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1967 Hagaw - Do You Love Hagaw (Polish Jazz, Vol. 12) {Warner Music} [WEB]

01. Czy Pani Kocha Hagaw / Do You Love Hagaw? [2:54] 02. Meloniki Na Goraco / Hot Melons [2:45] 03. Wesola Piosneczka / A Gay Song [3:11] 04. Bardzo Szkoda Mi Zajaczka / I Pity The Poor Bunny [1:28] 05. Pamietnik Pewnego Impertynenta / An Upstart's Memoirs [3:07] 06. Taniec Z Czasow Gornego / A Dance From Gorny's Time [2:03] 07. Tulaczka Wija Drewniaka / The Wandering Centipede [2:10] 08. Chlapu, Chlapu / Flop, ... Flop [2:53] 09. Bede Gangsterem / I'll Be A Gangster [3:10] 10. Oj - Biada! / Bad Luck [2:45] 11. Swawole Lokomotyw, Czyli Wspomnienie Pomocnika Maszynistki / Locomotive Frolics [2:27] 12. Koty Na Poddaszu / Cats In The Garret [3:41] 13. Byc Moze... / And Maybe Tears [4:37] 14. Mowilas, Ze Lubisz Kije Samobije / You Said You Like Fairy Tales [2:38] 15. Zachcialo Ci Sie Grzesiu Prac O Tej Porze / It Isn't Time To Wash, Gregory [2:51]
