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(Free Improvisation) [CD] Steve Lacy - Five Facings - 1996 (2008), FLAC (tracks+.cue), lossless

Steve Lacy - Five Facings Жанр: Free Improvisation Носитель: CD Страна-производитель диска (релиза): Германия Год издания: 2008 Издатель (лейбл): Jazzwerkstatt Номер по каталогу: jw025 Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac) Тип рипа: tracks+.cue Битрейт аудио: lossless Продолжительность: 77:13 Источник (релизер): szakall Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: даТреклист: 01. The Crust (Lacy) - 6:17 02. Blues for Aida (Lacy) - 7:50 03. Off Minor (Monk) - 7:01 04. Ruby My Dear (Monk) - 9:53 05. Evidence (Monk) - 6:22 06. Art (Lacy) - 11:53 07. Twenty One (Lacy-Van Hove) - 20:22 08. The Wane (Lacy-Van Hove) - 7:35Состав: Steve Lacy - soprano saxophone Marilyn Crispell (#1,2), Misha Mengelberg (#3,4,5), Ulrich Gumpert (#6), Fred Van Hove (#7), Vladimir Miller (#8) - pianoRecorded live at the Workshop Freie Musik '96, Berlin on April 4-8, 1996.  Лог создания рипа Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 3 from 29. August 2011EAC extraction logfile from 14. May 2013, 0:54Steve Lacy / Five FacingsUsed drive : TSSTcorpCDDVDW SH-S222A Adapter: 1 ID: 0Read mode : SecureUtilize accurate stream : YesDefeat audio cache : YesMake use of C2 pointers : NoRead offset correction : 6Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : NoFill up missing offset samples with silence : YesDelete leading and trailing silent blocks : NoNull samples used in CRC calculations : YesUsed interface : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000Gap handling : Appended to previous trackUsed output format : User Defined EncoderSelected bitrate : 1024 kBit/sQuality : HighAdd ID3 tag : NoCommand line compressor : C:\Tool\CD\EAC10\FLAC\FLAC.EXEAdditional command line options : -8 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "PERFORMER=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "ALBUM ARTIST=%albumartist%" -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" -T "COMMENT=EAC V1.0 beta 3, Secure Mode, Test & Copy, AccurateRip, FLAC -8" %source% -o %dest%TOC of the extracted CD Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 6:17.33 | 0 | 28307 2 | 6:17.33 | 7:49.50 | 28308 | 63532 3 | 14:07.08 | 7:01.35 | 63533 | 95142 4 | 21:08.43 | 9:52.63 | 95143 | 139605 5 | 31:01.31 | 6:22.11 | 139606 | 168266 6 | 37:23.42 | 11:52.62 | 168267 | 221728 7 | 49:16.29 | 20:21.55 | 221729 | 313358 8 | 69:38.09 | 7:34.54 | 313359 | 347462Track 1 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\01 - The Crust.wav Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00 Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 5.0 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC B7A5FC65 Copy CRC B7A5FC65 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 2 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\02 - Blues For Aida.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 5.9 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 81E085F8 Copy CRC 81E085F8 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 3 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\03 - Off Minor.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 6.4 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 4914209A Copy CRC 4914209A Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 4 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\04 - Ruby My Dear.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 7.3 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC E51C3C74 Copy CRC E51C3C74 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 5 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\05 - Evidence.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 6.6 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 4B62CCB8 Copy CRC 4B62CCB8 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 6 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\06 - Art.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 8.5 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 37187B44 Copy CRC 37187B44 Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 7 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\07 - Twenty One.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 9.1 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 7A5AFF4B Copy CRC 7A5AFF4B Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKTrack 8 Filename C:\! BTM\UL\Steve Lacy - Five Facings (2008) [FLAC]\08 - The Wane.wav Peak level 98.0 % Extraction speed 9.5 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 10CC481E Copy CRC 10CC481E Track not present in AccurateRip database Copy OKNone of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip databaseNo errors occurredEnd of status report---- CUETools DB Plugin V2.1.3[CTDB TOCID: NPZUftit.DY8a68SKVpLpS08b64-] found, Submit result: already submitted[dff1679f] (2/2) Accurately ripped==== Log checksum 56DDD926506F553C67D71CAAE53BB62AD48C843B5C8C0A24902AD99BE9A65453 ====  Содержание индексной карты (.CUE) REM GENRE JazzREM DATE 1996REM DISCID 78121808REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v1.0b3"PERFORMER "Steve Lacy"TITLE "Five Facings"FILE "01 - The Crust.wav" WAVE TRACK 01 AUDIO TITLE "The Crust" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "02 - Blues for Aida.wav" WAVE TRACK 02 AUDIO TITLE "Blues for Aida" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "03 - Off Minor.wav" WAVE TRACK 03 AUDIO TITLE "Off Minor" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "04 - Ruby My Dear.wav" WAVE TRACK 04 AUDIO TITLE "Ruby My Dear" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "05 - Evidence.wav" WAVE TRACK 05 AUDIO TITLE "Evidence" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "06 - Art.wav" WAVE TRACK 06 AUDIO TITLE "Art" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "07 - Twenty One.wav" WAVE TRACK 07 AUDIO TITLE "Twenty One" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00FILE "08 - The Wane.wav" WAVE TRACK 08 AUDIO TITLE "The Wane" PERFORMER "Steve Lacy" INDEX 01 00:00:00  Отчет CUETools [CUETools log; Date: 26.01.2016 0:45:59; Version: 2.1.5][CTDB TOCID: NPZUftit.DY8a68SKVpLpS08b64-] found.Track | CTDB Status 1 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 2 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 3 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 4 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 5 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 6 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 7 | (2/2) Accurately ripped 8 | (2/2) Accurately ripped[AccurateRip ID: 00150480-0091499a-78121808] found.Track [ CRC | V2 ] Status 01 [fa81e748|661c8e77] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 02 [a23cbeb1|47e92a5a] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 03 [4c923f78|7a271c66] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 04 [259c6cd2|99f0d03f] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 05 [5075f839|7176bd8a] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 06 [f2ee1d3e|298ef48a] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 07 [8ea8ce11|5e90f09d] (0+2/2) Accurately ripped 08 [7f604a83|a356f113] (0+2/2) Accurately rippedTrack Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ] -- 98,0 [816CCEED] [0DBA7211] 01 98,0 [B7A5FC65] [2C0D3142] CRC32 02 98,0 [81E085F8] [A3158E0B] CRC32 03 98,0 [4914209A] [F5FE33E5] CRC32 04 98,0 [E51C3C74] [1C65B0DE] CRC32 05 98,0 [4B62CCB8] [EA906CB5] CRC32 06 98,0 [37187B44] [09A292F9] CRC32 07 98,0 [7A5AFF4B] [B2F98636] CRC32 08 98,0 [10CC481E] [839E3516] CRC32  AllMusic Review by Thom JurekThis set, recorded between April 4 and April 8, 1996, teamed soprano saxophone giant Steve Lacy with five different pianists. Half the cuts were composed by Lacy, three by Thelonious Monk, and one improvisation by Van Hove and Lacy -- the least interesting work included here, because it didn't work. The first five tracks would have made an album for any jazz fan, and the rest, while interesting, don't touch the first half, and perhaps that's because the first two pianists are Marilyn Crispell and Misha Mengelberg. Two pieces by Lacy, "The Crust" and "Blues For Aida," start things off with Crispell playing an inspired counterpoint to the artist during the melody, moving into a piano solo that combines a total shift of Lacy's compositional thought into an almost purely classical realm (Bruckner anyone?) before entering into a dialogue that brings the work back to the jazz tradition, and there is no seam. On the next, she provides a chordal framework for the artist to explore the complexities inherent in his own work. He rolls and tweaks pitches to find himself between those voicings before shedding them and taking Crispell with him for a long and knotty ride. The three Monk tunes with Mengelberg -- "Off Minor," "Ruby My Dear," "Evidence" -- are the heart of the recording. Both men being obsessed with the work of Monk to the point of no return nonetheless have different ways of reading him. Mengelberg with his extended reading of Monk's already extended chord structures, and Lacy with his inherent absorption of Monk's ideas about melodic range and possibility. It's a little uneasy at first, since the individual approaches are so different, but gels within two minutes of "Off Minor." What follows for the next 20 minutes is a ride through the mind of Monk as seen by two of its keen postmortem musicological psychologists! Every aspect of Monk's compositions is explored and re-examined with smaller, previously unnoticed fragments of harmonic invention and architecture brought to the fore as melodic frameworks. Neither man tries to exemplify his own skill as a player, it's all how playing what one perceives to be the truth in these works. The rest of the set is satisfying enough: there isn't anything boring or uninteresting in anything here, but given the amazing 35 minutes that preceded it, it just pales in comparison. Nonetheless, programming one's CD player in reverse would make for an even more satisfying listening experience. We are fortunate to have all of these recordings.