
(World Fusion, Contemporary Jazz) Carlo Mombelli and the Prisoners of Strange (Siya Makuzeni, Marcus Wyatt, Sydney Mnisi, Lloyd Martin) - When serious babies dance - 2003, MP3, 320 kbps

Carlo Mombelli and the Prisoners of Strange When serious babies dance*Жанр: World Fusion, Contemporary Jazz
Страна исполнителя (группы): South Africa
Год издания: 2003
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 01:02:19
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да*01 - Basil, roses, lemons, love (Carlo Mombelli) 03:58
02 - Unlock the wisdom door (Carlo Mombelli) 03:12
03 - Bass spirits (Carlo Mombelli) 06:42
04 - Remember Lucia (Carlo Mombelli) 05:22
05 - Sunlove (Carlo Mombelli) 04:32
06 - Observations from the hideout (Carlo Mombelli) 01:31
07 - Maria, are you dreaming again? (Carlo Mombelli) 03:41
08 - 87/99 (Carlo Mombelli) 03:24
09 - Zambezi (Carlo Mombelli) 02:48
10 - Me, the mango picker (Carlo Mombelli) 05:54
11 - Surdo (Carlo Mombelli) 02:17
12 - Gismonti (Carlo Mombelli) 06:42
13 - When serious babies dance (Carlo Mombelli) 07:46
14 - Mombellibutton sketches (Carlo Mombelli) 04:38* * *
Об альбоме
A Portfolio of Sixty Works for Live
Performance and an Animation Film Score
(excerpt)01 - Basil, roses, lemons, love, 1996
Instrumentation - voice and electric fret bass.
Inspiration - I wrote these lyrics at a time where I was thinking about the things that we teach our children. With this piece I say, “Teach our children about the good things that we love”.
I love the smell of basil, roses and lemons.
Musicians - Nontuthuzelo Puoane: voice, Carlo Mombelli: bass.
Compositional tool - Bass.
Sketched the lyrics first, then the music.
02 - Unlock the wisdom door, 2002
Instrumentation - voice, flute, trumpet, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, electric bass, and drums.
Commentary and insight - I needed a piece that flowed out of ‘Basil, roses, lemons, love.’ I had sketched out ‘Unlock the wisdom door’ but was having a difficult time gluing the two pieces together. The original key of ‘Basil, roses, lemons, love was G minor but the moment I changed the key to F minor, ‘Unlock the wisdom door’ became a perfect match. I played in a Brazilian band for eight years while living in Europe, even touring Brazil with them. I was always fascinated by the offbeat chordal rhythms the guitarist played in their music and started to experiment using this style on the bass, playing the upper chord on the offbeat but still playing the low bass note on the down beat. I composed a number of tunes using this technique (‘Gismonti’, ‘Maria are you dreaming again?’) that are on this CD ‘When serious babies dance’.
This piece revolves around the bass and will only sound right if played on an electric fret bass guitar.
Musicians - Nontuthuzelo Puoane: voice, Carlo Mombelli: bass, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: tenor saxophone, Kevin Davidson: flute, Allan Thomson: bass clarinet, and Lloyd Martin: drums.
Compositional tool - bass and piano.
03 - Bass spirits, 2000
Instrumentation: trumpet, tenor saxophone, cello, bass, bass loop, drums, and percussion soundscapes (springs, bowls, BBR boards and scrap bell tree).
Commentary and insight: The recording on the on the CD ‘When serious babies dance’ is a good take, however I prefer the version of ‘Bass Spirits’ recorded at a concert we did at the ‘Fort West heritage festival’. This recording is for a DVD that is still going to be released. I have included that recording into this portfolio.
Inspiration: The first time I heard the bassist Jaco Pastorius play was with the group Weather Report on the album Heavy Weather. His tone and melodic and rhythmic spirit had a major influence on why I stopped playing piano as my first instrument and started studying the electric bass. This piece of music is dedicated to him. The first two bars of letter (A) has a sort of Weather Report Jaco melodic influence to it.
Compositional tool - bass and jamman loop sampler.
Recording info: Recorded at – The ‘Fort West heritage festival’, Pretoria. 2004.
Musicians - Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: tenor saxophone, Siya Makuzeni: voice and trombone, Lloyd Martin: drums, Jessica Bailey: cello, and Carlo Mombelli: fretless bass and percussion soundscapes.
DVD title – ‘Carlo Mombelli and the Prisoners of Strange, live at the Fort West heritage festival’. Record label – Melt 2000 Year of release – not yet released.
04 - Remember Lucia, 1987
Instrumentation - alto saxophone, guitar, fretless bass, and drums.
Inspiration - My sister Lucia is mentally retarded and was put in a special home before I knew her. This song is for her.
Compositional tool - Guitar
05 - Sunlove, 2002
Instrumentation - voice, trumpet, saxophone, bass, bass loops and agogo bells.
Inspiration - my wife Sandra.
Commentary and insight - One day I sat in my car waiting for the traffic light to turn green listening to the rhythmic click of the indicator, when I heard the melody. At home I imitated the indicator with bass harmonics and looped them. I then created another bass loop in sync with the harmonics. The loop ended up being G minor and the melody in the key of G major unintentionally. However, the first note of the melody comes out so strong because it’s the major third against the minor third. The improvisations that consist of both horns in conversation are key-centred minor or any sound they feel. I learnt how to play the Afoxe groove (type of rhythm) on agogo bells from my Brazilian friends and found this groove suitable this piece.
Musicians - Siya Makuzeni: voice, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: tenor saxophone, Carlo Mombelli: fretless bass, and Lloyd Martin: agogo bells.
Compositional tool - bass and Jam-man loop sampler.
06 - Observations from the hideout – short version 2002
Instrumentation - flute, trumpet, tenor sax and bass clarinet.
Inspiration - Watching the animals from the hide out in the African bush.
Commentary and insight - This piece was originally commissioned for the ‘Stockholm Saxophone Quartet’ which is included in its full version of over eight minutes in this portfolio. I wanted to have a recorded version of this piece on my album but it was much too long. I then rearranged it and ended up with this edited version and used different instruments. The musicians sweated playing this piece but in the end I am satisfied with the recording.
Musicians - Kevin Davidson: flute, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: tenor saxophone, and Allan Thomson: bass clarinet.
07 - Maria are you dreaming again? 1998
Instrumentation - two horns, guitar solo, fret bass, drums, and pre-recorded dialogue.
Commentary and insight - My wife is Afrikaans and therefore my children speak both English as well as Afrikaans. I asked my daughter Maria at the age of five what she wanted to for her birthday and not only did she reply to that question but she also told me her future plans, and all in Afrikaans. I recorded this and then composed this music for her using the bass as the chordal instrument.
Compositional tool - bass and much later, piano.
Musicians - Johnny Fourie, guitar solo, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, John Davies: trombone, Lloyd Martin: drums, Carlo Mombelli: bass and voice.
Dialogue - Maria Mombelli
08 - ‘87/99’ 1999
Instrumentation - trumpet, soprano saxophone, guitar, bass, prepared drum kit.
Commentary and insight - This piece has exactly the same four bar chordal movement as the piece ‘Deep Impressions – part one’ that I composed in 1987. I wrote a completely new melody with a counter melody over these chords in 1999, hence the title of the composition. This composition needed a very wacky drum sound so I used prepared drum kit with BBR security signs used as cymbals as well as tiny cymbals placed on the snare drum but still played in the conventional way with the cymbals vibrating against the drum skin.
Musicians - Johnny Fourie: guitar, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: soprano saxophone, Carlo Mombelli: fretless bass, and Lloyd Martin: prepared drum kit.
Compositional tool - Guitar, bass, piano
09 - Zambezi, 1990
Instrumentation - Voice, flute, bass clarinet (optional), bass, acoustic guitar, trumpet, trombone effects (optional), and drums.
Inspiration - I once took a trip with my wife up the Zambezi River in a small boat. I
try to capture the atmosphere of that experience with this composition by assigning
different aspects of the experience to different instruments. The bass and guitar have a steady pulse and represents the boat moving along the water. The voice, flute and bass clarinet play the melody rubato representing the spirit of the water. The drums and trumpet improvise freely. They are the animals that inhabit the banks of the river and are later joined by another animal – the trombone.
Commentary - I sometimes re-use ideas from other compositions of mine as in the case with the guitar part of ‘87/99’ and ‘Deep impressions – part one’. The melody of this piece Zambezi is identical to the melody of ‘I drank my coffee and dreamt’ found on the CD ‘Happy sad’.
Musicians - Nontuthuzelo Puoane; voice, Johnny Fourie: guitar, Kevin Davidson: flute, John Davies: trombone, Allan Thomson: bass clarinet, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet,
Carlo Mombelli: bass, and Lloyd Martin: drums.
Compositional tool: Bass and guitar
Composing process – I first composed the complex bass line and then added the melody.
10 - Me, the mango picker, 1998
Instrumentation - Voice, trumpet, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet or trombone, bass, and drums.
Inspiration - Living in Munich for eleven and a half years the time finally arrived for my family and I to return home. A Brazilian friend of mine Marcio once told me that when an explorer leaves the port, his journey of discovery is only complete once his ship has returned home. This piece treats me as a mango picker as I am told that the mangos in South Africa are ripe and its time to go home and pick them.
Commentary and insight - I wrote this piece as an instrumental in 1992 and actually recorded it as such on the CD ‘Dancing in a Museum’ with Charlie Mariano, Mick Goodrick and Bill Elgart. Closer to the month of our return, December 1998, I wrote the lyrics and music verses and added it to the existing piece. The lyrics were written before I decided to come home.
Musicians - Siya Makuzeni: voice, Johnny Fourie: guitar, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: tenor saxophone, Allan Thomson: bass clarinet, Carlo Mombelli: fretless bass, and Lloyd Martin: drums.
Compositional tool: Bass and piano
11 - Surdo, 2000
Instrumentation - Bass, Jam-man loop sampler, distorted E-bow
Inspiration - I try to imitate the vibe and groove of the Brazilian Surdo drum on a slow samba groove.
Commentary and insight - This piece is played in one take, built on five loops. Loop one is the most critical as it sets up the tempo, feel and Surdo groove. The time has to be accurate. The last loop makes use of the E-bow through distortion and builds to an absolute climax and can either fade or end abruptly.
Musicians – Carlo Mombelli: fretless bass and loops recorded in one take with an
overdubbed bass drum hit on the last note.
Compositional tool: Bass
12 - Gismonti, 2000
Instrumentation - trumpet, tenor saxophone, electric fret bass, drums, Jam-man loop sampler, pre-recorded school choir, and scrap tree.
Inspiration - I was very fortunate and honoured to record with the great Brazilian musician, Egberto Gismonti on the album Raiz de Pedra, Diario de Bordo (Enja records – tip 888 822 2). This piece is dedicated to him.
Commentary and insight - Brazilian pianists have an amazing ability to play left hand chords on the offbeat while playing the melody (many times double notes like flute double tonguing) in the right hand. In this piece I am Gismonti’s left hand and the trumpet is his right hand. The saxophone plays a second melody in between all the beats. This composition is in two parts, the bouncy first section and the free section. In free music I like to have glue that holds the spaces together. It could either be a ride cymbals as in the compositions ‘It’s for You’ found on the CD ‘Carlo Mombelli’s Abstractions’, or wind as in the composition ‘Deep impressions – part one’ found on the CD ‘Happy Sad’, or it could be a loop as in the bass loop on the free section of this composition ‘Gismonti’. On top of the loop at letter (H) I have taken a drum groove from Brazil called Partido Alto and arranged it at three different levels of pitch. To create a more rhythmic sound without any recognizable pitch I put the horns together in semitones with the bass and guitar playing any note as long as the note falls within the notated level, high, middle and low. The effect I achieve is not centred on hearing the pitch of the notes, but more of an event or sound experience.
Musicians - Sydney Mnisi: tenor saxophone, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Johnny Fourie: guitar, Carlo Mombelli: electric fret bass and percussion soundscapes, Lloyd Martin: drums and crying cymbals, Parkview Junior school choir: soundscape.
Compositional tool: Bass
13 - When serious babies dance, 1990
Instrumentation - two horns, guitar, bass, drums and ebow loop
Musicians – Johnny Fourie: guitar. Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, Sydney Mnisi: soprano saxophone, Carlo Mombelli: bass, Lloyd Martin: drums.
Compositional tool: Bass and piano
14 - Mombellibutton sketches 1985 (reworked 2000)
Instrumentation - Fender Rhodes, electric guitar (Hendrix style), drums and horns.
Commentary and insight - I sketched this piece in 1984 but never really tweaked it. In 2002 I decided to finish it for this recording. This has a bit of an old school feel and I needed to break that so I used total free Hendrix style guitar and drums improvisations at places in the music where the piano pauses.
Musicians – Carlo Mombelli: electric piano, Johnny Fourie: guitar, Sydney Mnisi: soprano saxophone, Marcus Wyatt: trumpet, and Lloyd Martin: drums.
Compositional tool: piano
The Prisoners of Strange are:
Carlo Mombelli - Electric Basses, E-Bow, Live Jam-Man Loops , Samples, Voice, Percussive Soundscapes, and Piano on "Mombellibutton sketches"
Siya Makuzeni – Vocals
Marcus Wyatt – Trumpet and Flugelhorn
Sydney Mnisi – Soprano and Tenor Saxophone
Lloyd Martin – Drums
Guest musicians:
Johnny Fourie - Guitar
Nontuthuzelo Puoane - Voice on "Basil, roses, lemons, love", "Unlock the wisdom door" and "Zambezi".
John Davies - Trombone
Allan Thomson - Bass Clarinet
Kevin Davidson - Flute
J.B.Arthur - Acoustic Rhithm Guitar on "Me, the mango picker".
Maria Mombelli - Dialogue on "Maria, are you dreaming again?"
Children singing on "Gismonti" - Parkview Junior School, JohannesburgeCover and inner sleeve artworks by Kay Hassan (paper constructions).Recorded at Joe’s Garage, Johannesburg August / September 2002, by J.B.Arthur
Any questions - projazzclub@gmail.com
This album is available on our DC++ hub: dchub://hub.pro-jazz.com:7777
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