2024 Ben Goldberg - Plague Diary Selection, Vol. 4 {BAG Production} [24-44.1]
This album is available on our DC++ hub:
Этот альбом доступен на нашем DC++ хабе:
01. JULY 26 2020 - Dedication to Molly Barker 05:11
02. OCTOBER 6 2020 - Dedication to Michael Simon 07:36
03. APRIL 14 2020 Dedication to Willie Hill 13:55
04. JULY 24 2020 - Dedication to Mike McGinnis 05:48
05. SEPTEMBER 30 2020 - Dedication to Andrew Gilbert 04:10
06. AUGUST 24 2020 - Dedication to Angelica Sanchez 07:17
07. JUNE 17 2020 - Dedication to Reuben Goldberg 05:58
08. JUNE 18 2020 - Dedication to Al Evers & Bob Williard 03:29
09. SEPTEMBER 8 2020 - Dedication to Kate Dumbleton 04:39
10. AUGUST 27 2020 - Dedication to Charlie Parker 02:54
11. NOVEMBER 21 2020 - Dedication to Trevor Dunn 08:41
12. APRIL 2 2020 - Dedication to George Marsh 07:15
13. NOVEMBER 8 2020 - Dedication to Molly Barker 04:44
This album is available on our DC++ hub: dchub://hub.pro-jazz.com:7777