2000 VA - Magic Moments 1 {ACT Music ACT9280-2} [CD]
01. Soriba Kouyate / Paolo Fresu / Linley Marthe / Joel Allouche – Massanicissé
02. Javier Paxarino / Glen Velez – Cortesanos
03. Esbjorn Svensson Trio - Dodge The Dodo
04. Nguyen Le / Renaud Garcio Fons / Tino De Geraldo / Carles Benavent – Encanto *
05. Kudsi Erguner / Christof Lauer / Michel Godard / Mark Nauseef – Sufimaj
06. Schal Sick Brass Band - Malka Moma
07. Bazillus feat. Eddie Harris / Jamaaladeen Tacuma - Back To Ed-E
08. Nils Landgren Funk Unit / Fred Wesley - Six Beauties on a Rooftop
09. Gilberto Gil – Oslodum
10. Jens Thomas / Paolo Fresu / Antonello Salis - The Man With The Harmonica *
11. Larry Coryell, / Philip Catherine, / Joachim Kuhn - Deus Xango
12. The Real Group / Toots Thielemans - Vem Kan Segla Forutan Vind
13. Michael Riessler / Elise Caron / Jean Louis Matinier / Pierre Charial - Itineraires/ Verticalement *
14. Huong Thanh / Nguyen Le - Lovers On The Mountain
15. Christof Lauer / Marc Ducret / Michel Godard / Gene Jackson - Ferma L'Ali *
16. Vince Mendoza / Charlie Mariano / Dave Liebman / WDR Big Band – Pavane
17. Steve Klink - Mountain Blues *
18. Sidsel Endresen / Bugge Wesseltoft – Epilogue
* Previously not released
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 4 from 23. January 2008 EAC extraction logfile from 6. October 2009, 19:19 Various / World Jazz Anthology 4 Magic Moments 01 Used drive : YAMAHA CRW-F1E Adapter: 4 ID: 0 Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No Read offset correction : 733 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000 Used output format : Internal WAV Routines Sample format : 44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 4:14.30 | 0 | 19079 2 | 4:14.30 | 4:58.07 | 19080 | 41436 3 | 9:12.37 | 4:39.13 | 41437 | 62374 4 | 13:51.50 | 5:43.42 | 62375 | 88141 5 | 19:35.17 | 4:02.70 | 88142 | 106361 6 | 23:38.12 | 2:48.40 | 106362 | 119001 7 | 26:26.52 | 3:50.25 | 119002 | 136276 8 | 30:17.02 | 3:58.03 | 136277 | 154129 9 | 34:15.05 | 4:03.07 | 154130 | 172361 10 | 38:18.12 | 3:11.45 | 172362 | 186731 11 | 41:29.57 | 5:29.33 | 186732 | 211439 12 | 46:59.15 | 3:36.35 | 211440 | 227674 13 | 50:35.50 | 4:37.30 | 227675 | 248479 14 | 55:13.05 | 3:25.20 | 248480 | 263874 15 | 58:38.25 | 5:50.32 | 263875 | 290156 16 | 64:28.57 | 4:26.33 | 290157 | 310139 17 | 68:55.15 | 4:30.30 | 310140 | 330419 18 | 73:25.45 | 1:43.55 | 330420 | 338199 Range status and errors Selected range Filename D:\!mTorrent razdachi\ACT - Magic Moments\ACT - MM - vol.1\Various - World Jazz Anthology 4 Magic Moments 01.wav Peak level 100.0 % Range quality 100.0 % Test CRC 66AAC2A0 Copy CRC 66AAC2A0 Copy OK No errors occurred AccurateRip summary Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [60448660] Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [6F009B80] Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [A4F34096] Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [676D0523] Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [D23BA75F] Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [3589B472] Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [56C4EF43] Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [27936E0D] Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [9AF183C3] Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [A9EB6018] Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [E6EC19E7] Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [B4A2EF5C] Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [238E40CD] Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [7FEB7485] Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [85C5E2B2] Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [AA2E53AB] Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 17) [9A9D78E7] Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 16) [3C05CC55] All tracks accurately ripped End of status report
REM GENRE Jazz REM DATE 2000 REM DISCID EE119D12 REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb4" PERFORMER "Various" TITLE "World Jazz Anthology 4 Magic Moments 01" FILE "Various - World Jazz Anthology 4 Magic Moments 01.wav" WAVE TRACK 01 AUDIO TITLE "Massanicisse" PERFORMER "Fresu S. Kouyate P. & Marthe L. & Allouche J." INDEX 01 00:00:00 TRACK 02 AUDIO TITLE "Cortesanos" PERFORMER "Paxaniсo Javier & Velez Glen" INDEX 00 04:11:45 INDEX 01 04:14:30 TRACK 03 AUDIO TITLE "Dodge The Dodo" PERFORMER "Esbjorn Svensson Trio" INDEX 00 09:10:22 INDEX 01 09:12:37 TRACK 04 AUDIO TITLE "Encanto" PERFORMER "Le Nguyen & Garcia-Fons R. & Di Geraldo T. & Benavent C." INDEX 00 13:49:35 INDEX 01 13:51:50 TRACK 05 AUDIO TITLE "Sufimaj" PERFORMER "Erguner K. & Lauer C. & Godard M. & Nauseef M." INDEX 00 19:32:65 INDEX 01 19:35:17 TRACK 06 AUDIO TITLE "Malka Moma" PERFORMER "Schal Sick Brass Band" INDEX 00 23:36:12 INDEX 01 23:38:12 TRACK 07 AUDIO TITLE "Back To Ed-E" PERFORMER "Bazillus feat. Harris Eddie & Tacuma Jamaaladeen" INDEX 00 26:24:30 INDEX 01 26:26:52 TRACK 08 AUDIO TITLE "Six Beauties On A Rooftop" PERFORMER "Nils Landgren Funk Unit & Wesley Fred" INDEX 00 30:15:27 INDEX 01 30:17:02 TRACK 09 AUDIO TITLE "Oslodum" PERFORMER "Gil Gilberto" INDEX 00 34:12:35 INDEX 01 34:15:05 TRACK 10 AUDIO TITLE "The Man With The Harmonica" PERFORMER "Thomas Jens & Fresu Paolo & Salis Antonello" INDEX 00 38:15:10 INDEX 01 38:18:12 TRACK 11 AUDIO TITLE "Deus Xango" PERFORMER "Coryell Larry & Catherine Philip & Kuhn Joachim" INDEX 00 41:26:45 INDEX 01 41:29:57 TRACK 12 AUDIO TITLE "Vem Kan Segla Forutan Vind" PERFORMER "The Real Group & Thielemans Toots" INDEX 00 46:56:67 INDEX 01 46:59:15 TRACK 13 AUDIO TITLE "Itineraires, Verticalement" PERFORMER "Riessler M. & Caron E. & Matinier J. L.& Charial P." INDEX 01 50:35:50 TRACK 14 AUDIO TITLE "Lovers On The Mountain" PERFORMER "Thanh Huong & Le Nguyen" INDEX 00 55:10:25 INDEX 01 55:13:05 TRACK 15 AUDIO TITLE "Ferma L'Ali (Live in Montreux)" PERFORMER "Lauer C. & Ducret M. & Godard M. & Jackson G." INDEX 00 58:35:45 INDEX 01 58:38:25 TRACK 16 AUDIO TITLE "Pavane" PERFORMER "Mendoza V. & Mariano C. & Liebman D. & WDR Big Band" INDEX 00 64:26:17 INDEX 01 64:28:57 TRACK 17 AUDIO TITLE "Mountain Blues" PERFORMER "Klink Steve" INDEX 00 68:51:20 INDEX 01 68:55:15 TRACK 18 AUDIO TITLE "Epilogue" PERFORMER "Endresen Sidsel & Wesseltoft Bugge" INDEX 00 73:23:01 INDEX 01 73:25:45
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