(Nu Jazz, Acid Jazz) Chui - The Second Arrival - 2013, FLAC (tracks), lossless
Chui / The Second Arrival
Жанр: Nu Jazz, Acid Jazz
Носитель: CD
Страна-производитель диска (релиза): Croatia
Год издания: 2013
Издатель (лейбл): Dancing Bear
Номер по каталогу: DBCD 303
Страна исполнителя (группы): Croatia
Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac)
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:44:48
Источник (релизер): e-rock.ru Milan
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
1 Chui’s Waltz 6:35
2 Venus Vs Mars 3:37
3 Hypnodrome 6:34
4 Can We Be Friends? 5:07
5 Umfufu 4:14
6 Bedtime Story 5:44
7 Kalelarga 3:45
8 Chui Is Here To Stay 9:08
Лог проверки качества
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Path: ...\Chui - The Second Arrival - 2013
1 -=- 01 - Chui's Waltz.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
2 -=- 02 - Venus Vs Mars.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
3 -=- 03 - Hypnodrome.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
4 -=- 04 - Can We Be Friends.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
5 -=- 05 - Umfufu.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
6 -=- 06 - Bedtime Story.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
7 -=- 07 - Kalelarga - Tribute To Kresimir Cosic.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
8 -=- 08 - Chui Is Here To Stay.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Summary 99,88% CDDA
Доп. информация: http://hr.cedeterija.com/chui-second-arrival-cd-115973/
Об исполнителе (группе)
Chui's musical project was created with the aim of opening the audience's eyesight, hypnotizing it, isolating it from everyday chase and bringing it into reality that surrounds us all the time, and we did not notice it. They are just listening to listening to them. The trio is made up of ... members of the band Mangroove, Bambi Molesters, Beat Busters, Less Than a Minute, DZ81, Sinestet, Groovy Cakes, ... In today's time when everything is available with mouse click, everything is running so fast that we forgot to listen. We think we are listening to everything but we do not really hear anything. We try to slip so many lives into one life span, but the result is most often that none of these lives really tastes, but we turn the page to the side, just to look at the title of the page. We hope that by listening to you Chui can at least for a moment stop your time and read at least one whole page of your life. Chui: Toni Starešinić - Keyboards & Effects, Djuro Dobranic - Drums & Percussion & Sounds, feat. Andrej Jakuš - Trumpet & Effects
Chui are an up-and-coming young quartet from Croatia who have developed their own rather unique take on jazz. Their potent blend of dance club rythms, jazz vocabulary, turbo-charged jazz/rock fusion and an uncompromising commitment to groove permeates their first album from start to finish and has them firmly entrenched as a mainstay on the Central European music scene. At the end of 2013 their second effort was released by Dancing Bear Records to widespread critical acclaim and even greater enthusiasm from their dedicated fanbase. Third album called “Third Sun From The Stone” was released by the end of 2015. and voted the best Croatian album of 2015. Their all-star line-up brings together four of the top cats on the Croatian scene: Toni Starešinić – keyboards & electonica, Vojkan Jocić – sax & electronica , Ivan Levačić – drums, Konrad Lovrenčić - bass
Об альбоме (сборнике)
Davor Hrvoj
The Second Arrival
Dancing Bear
Dvojac poznat kao Chui - orguljaš i klavijaturist Toni Starešinić i bubnjar i udaraljkaš Đuro Dobranić - snimio je svoj drugi album. Kao gosti u unekim izvedbama pridružili su im se kornetist Andrej Jakuš, koji je u doba snimanja prvog CD-a bio stani član sastava, te tenor, alt i sopran saksofonist Vojkan Jocić, trubač i krilničar Branko Sterpin, trombonist i svirač školjki Nenad Grahovac, vokalisti Željka Veverec i Matthew McGrath, DJ Venom koji je vrtio gramofone i klavijaturist Hrvoje Nikšić. Spomenuta glazbala tek su dio arsenala koji sastav Chui koristi u kreiranju svojeg jezika, odgovarajući na izazov popularnih europskih glazbenika kao što su Niels Petter Molvaer, Bugge Wesseltoft ili Erik Truffaz. Naime, svoj zvuk oblikuju korištenjem brojnih elektroničkih naprava, uključujući i samplove, koje im pružaju velike soničke mogućnosti. Starešinčić i Dobranić su autori većine skladbi, a na album su uvrstili i Kalelargu poznatog, prerano preminulog pjevača zabavne glazbe Tomislava Ivčića, koju su posvetili legendarnom košarkašu Krešimiru Čosiću. Slušajući svoj instinkt, prvi impuls kod preslušavanja pacjenta, postavio bih dijagnozu da je Chui podvojena ličnost. Suvremen je, urban, tehnološki freak, ali i retro tip koji poznaje, poštuje i ne zanemaruje tradiciju. Ujedno, nježan je, pažljiv i samozatajan, a istodobno agresivan, žestok i prodoran. Naime, zvuk je suvremen, blizak novim klupskim trendovima, ali i elektronskoj glazbi, a utjecaji su raznoliki, od soula preko rocka do smooth jazza... Primjerice, skladbom Chui's Waltz možda pobude zanimanje za gotovo zaboravljene progresivne rock bandove poput King Crimsona i Gongovaca koji su zasigurno izvršili utjecaj na njihovo stvaralaštvo. No to je tek jedna od mnoštva stilskih odrednica kojima obogaćuju svoju glazbu.
(Preuzeto iz časopisa Cantus, br. 185)
Davor Hrvoj
The Second Arrival
Dancing Bear
The duo known as Chui - organist and keyboardist Toni Starešinić and drummer and percussionist Đuro Dobranić - recorded his second album. As guests in their performances, they joined the cornetist Andrej Jakuš, who at the time of recording the first CD was a member of the ensemble, tenor, alt and soprano saxophonist Vojkan Jocić, trumpeter and wingman Branko Sterpin, thrombonist and balloon player Nenad Grahovac, vocalists Željka Veverec and Matthew McGrath, DJ Venom who played the gramophone and keyboardist Hrvoje Nikšić. These instruments are just part of the Arsenal that Chui uses to create their own language, responding to the challenge of popular European musicians such as Niels Petter Molvaer, Bugge Wesseltoft, or Erik Truffaz. Namely, your sound is shaped by the use of a number of electronic gadgets, including the samplings, which give them great sonic possibilities. Starešinčić and Dobranic are the authors of most of the pieces, and included Kalelarg, the well-known, pre-passed Tomislav Ivčić's entertaining musician, who was devoted to legendary basketball player Krešimir Čosić. Listening to his instinct, the first impulse at listening to the pacemaker, I would point out that Chui was a split personality. It is a contemporary, urban, techno freak, but also a retro guy who knows, respects, and does not neglect the tradition. Also, gentle, careful and self-sufficient, and at the same time aggressive, fierce and penetrating. Namely, the sound is contemporary, close to new club trends, but also electronic music, and influences are varied, from soul to rock and smooth jazz ... For example, the Chui's Waltz song might inspire interest in almost forgotten progressive rock bands like King Crimson and Gong who surely had an impact on their creativity. But that's just one of the many stylistic features enriching their music.
(Retrieved from Cantus, No. 185)
Toni Starešinić - organ, keyboards
Đuro Dobranić - drums, percussion
Andrej Jakuš - horn
Vojkan Jocić - saxophones
Branko Sterpin - trumpet, flugelhorn
Nenad Grahovac - trombone, shell
Hrvoje Nikšić - keyboards
Željka Veverec, Matthew McGrath - voices
DJ Venom