the Mooche 03:03
10. Ko Ko 02:54
11. April in Paris 03:07
12. Relaxin' with Lee 03:52
13. Overtime 04:32
14. Victory Ball 04:12
15. Bird of Paradise 03:11
16. Chasin' the Bird 02:44
17. Sepian Bounce 03:12
18. Relaxin' at Camarillo 03:01
19. Back Home Blues 02:36
20. Blue Bird 02:56
21. Yardbird Suite 02:41
22. Lester Leaps in 06:53
С Паркером играют Jay McShann; Red Rodney; Ray Brown; Dizzy Gillespie;
Fats Navarro; Miles Davis; Thelonious Monk; Howard McGhee;
Erroll Garner; Bud Powell; Max Roach; Roy Eldridge; Lester Young;
Duke Jordan; Lucky Thompson; Dodo Marmarosa; J. J. Johnson; Wardell Gray;
lennie Tristano; Kenny Clark; Hank Jones; Al Haig; Buddy Rich.
1988 - Charlie Parker - Bird ( OST) - 00:41:09[320]
01. Lester Meaps In
02. I Can’’t Belive That You’’re In Love With Me
03. Laura
04. All Of Me
05. This Time The Dream’’s On Me
06. Ko Ko
07. Cool Blues
08. April In Paris
09. Now’’s The Time
10. Ornithology
11. Parker’’s Mood
1988 - Charlie Parker - Bird (The Original Recordings of Charlie Parker) - 00:48:47[320]
1. Now's the Time
2. Laura
3. Mohawk
4. Kim
5. Blues for Alice
6. Laird Baird
7. K.C. Blues
8. Lover Man
9. Just Friends
10. The Bird
11. April in Paris
12. Lester Leaps In
Charlie Parker - as
Miles Davis
Dizzy Gillespie
Red Rodney
Thelonious Monk
Lester Young
Recorded 1949-1953.
1990 - Charlie Parker - Jam Session - 01:01:31[320]
1. Jam Blues (Shrdlu) (14:42)
2. What Is This Thing Called Love? (C. Porter) (15:51)
3. Ballad Medley (17:23)
4. Funky Blues (J. Hodges) (13:27)
Charlie Shavers - tp
Benny Carter, Charlie Parker, Johnny Hodges - as
Ben Webster, Flip Phillips - ts
Oscar Peterson - p
Barney Kessel - g
Ray Brown - b
J.C. Heard - dr
Recorded: Los Angeles, July, 1952.
BOX SET:1990 - Charlie Parker - The Complete Dean Benedetti Recordings Of Charlie Parker (Box Set 7 CD's) - 07:15:08[320]
CD 1:
01. Section 1 - March 1, 1947 - Blue'n' Boogie (#6) (0:57)
02. Section 1 - March 1, 1947 - Stardust (#8) (1:14)
03. Section 1 - March 1, 1947 - Rose Room (#3) (1:31)
04. Section 1 - March 1, 1947 - All The Thing You Are (#5) (2:23)
05. Section 1 - March 1, 1947 - 52nd Street Theme (#4) (0:49)
06. Section 2 - March 2, 1947 - Hot House (#22) (1:59)
07. Section 2 - March 2, 1947 - I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance (#24) (1:12)
08. Section 2 - March 2, 1947 - Past Due (aka Relaxin' At Camarillo) (#14) (1:07)
09. Section 2 - March 2, 1947 - The Man I Love (#10) (2:00)
10. Section 2 - March 2, 1947 - Byas A Drink (#12) (2:32)
11. Section 3 - March 2, 1947 - Yardbird Suite (#16) (1:21)
12. Section 3 - March 2, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#15) (1:08)
13. Section 3 - March 2, 1947 - Big Noise (aka wee) (#25) (1:04)
14. Section 3 - March 2, 1947 - Stardust (#32) (1:19)
15. Section 3 - March 2, 1947 - Bean Soup (#27) (2:27)
16. Section 4 - March 1, 2, 4 of 5, 1947 - The Man I Love (#59) (1:21)
17. Section 4 - March 1, 2, 4 of 5, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#57) (1:06)
18. Section 4 - March 1, 2, 4 of 5, 1947 - Possibly Cool Blues (#56) (0:44)
19. Section 5 - March 2, 1947 - Sweet Georgia Brown (#39) (0:54)
20. Section 5 - March 2, 1947 - Groovin' High (#34) (1:38)
21. Section 5 - March 2, 1947 - Carvin' The Bird (#31) (1:03)
22. Section 5 - March 2, 1947 - It's The Talk Of The Town (#35) (1:51)
23. Section 6 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Indiana (#49) (1:00)
24. Section 6 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance (#47) (1:10)
25. Section 6 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Ornithology (#51) (1:17)
26. Section 6 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Prisoner Of Love (#48) (1:09)
27. Section 6 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - The Man I Love (#44) (1:35)
28. Section 6 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Hot House (#43) (1:26)
29. Section 7 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Stuffy (#60) (0:44)
30. Section 7 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Night And Day (#61) (1:15)
31. Section 7 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Night In Tunisia (#40) (1:00)
32. Section 7 - March 1, 2, 4 or 5, 1947 - Byas A Drink (#33) (1:58)
33. Section 8 - March 6, 1947 - Moose The Mooch (#80) (2:13)
34. Section 8 - March 6, 1947 - Night And Day (#79) (1:02)
35. Section 8 - March 6, 1947 - Past Due (aka Relaxin' At Camarillo) (#78) (1:39)
36. Section 8 - March 6, 1947 - Sportsman's Hop (#63) (1:39)
37. Section 8 - March 6, 1947 - Sentimental Journey (#73) (0:25)
38. Section 8 - March 6, 1947 - 52nd Street Theme (#74) (1:32)
39. Section 9 - March 7, 1947 - Perdido (#101) (1:50)
40. Section 9 - March 7, 1947 - Stuffy (#100) (1:47)
41. Section 9 - March 7, 1947 - I Surrender Dear (#98) (2:00)
42. Section 9 - March 7, 1947 - Dee Dee's Dance (#99) (2:18)
CD 2:
01. Section 10 - March 7, 1947 - Hot House (#92) (1:10)
02. Section 10 - March 7, 1947 - Night In Tunisia (#94) (2:14)
03. Section 10 - March 7, 1947 - Body And Soul (#91) (1:14)
04. Section 10 - March 7, 1947 - Byas A Drink (#90) (1:43)
05. Section 10 - March 7, 1947 - Now's The Time (#95) (1:56)
06. Section 11 - March 7, 1947 - Sportsman's Hop (#106) (2:10)
07. Section 11 - March 7, 1947 - Rose Room (#87) (1:36)
08. Section 11 - March 7, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#96) (1:23)
09. Section 11 - March 7, 1947 - September In The Rain (#97) (2:11)
10. Section 12 - March 7, 1947 - Stardust (#108) (1:08)
11. Section 12 - March 7, 1947 - Past Due (aka Relaxin' At Camarillo) (#105) (1:39)
12. Section 12 - March 7, 1947 - All The Things You Are (#104) (1:11)
13. Section 12 - March 7, 1947 - Dee Dee's Dance (#107) (2:03)
14. Section 13 - March 8, 1947 - Sportsman's Hop (#113) (1:31)
15. Section 13 - March 8, 1947 - Ornithology (#135) (1:51)
16. Section 13 - March 8, 1947 - Dee Dee's Dance (#114) (2:16)
17. Section 14 - March 8, 1947 - Bean Stalkin' (#122) (2:10)
18. Section 14 - March 8, 1947 - Septermber In The Rain (#123) (2:23)
19. Section 14 - March 8, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#120) (0:59)
20. Section 14 - March 8, 1947 - Now's The Time (#124) (1:35)
21. Section 14 - March 8, 1947 - Big Niose (aka Wee) (#125) (2:20)
22. Section 15 - March 8, 1947 - Bean Soup (#126) (2:34)
23. Section 15 - March 8, 1947 - Body And Soul (#127) (0:50)
24. Section 15 - March 8, 1947 - Byas A Drink (#131) (2:22)
25. Section 15 - March 8, 1947 - All The Things You Are (#132) (0:32)
26. Section 15 - March 8, 1947 - The Man I Love (#136) (1:49)
27. Section 16 - March 9, 1947 - Now's The Time (#139) (1:55)
28. Section 16 - March 9, 1947 - Perdido (#137) (2:29)
29. Section 16 - March 9, 1947 - Indiana (#138) (2:38)
30. Section 17 - March 9, 1947 - Bird Lore (#149) (1:48)
31. Section 17 - March 9, 1947 - Bean Soup (#144) (3:02)
32. Section 17 - March 9, 1947 - Hot House (#147) (1:52)
33. Section 18 - March 9, 1947 - The Man I Love (#153) (1:50)
34. Section 18 - March 9, 1947 - Perdido (#145) (2:15)
35. Section 18 - March 9, 1947 - Ornithology (#155) (1:59)
36. Section 18 - March 9, 1947 - Body And Soul (#151) (1:26)
CD 3:
01. Section 19 - March 9, 1947 - Past Due (aka Relaxin' At Camarillo) (#150) (1:15)
02. Section 19 - March 9, 1947 - Moose The Mooch (#146) (1:23)
03. Section 19 - March 9, 1947 - Night In Tunisia (#140) (1:59)
04. Section 19 - March 9, 1947 - Ornithology (#152) (1:22)
05. Section 19 - March 9, 1947 - S'Wonderful (#156) (1:29)
06. Section 20 - March 11, 1947 - Probably Disorder At The Border (#157) (1:03)
07. Section 20 - March 11, 1947 - Perdido (#165) (1:29)
08. Section 20 - March 11, 1947 - Now's The Time (#159) (1:03)
09. Section 20 - March 11, 1947 - Rifftide (aka Hackensack) (#161) (1:29)
10. Section 21 - March 12, 1947 - Big Niose (aka Wee) (#194) (1:16)
11. Section 21 - March 12, 1947 - Sweet And Lovely (#173) (1:03)
12. Section 21 - March 12, 1947 - Stuffy (#178) (0:58)
13. Section 21 - March 12, 1947 - Hot House (#179) (0:46)
14. Section 21 - March 12, 1947 - The Man I Love (#182) (2:14)
15. Section 22 - March 12, 1947 - Perdido (#174) (1:48)
16. Section 22 - March 12, 1947 - Stardust (#189) (0:55)
17. Section 22 - March 12, 1947 - Ornithology (#180) (0:52)
18. Section 22 - March 12, 1947 - Blues In B Flat (#171) (1:04)
19. Section 22 - March 12, 1947 - Groovin' High (#185) (2:14)
20. Section 23 - March 13, 1947 - Byas A Drink 9#212) (0:53)
21. Section 23 - March 13, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#199) (1:22)
22. Section 23 - March 13, 1947 - Ornithology (#209) (1:31)
23. Section 23 - March 13, 1947 - Moose The Mooch (#206) (0:49)
24. Section 23 - March 13, 1947 - Indiana (#213) (1:13)
25. Section 24 - March 13, 1947 - Perdido (#201) (1:09)
26. Section 24 - March 13, 1947 - Stuffy (#210) (0:49)
27. Section 24 - March 13, 1947 - Night In Tunisia (#211) (1:22)
28. Section 24 - March 13, 1947 - Rifftide (aka Hackensack) (#200) (0:46)
29. Section 24 - March 13, 1947 - September In The Rain (#198) (1:11)
30. Section 25 - March 9, 1947 - Dee Dee's Dance (#148) (3:58)
31. Section 27 - March 12, 1947 - Sweet And Lovely (#141) (2:19)
32. Section 28 - March 12, 1947 - Bean Soup (#170) (1:30)
33. Section 29 - March 11, 1947 - Disorder At The Border (#188) (2:01)
34. Section 30 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Ornighology (#163) (1:46)
35. Section 31 - March 6, 1947 - Stardust (#42) (1:08)
36. Section 32 - March 8, 1947 - Hot House (#69) (2:12)
37. Section 33 - March 6, 1947 - Night In Tunisia (#134) (1:04)
38. Section 33 - March 6, 1947 - The Very Thought Of You (#65) (1:19)
39. Section 34 - March 6, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#68) (2:18)
40. Section 35 - March 6, 1947 - The Man I Love (#76) (1:45)
41. Section 36 - March 1, 2, 4, Or 5, 1947 - Perdido (#66) (0:59)
42. Section 36 - March 8, 1947 - Perdido (#117) (1:36)
CD 4:
01. Section 37 - March 11, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#160) (0:58)
02. Section 37 - March 2, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#29) (0:43)
03. Section 37 - March 12, 1947 - I'm In The Mood For Love (#184) (0:59)
04. Section 38 - March 11, 1947 - September In The Rain (#158) (0:51)
05. Section 38 - March 2, 1947 - September In The Rain (#17) (0:40)
06. Section 38 - March 1, 1947 - September In The Rain (#52) (0:51)
07. Section 38 - March 12, 1947 - September In The Rain (#183) (0:22)
08. Section 39 - March 7, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#89) (1:41)
09. Section 39 - March 11, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#167) (1:06)
10. Section 39 - March 12, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#177) (0:20)
11. Section 39 - March 7, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#103) (0:35)
12. Section 40 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#53) (1:08)
13. Section 40 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Disorder At The Border (#50) (0:40)
14. Section 40 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Groovin' High (#46) (1:15)
15. Section 40 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Bean Soup (#41) (1:05)
16. Section 40 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - 52nd Street Theme (#45) (1:07)
17. Section 41 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Hot House (#82) (0:59)
18. Section 41 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Sportsman's Hop (#55) (0:47)
19. Section 41 - March 1, 2, 4, or 5, 1947 - Cheers (#58) (0:46)
20. Section 42 - March 1-7, 1947 Casa Dubs - Hot House (#82) (2:17)
21. Section 42 - March 1-7, 1947 Casa Dubs - The Man I Love (#83) (1:46)
22. Section 42 - March 1-7, 1947 Casa Dubs - Past Due (aka Relaxin' At Camarillo) (#85) (2:34)
23. Section 42 - March 1-7, 1947 Casa Dubs - S'Wonderful (#86) (1:53)
24. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - Cheers (#23) (1:00)
25. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - Ornithology (#72) (1:13)
26. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - Groovin' High (#75) (0:18)
27. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance (#77) (1:09)
28. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - Cheers (#81) (1:08)
29. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - Cheers (#93) (1:07)
30. Section 43 - March 2-12, 1947 - Body And Soul (#102) (0:31)
31. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Stuffy (#154) (0:52)
32. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Prisoner Of Love (#129) (0:22)
33. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Stuffy (#154) (1:16)
34. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Dee Dee's Dance (#162) (1:03)
35. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Cheers (#164) (1:07)
36. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Byas A Drink (#166) (1:57)
37. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - The Very Thought Of You (#168) (0:47)
38. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - Cheers (#175) (0:20)
39. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - September In The Rain (#2) (2:09)
40. Section 44 - March 1, 1947 - I Surrender Dear (#7) (1:01)
41. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Sportsman's Hop (#176) (1:10)
42. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Dee Dee's Dance (#181) (1:27)
43. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Cheers (#186) (0:54)
44. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Byas A Drink (#187) (1:31)
45. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Now's The Time (#190) (0:40)
46. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Hot House (#205) (1:12)
47. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Sportsman's Hop (#207) (0:35)
48. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Blues in B Flat (#208) (0:39)
49. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Groovin' High (#197) (0:44)
50. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Body And Soul (#203) (0:23)
51. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - prob. Disorder At The Border (#204) (0:31)
52. Section 45 - March 2, 12 & 13, 1947 - Sprotsman's Hop (#18) (0:57)
53. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Bean Soup (#112) (2:07)
54. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Night And Day (#20) (0:12)
55. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - The Very Thought Of You (#21) (0:28)
56. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - prob. Past Due (Relaxin' At Camarillo) (0:43)
57. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Blues In F (#9) (0:22)
58. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Cheers (#11) (0:37)
59. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Big Noise (aka Wee) (#28) (0:36)
60. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Ornithology (#37) (0:12)
61. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Perdido (#38) (1:01)
62. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Night In Tunisia (#64) (1:00)
63. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Now's The Time (#67) (0:54)
64. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Possible 52nd Street Theme (#30) (0:44)
65. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Stuffy (#70) (0:14)
66. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Groovin' High (#88) (1:35)
67. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Hot House (#116) (1:03)
68. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Ending Of An Unidentified Tune (#172) (0:05)
69. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Probably Prisoner Of Love (#188) (0:06)
70. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Possibly I Surrender Dear (#119) (0:11)
71. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - The Very Thought Of You (0:07)
72. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Night And Day (#128) (0:09)
73. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Stardust (#142) (0:11)
74. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Possibly Stardust (#169) (0:06)
75. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Probably Stardust (#133) (0:07)
76. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - Body And Soul (#71) (0:34)
77. Section 46 - March 2-13, 1947 - These Foolish Things (#202) (0:57)
CD 5:
01. Section 47 - 'Casa' Club From Jam - Blues in B Flat (#1) (1:48)
02. Section 48 - Dean Benedetti - Various Solo Activity (3:09)
03. Section 48 - Dean Benedetti - Dean Benedetti Band Demo Disc (5:58)
04. Section 48 - Dean Benedetti - Piano (2:30)
05. Section 48 - Dean Benedetti - Benedetti Playing Along With Bird Records (4:40)
06. Section 48 - Dean Benedetti - Conclusion (2:49)
07. Section 49 - March 31, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#214) (3:46)
08. Section 49 - March 31, 1948 - Big Foot (#215) (4:27)
09. Section 49 - March 31, 1948 - Dizzy Atmosphere (#217) (2:59)
10. Section 49 - March 31, 1948 - My Old Flame (#217) (0:29)
11. Section 49 - March 31, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#218) (2:41)
12. Section 50 - March 31, 1948 - Half Nelson (#219) (4:39)
13. Section 50 - March 31, 1948 - All The things You Are (#220) (4:53)
14. Section 50 - March 31, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#221) (1:22)
CD 6:
01. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#222) (1:10)
02. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - Out Of Nowhere (#223) (5:43)
03. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - My Old Flame (#224) (2:24)
04. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - Chasin' The Bird (#225) (1:42)
05. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - The Way You Look Tonight (#226) (6:21)
06. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - This Time The Dream's On Me (#227) (4:37)
07. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - Shaw Nuff (#228) (3:50)
08. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#229) (0:25)
09. Section 52 - July 6-11, 1948 - Cheryl (#231) (0:25)
10. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - Bird Lore (#232) (1:58)
11. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - These Foolish Things (#233) (1:32)
12. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - Groovin' High (#234) (2:16)
13. Section 51 - July 6-11, 1948 - Little Willie Leaps (#235) (2:10)
14. Section 53 - July 6-11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#238) (2:26)
15. Section 53 - July 6-11, 1948 - This Time The Dream's On Me (#237) (4:44)
16. Section 53 - July 6-11, 1948 - The Way You Look Tonight (#239) (4:13)
17. Section 53 - July 6-11, 1948 - Out Of Nowhere (#240) (2:28)
18. Section 53 - July 6-11, 1948 - My Old Flame (#241) (0:33)
19. Section 53 - July 6-11, 1948 - Set Closing blues (Possibly Big Foot) (#242) (1:26)
20. Section 54 - July 7, 1948 - Out Of Nowhere (#243) (0:52)
21. Section 54 - July 7, 1948 - How High The Moon (#244) (2:44)
22. Section 54 - July 7, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#245) (0:12)
23. Section 55 - July 6-11, 1948 - Chasin' The bird (#246) (4:45)
24. Section 55 - July 6-11, 1948 - Don't Blame Me (#247) (0:41)
25. Section 55 - July 6-11, 1948 - Tico Tico (#248) (2:06)
26. Section 55 - July 6-11, 1948 - Out Of Nowhere (#249) (2:15)
27. Section 55 - July 6-11, 1948 - Medley; Indiana-Donna Lee (#250) (2:41)
CD 7:
01. Section 56 - July 10, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#251) (0:26)
02. Section 56 - July 10, 1948 - How High the Moon (#252) (3:08)
03. Section 56 - July 10, 1948 - I'm In the Mood For Love (#253) (1:29)
04. Section 56 - July 10, 1948 - This Tie The Dream's On Me (#254) (3:26)
05. Section 56 - July 10, 1948 - Yesterdays (#255) (0:19)
06. Section 56 - July 10, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#256) (0:12)
07. Section 57 - July 10, 1948 - How High The Moon (#257) (6:17)
08. Section 57 - July 10, 1948 - Groovin' High (#259) (2:14)
09. Section 57 - July 10, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#262) (0:54)
10. Section 57 - July 10, 1948 - Cheryl (#263) (2:28)
11. Section 58 - July 11, 1948 - All The Things You Are (#264) (2:49)
12. Section 58 - July 11, 1948 - Vocal Ballad Ending (#265) (0:08)
13. Section 58 - July 11, 1948 - Big Foot (#267) (3:59)
14. Section 58 - July 11, 1948 - I Can't Get Started (#268) (1:16)
15. Section 59 - July 11, 1948 - Dizzy Atmosphere (#269) (4:27)
16. Section 59 - July 11, 1948 - Spotlite (#270) (2:40)
17. Section 59 - July 11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#271) (0:12)
18. Section 60 - July 11, 1948 - How Hight The Moon (#272) (4:00)
19. Section 60 - July 11, 1948 - September Song (#273) (1:44)
20. Section 60 - July 11, 1948 - Hot House (#274) (3:52)
21. Section 60 - July 11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#275) (1:02)
22. Section 61 - July 11, 1948 - Night In Tunisia (#276) (3:32)
23. Section 61 - July 11, 1948 - My Old flame (#277) (1:53)
24. Section 61 - July 11, 1948 - Night And Day (#236) (3:01)
25. Section 61 - July 11, 1948 - The Hymn (#278) (1:28)
26. Section 62 - July 6-11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#xx2) (1:33)
27. Section 62 - July 6-11, 1948 - Half Nelson (#xx3) (1:14)
28. Section 62 - July 6-11, 1948 - Little Willie Leaps (#xx4) (0:31)
29. Section 63 - July 10 & 11, 1948 - What Price Love / Yardbird Suite (#260) (2:37)
30. Section 63 - July 10 & 11, 1948 - What Price Love / Yardbird Suite (#261) (0:22)
31. Section 63 - July 10 & 11, 1948 - Well you Needn't With Thelonious Monk (#266) (2:37)
32. Section 64 - July 6-11, 1948 - 52nd Street Theme (#230) (1:18)
1991 - Charlie Parker - The Cole Porter Songbook - 00:54:47[320]
01.Easy to Love - 3:24
02.Begin the Beguine - 3:10
03.Night and Day - 2:45
04.What Is This Thing Called Love? - 2:38
05.In the Still of the Night - 3:18
06.I Get a Kick Out of You - 3:31
07.Just One of Those Things - 2:39
08.My Heart Belongs to Daddy - 3:17
09.I’ve Got You Under My Skin - 3:31
10.Love for Sale - 5:33
11.I Love Paris - 5:10
12.What Is This Thing Called Love? - 15:51 (bonus track)
Charlie Parker (alto saxophone);
Benny Carter, Johnny Hodges (alto saxophone);
Ben Webster, Flip Phillips (tenor saxophone);
Charlie Shavers (trumpet);
Junior Collins (French horn);
Bill Harris, Lou McGarity (trombone);
Edwin C. Brown (oboe);
Sam Caplan, Howard Kay, Harry Meinikoff, Sam Rand, Zelly Smirnoff (violin);
Isadore Zor (viola);
Maurice Brown (cello);
Verley Mills (harp);
Bernie Leighton, Walter Bishop, Oscar Peterson (piano);
Freddie Green, Barney Kessell (guitar);
Charles Mingus, Ray Brown, Teddy Kotick (bass);
Max Roach, Buddy Rich, Don Lamond, Roy Haynes, Art Taylor (drums);
Jose Mangual (bongos);
Luis Miranda (congas);
Dave Lambert Singers.
1991 - Charlie Parker - The Immortal Charlie Parker - 00:53:47[320]
01. Little Willie Leaps [short take 1] 00:48
02. Little Willie Leaps [new take 2] 03:10
03. Little Willie Leaps [original take 3] 02:54
04. Donna Lee [new take 2] 03:01
05. Donna Lee [new take 3] 02:33
06. Chasing the Bird 02:57
07. Cheryl [short take 1] 00:06
08. Cheryl [original take 2] 03:01
09. Milestones [new take 2] 02:38
10. Half Nelson [new take 1] 02:53
11. Sipping at Bells [short take 3] 00:54
12. Sipping at Bells [new take 4] 02:30
13. Tiny's Tempo [short take 1] 03:02
14. Tiny's Tempo [short take 2] 03:01
15. Tiny's Tempo [original take 3] 02:56
16. Red Cross [short take] 03:17
17. Red Cross [original take 2] 03:10
18. Now's the Time [original] 03:18
19. Buzzy [short take 2] 00:36
20. Buzzy [new take 3] 02:42
21. Marmaduke [short take 3] 01:00
22. Marmaduke [new take 4] 03:08
1992 - Charlie Parker - The Essential Charlie Parker - 01:00:15[320]
01. Now's the Time [00:03:03]
02. If I Should Lose You [00:02:49]
03. Mango Mangue [00:02:55]
04. Bloomdido [00:03:27]
05. Star Eyes [00:03:30]
06. Confirmation (master take) [00:03:01]
07. My Little Suede Shoes [00:03:06]
08. Just Friends [00:03:33]
09. Lover Man [00:03:24]
10. I Got Rhythm [00:12:56]
11. Repetition [00:02:59]
12. K.C. Blues [00:03:27]
13. Relaxing With Lee (master take) [00:02:49]
14. April in Paris [00:03:08]
15. Okiedoke [00:03:04]
16. The Song Is You [00:02:56]
1992 - Charlie Parker Quintet - Bird & Fats Live At Birdland (1950) - 01:12:46[320]
01. 52nd Street Theme (1:41)
02. Wahoo (6:31)
03. Dizzy Atmosphere (6:48)
04. The Street Beat (9:23)
05. Out Of Nowhere (6:17)
06. Little Willie Leaps (5:20)
07. 52nd Street Theme (0:22)
08. A Night In Tunisia (5:35)
09. Move (6:28)
10. Ornithology (7:39)
11. 52nd Street Theme (1:32)
12. Embraceable You (6:19)
13. Cool Blues (6:39)
14. 52nd Street Theme (2:10)
1994 - Charlie Parker — Bird Of Paradise - 00:35:41[320]
01. Billie's Bounce (3:08)
02. Yardbird Suite ('What Price Love') (2:39)
03. Moose The Moocho ('I Got Rhythm') (3:02)
04. Bebop (2:52)
05. Bird's Nest (2:42)
06. Cheers (3:02)
07. Relaxin' At Camarillo (2:58)
08. Chasin' The Bird ('I Got Rhythm') (2:44)
09. Bird Of Paradise ('All The Things You Are') (3:10)
10. My Old Flame (3:10)
11. Lester Leaps In (3:58)
12. Star Eyes (2:17)
1994 - Charlie Parker — Verve Jazz Masters 15 - 00:59:41[320]
01. Confirmation (3:02)
02. An Oscar For Treadwell (3:26)
03. Dancing In The Dark (3:23)
04. Segment (3:23)
05. Star Eyes (3:32)
06. Mango Mangue (2:57)
07. Repetition (3:00)
08. The Bird (4:48)
09. K. C. Blues (3:28)
10. My Melancholy Baby (3:27)
11. Blues For Alice (2:51)
12. I Can't Get Started (9:18)
13. Kim (3:02)
14. Just Friends (3:34)
15. She Rote (3:10)
16. Lover Man (3:21)
1994 - Charlie Parker — Verve Jazz Masters 28 ( Plays Standards) - 01:06:48[320]
01. Love For Sale (5:37)
02. If I Should Lose You (2:49)
03. Almost Like Being In Love (2:36)
04. Why Do I Love You? (3:09)
05. I Remember You (3:06)
06. Easy To Love (2:22)
07. Old Folks (3:37)
08. I Got Rhythm (12:57)
09. Laura (3:00)
10. Estrellita (Little Star) (2:49)
11. What Is This Thing Called Love? (2:39)
12. Embraceable You (10:36)
13. I Love Paris (5:10)
14. How High The Moon? (6:22)
1995 - Charlie Parker - Jazz & Blues Collection - 00:55:13[320]
01.Bebop [3:16]
02.Scrapple From The Apple [4:05]
03.Move [6:33]
04.Out Of Nowhere [2:49]
05.Hot House [4:23]
06.How High The Moon [5:16]
07.Street Beat [9:34]
08.Round Midnight [5:10]
09.Koko [4:21]
10.Groovin' High [5:44]
11.Ornithology [4:02]
1995 - Charlie Parker - Montreal 1953 - 00:47:51[320]
01. Intro Chez Paree
02. Ornithology
03. Cool Blues
04. I'll Remember April
05. Moose The Mooche
06. Embraceable You
07. Now's The Time
08. Intro TV Program
09. Cool Blues
10. Bernie' Tune
11. Don't Blame Me
12. Wahoo (Perdido)
13. Closing
Charlie Parker - sax
Dick Garcia - guitar
Valdo Williams - piano
Bob Rudd, Hal Gaylor - bass
Billy Graham, Ted Paskert, Bob Malloy - drums
1995 - Charlie Parker - South of the Border (1948-1952, Verve) - [320]
01. Afro-Cuban Jazz Suite
02. Begin the Beguine
03. Estrellita
04. Fiesta
05. La Cucuracha
06. La Paloma
07. Mama Inez
08. Mango Mangue
09. My Little Suede Shoes
10. No Noise (parts 1 and 2)
11. Okiedoke
12. Tico-Tico
13. Un Poquito de Tu Amor
14. Why Do I Love You
1995 - Charlie Parker with Strings -The Master Takes - 01:16:16[320]
1. Just Friends
2. Everything Happens to Me
3. April in Paris
4. Summertime
5. I Didn't Know What Time It Was
6. If I Should Lose You
7. Dancing in the Dark
8. Out of Nowhere
9. Laura
10. East of the Sun (And West of the Moon)
11. They Can't Take That Away from Me
12. Easy to Love
13. I'm in the Mood for Love
14. I'll Remember April
15. What Is This Thing Called Love?
16. April in Paris
17. Repetition
18. Easy to Love
19. Rocker
20. Temptation
21. Lover
22. Autumn in New York
23. Stella by Starlight
24. Repetition
1996 - Charlie Parker - The Complete Legendary Rockland Palace Concert (2CD) - 01:46:49[320]
1. East of the Sun
2. What is This Thing Called Love?
3. Stardust
4. Ornithology
5. Easy to Love
6. Just Friends
7. Dancing in the Dark
8. Gold Rush
9. Don't Blame Me
10. April in Paris
11. Repetition
12. Everything Happens to Me
13. Sly Mongoose (take 1)
14. Sly Mongoose (take 2)
15. Rocker
16. Laura
17. Lester Leaps In
1. Out of Nowhere
2. I Didn't Know What Time it Was
3. I'll Remember April
4. Cool Blues
5. East of the Sun
6. Just Friends
7. My Little Suede Shoes
8. What is This Thing Called Love?
9. Repetition
10. This Time the Dream's on Me
11. Moose the Mooche
12. Star Eyes
13. Rocker
14. Easy to Love
Charlie Parker (alto-saxophone)
Walter Bishop, Jr. (piano)
Mundell Lowe (guitar)
Teddy Kotick (bass)
Max Roach (drums)
Unknown (oboe)
Unknown (strings)
1996 - Charlie Parker — Charlie Parker (1945-1953) - 01:12:02[320]
01. Now's The Time (3:01)
02. The Song Is You (2:57)
03. Kim (2:59)
04. Blues (2:47)
05. Cosmic Rays (3:17)
06. I Remember You (3:04)
07. Chi Chi (3:07)
08. I'm In The Mood For Love (2:53)
09. Just One Of Those Things (2:42)
10. Lover Man (2nd Version) (3:24)
11. Swedish Schnapps (3:16)
12. Parker's Mood (3:03)
13. Merry Go-Round (2:26)
14. Marmaduke (2:40)
15. Ko Ko (2:53)
16. Cool Blues (2:20)
17. Chasin' The Bird (2:45)
18. Drifting On A Reed (2:52)
19. Donna Lee (2:33)
20. Cheryl (3:00)
21. Constellation (2:27)
22. Buzzy (2:32)
23. Blue Bird (2:57)
24. Bongo Beep (2:57)
25. Billie's Bounce (3:08)
1996 - Charlie Parker — Jazz At The Philharmonic (1946) - 01:10:30[320]
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